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A member registered Jun 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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I like the conecpt but ran into a lot of bugs. You can do the trash task early which breaks the whole game, sprinting was incredible inconsistant, you can walk while getting the phone call, the english was pretty bad, and cutscene that i had where the camera moves moved it to a spot where i couldnt see what was going on, the stove in the last scene has no collision

Amazingly unsettling game, although I did find 1 quick glitch.

You can open the door to the grinder from the other side of the conveyor belt which led me to be a little bit confused, but other than that, great game!

Loved it. Fun concept, controls simple in a good way and graphics fit theme perfectly. If I had to critique one thing, the AI is pretty predictable, but that may be a good thing too.

(1 edit)

Yes that was not intended to be possible XD. I coded it like this

if (souls <= 0)

else if (souls <= 4)

else if (souls <= 5)

so try again with 5, though I already told you what happens, its no different. 

Thanks for playing btw!

LOVED the game, honestly amazing and so much fun. Graphics and scenery were beautiful. My only complaint are the controls. I prefer WASD but arrows still works fine! 

Still very impressive to get an entire functional game done in 72 hours. Great job!

Thanks, it means a lot to me!

there are 3 total endings -

Find 0 souls you get the message "I don't know what happened. In my journey back down, I forgot my soul and with it, the recollection of my past life."

Find 1-4 souls you get the message "There was a war, I remember, It destroyed humanity, but how did all of this happen. My soul is incomplete, I need more of it to further recollect."

Find all 5 (not 6, idk how you found 6 that shouldn't be possible) and you get the message "My complete soul of my past life tells me that there was a war. Atom bombs destroyed the world, and all that were left standing were sent to Hell."

At the end of all, you get sent to hell with everyone else.

Thanks! My family told me the same thing when they playtested but I didn't have enough time to fix that.

The title screen was really offset for me, but other than that, simple concept executed really well!

10/10 this is the best game I have played so far. Simple, great graphics and fun gameplay, I just works really well!

Great music, grpahics and all around game but the controls, just a little stiff.

I don't really understand the point of the buttons, but other than that the game is very good!

This game seems very unfinished to me. The controls and graphics worked well, but somethings seemed to not work at all.

Very fun and well executed. The simple graphics work very well.  In my opinion, enemies take too many hits to kill.

I don't really understand the goal, but other than that graphics and controls are great. It fits the theme very well too.

Controls are a little slow but the graphics are very well done. It is also a little buggy, for instance accidental wall jumping.

Great sound all around and the game controls really well. It would have been nice for a menu screen/high score or tutorial.

Very fun and the grappling mechanic is done very well.

Thanks! There was one piece in every level, for ever piece you got, you would get a different ending. Sorry, that was not very clear

Shooting is really hard and the health bar is way too big, other than that very fun

All in all a really great game. Though it is kinda hard to figure out how to play, and I still don't fully understand

Sorry, but I could not figure out what to do.