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A member registered Feb 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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Some fine-tuning on the combat and indication of health on both player and enemy would make it smooth! 
I find the idea very intriguing, haven't played anything with a similar idea before.  You can definitely expand this with more sounds and maybe a different weapon? You attack with a music instrument instead of an axe maybe. 

Good idea, I would iterate on this and try to make it into a complete game

I'd like to have some player choice in the game too! Maybe there could be some risky shortcuts that the player can choose from. Some could even be traps to get the instant regret feeling in the middle of the game. 

I like the concept though, well done. 

I was able to squeeze through the red wall by being pressed against one of the white walls, which then ofc gave me all the time in the world to complete the game.  The concept is good though! Fixing the power ups and the win state will give it a good feeling. Maybe make some of the balls into keys? So that some walls only unlocks if you have the key.

Nice and cozy little exploring game! Wouldn't hurt to have the option to directly move into the other terrains without having to go back to the house all the time. 

You could make it linear and force the player into some platforming to reach the portals if you just want to have a "quick fix" on some gameplay for the player. Not saying it's needed though. 

Had fun trying to survive for as long as possible. Maybe put in a timer to add waves with enemies after a certain time. Giving the player ammunition and forcing them to reload could be an interesting way to add some decision making into the game.  Which could also be small dots that you pick up for a power-up. 

Would love if  the player would have the option to mix different potions together! 

Yeah, a winning state and losing state would add a lot to the feeling of the game. Maybe you could put it on a timer to stress the player into finding the ladder. Maybe a "power" like - press E - to clear 4 tiles but that can only be used X amount of times.

Did not really understand how I died sometimes, but reading an earlier comment I now understand that it was that the enemies were shooting at me. I would rather have more enemies spawning than them shooting at me, making it more stressful but less punishing. 

Well done, a nice concept! 

Nice! Like the concept. Would love 1 "Power up" per level where you press a button to slightly reveal the place of the next platform. Maybe  you could have more score if you don't use it, but it's easier to progress if you use it. 

Got motion sick, confused, and intrigued. Thanks for really experimenting, well done. 

Maybe have the player run through a maze just to give the player a goal (maybe there is one but I couldn't find it as I could not keep on playing for long)

It feels very Samurai-like, would love if you change it up a little. Maybe just inverting the controls or having the sword always following the mouse instead of clicking to attack. 

Well done with the little time we had, I liked how I couldn't just move in and kill the enemy instantly. 

The enemies de-spawned when I entered the water, never had a chance in trying the critical effect from exiting the water.  Would love to choose if I want to travel in water or not, maybe speed up the player a little if I choose either water or land, depending on your goal. 

Interesting take on a samurai game! Would love to have a little loading bar, showing how much power i'm using for shooting. Maybe spawn more eyes at the same time, have some eyes being worth more points, forcing the player into choosing what to kill. 

Would have been nice with an option to change the mayo on everyone in the same table. But if you do this riskier option, everyone starts looking around or something similar. 

Maybe the player could be slowed down the more mayo it has, instead of being forced to go to the trash. 

Good concept, it keeps you coming back to try and survive longer. Maybe add something to track time, easier to compare how far you get each time. Would not hurt to ease the player a little, as in only start with the left side and slowly transition into using all the keys.