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A member registered Oct 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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Really cool!I love a good sandbox game and this is a great one. Building and controlling vehicles is just so much fun. I like how each level is unique and different each time, it adds some repeatability. The only thing that could use some improvement is to add some music to create some atmosphere.

(1 edit)

Very fun and unique, the only game that fits the theme through a programming angle. I found all the levels to be interesting and a balanced challenge. Maybe add some music and checkpoints?

10/10 nothing needs improvement this game is perfection.

Fits the theme perfectly, has very snappy sound effects, also very enjoyable to play. Only need to patch a few bugs to make it perfect.

Has a fun main mechanic really fits the theme. I wish there was more variety in the enemies.

I really enjoyed this game has a good risk reward system. Only needs a bit of balancing.

Fun game looks amazing, has really nice sound space was very nice and really fit the theme. Maybe some check points? To make it easier for the less skilled.

Fun game has a hard, but fair challenge. Only improvement let players restart from the level they died on

Very fun and enjoyable, I liked being able to build stuff and camp in the corner

Very fun! I enjoyed it a lot. Maybe make the tutorial skipable and add a volume controller.

Interesting game mechanics, I wish player character was a bit faster and I that there was more direction in finding the exit.

Thanks for your feedback MightyJor! I'm thinking of swapping the controls to wasd and mouse instead of making it keyboard only. That way it would be less confusing. Also, the Cowboy arcade game is where I got inspiration to make this game, so kudos for noticing 😉. I thought that the healing feature would tie the game into the theme, but I guess it's not very noticeable and need some reworking.

Your right I forgot to setup the restart button 😅. Thanks for noticing that. For some reason the web version lags after some time so I'll try to fix that.

I appreciate your feedback 😊! I'll definitely try to add some sound effects and scale the difficulty better.

Thank you for your feedback kokutouchichi! I did run out of time 😅 (poor time management on my part). I'll definitely release an update with sound effects and more balanced difficulty, after the judging period is finished.

Ooo that's an interesting idea I'll be sure to test it out