Thanks for the feedback! No worries, we're already working on both the difficulty and controls.
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Hello! Thanks for the feedback! I just tested and you can switch lanes while mid-air, there's no restriction to that? Maybe it's a problem with the build, I'll look into it. And as far as I know, my friend made canvas responsive. Does the canvas not scale correctly on your screen? We'll look into this anyways, thanks for bringing it to our attention. It really helps!
Thank you for the feedback! We actually thought about that.. You're saying we should let the player "hit" a little more of the obstacle or something, right? To make it more forgiving. That's what I understand. As for it being "tough as nails", we agreed we should tweak the difficulty. It's a bit frustrating that you get used to your own game and aren't as objective, the more you test it haha.
Best game I encountered here SO far. It respects the theme, it has a good degree of level design, I learned every basic stuff in the first minute of the game. There's variety which is always good. The graphics are great, audio is OK ( the exception being the jump which is a little bit annoying ), and is pretty fun. Good job!
I rated yours now. I liked the idea but it feels kinda hard + way too many mechanics introduced from the start to wrap my head around. ( I read the instructions in the description ). With that being said, not really my cup of tea. Also I didn't understand how it fit the theme? The audio was pretty nice tho.
As promised, I played the game. So, although I couldn't call this kind of game my type, I gave it a go. Straight from the bat, I liked the idea behind rewinding/replaying the whole 2 minute game in order to figure out the best way to do stuff, the design behind it and the different endings show the author's effort. Graphics were ok, audio was really nice, gameplay was almost perfect, the only exceptions being the fact that it feels kind of "zoomed in" as in, you can't SEE much, and a minimap or something could be gold, but I definitely understand if you didn't have enough time in 7 days. Other than that, the guards felt kinda hard to pass mainly because they move fast, have 1000 vision and you can't see how many they are or where they are (but maybe that was the idea). With that being said I'm now a good samaritan. Great game! :)
Thank you for the review! I think I get what you're saying with changing 'CTRL' for 'S' and 'SPACE' for 'W'. Maybe we can come somewhere in the middle and do both :) (We already want to add lots of settings as we had no time left in the jam for that sadly). And we'll make the game start easier, or at least give different difficulties.
Thank you so much for the comment! I would definitely look into the camera, as I think I know what you're talking about, sometimes it feels like the camera is not necessarily looking straight ahead at spawn. (It's because you load when you press play and move it around before you actually see what happens). We will look into making instructions more visible and as of the game being a little to unforgiving, I could make it ramp slower, but the jumping lasting longer could hurt the game as the forward speed increases in time and you could hit a wall before you jump again.
- awesome graphics
- the narrator was funny, although, I'm now a bit insecure with myself
- (SPOILER ALERT) I liked the idea for a boss fight in the finale
- my pc crashed, the graphics heated my pc and I can play most of AAA without this happening, clearly wasn't expecting it as I confidently clicked high quality
- kinda buggy at times, the ones I noticed was: 1. Camera looking through wall; 2. In finale I clicked TAB to rewind and entered the room, I started walking around and ended up flying over that pallet there lol. When entering Guerilla there was a cinematic at start that showed some UI which I don't know if it was intended? Also, the fire in Guerilla was really computationally intensive.
- the finale feels a bit awkward in the second phase when she starts teleporting, she is kind of blocking you every way and you cannot really run anywhere.
I would advise for something smaller and fit more for a game jam next time, as I'm confident you would've made this game a lot better if you had more than 7 days.

I'm writing a review for your game now