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A member registered Jun 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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gpu: gtx1070ti 8gb vram
cpu: i7-7820X
ram: 64GB
i'm too lazy to download the game again and get the exact fps but its something like 10fps, only instance where it works kinda well is when the graphics settings are at low and res at its lowest

it looks like it should work on linux but there's an orange background on it (yes it somehow ran kinda fine and even managed to create the meme windows the goose drags)

soo idk if this is an issue with linux, godot, or the game but the performance is absolutely horrendous tried both linux and windows version through wine.

there's mouse acceleration for some reason, no i dont have mouse acceleration on.

game freezes alot no matter the settings, even at low res everything on low

no it's not a hardware problem, i use a gtx1070ti which has never failed me in running any game before.

i make godot games as a hobby, sometimes even using rust and i haven't experienced this slow performance before, not even in unity which i have had horrible experiences with both the engine and the performance of games made in it.

so yeah not entirely sure why in the world its performing like this.

no sudo run, 10/10


the game had a last min bug which made bombs spawn infinitly after getting 70 points, tried to fix it but acidentally made it too easy doing so

you lose the game when you get hit by 3 bombs, but yeah i couldn't make the difficulty scale better, i shouldve made the bombs spawn more

gameplay feels a little slow and soud effects are a little weird, other than that its really creative and fun to play

a little buggy and feels unpolished but i really like the general idea, pretty fun

Should be fixed now!

its one of those bugs that i might pretend its a feature
anyways i'll try to fix it before the voting starts

500, pretty fun game

was really fun, i ended up being squished by the sheer number of enemies. probably because i kept taking sensor upgrades because getting levels was just addictive lol

fps struggled a bit and couldnt get the game to work on brave (web browser)

but then again, i am playing on linux so its expected to have performance issues


i defenitly could've polished it a bit more if i had started the jam earlier,i only had two days and making the game mechanics took a day and a half so i didnt have much time for level design, i also wanted to expand more on the mechanics but it got way too complicated to be able to finish before the deadline. when you combine the game adds up the scale and velocity then normalizes the position of all the pieces to determine where you'll spawn. originally it was going to be that each cube has an area around it and it will only combine with the bits near it but i realized that i didnt build the player code in a way where that would be possible (to handle multiple combinations of bits together into multiple player bodies) and recoding that would've taken too much time. i also didnt have enough time to playtest the game and sent it to some people who then told me about more game breaking bugs i managed to fix before the deadline

i am planning on remaking the player system and physics, adding now levels and introducing more mechanics after the jam ends.

thank you so much for the feedback, its a great help!

thanks for the feedback! i will fix that after the jam ends, might even add some more mechanics

yeah i spent alot of time on it, was supposed to be animated and more  functional for example rather than combining into one cube only neighboring bits get combined together but the code for that system was already 150 lines long and took up most of the time spent on the game. so i had to get it in a functional state and make the levels before the jam ended, if i had started from the start of the jam i might've been able to finish it but i started halfway through

nice concept, while not the most creative it is definitely the most enjoyment i've had in these gamejam games.

most games try to be really long even if its not very fun or well playtested

this game is nice and sweet not too short nor too long just enough to get you hooked into the game mechanic

i would've definitely preferred if the game had a web version especially that i had to set proton up so i can play on linux though i've never used unity and so i dont know how hard or easy it is to build a web version as in godot its usually just 2 clicks and your done

well, one thing's for sure, i am done for if this is what my competition is

great game

turn people into wade simulator

great concept and very fun