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A member registered Jun 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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you have to pay me to play this game

(3 edits)

1. Missions

1(1) Race/Ring missions or all missions in general should have an arrow indicator on top of the car in world space.

1(2) Package missions should have a cardboard box UI probably SE of the screen on how much you have in the car. 

2. Drifting

2(1). I never utilized it at all. Theres no incentive on doing it since i could just go straight/turn forever just hitting zombies. Probably add some kind of a nitro boost that gets filled whenever you do drifting? Add some good incentives on why the player should drift.

2(2).  Isometric camera(?) or better camera responsiveness. This is what killed drifting for me mostly. Might be skill issue but being able to see 360 in where to drift would be cool. 

3. Shop

3(1) The credit/value system kinda sucks. Each upgrade tier should be like 50$ -> 100$ and so on.

3(2) UI. Remove the lady(?) Add a low poly 3D 360 rotating of the car part that would be upgraded when X car part is selected.

4. Fuel

4(1)Having to constantly go back in the gas station is annoying. I couldnt upgrade the fuel tank easily because of the value system instead of an increment value upgrade system.


5(1) going reverse is kinda shit. Theres some times that i need gas badly and i miss the icon and not being able to reverse fast is fucked.

6. Mission text should be faster + snappy. It feels slow. 

7. Rule of cool.

The exploding fuels should have lessen slowdown or even make the car faster. The game should be about massacre. Slowdown is the last that i want to experience. Keep the dopamine going. There should not  be any abrupt slowdowns. If you have to put curved streets/roads in the boundaries of the map instead of a flat sudden stop then do it. 

Also needs more destructable objects. Would be fucking cool if you can collide with objects and that gets launched to kill more zombies.

Being able to go inside a building then getting launched or moving to a new location.

Artstyle is good. Reminds me of twisted metal.

Overall its a nice game to play for 30 minutes to an hour. I enjoyed my experience.

Also werks in my 10 year old laptop machine. Win 8.1, SSD  You dont have to worry about system requirements.

- Rejecting doesnt return to title


- Clicking on start while the animation is playing - Double sequences.

Overlooked issue. Thanks for bringing it up. 

-Left edge


-Black square

Forgot to lock the game to 16:9, 1280x720, windowed as the games intended resolution.

-Apartment models

Japanese toilets and baths are separate most of the time unless the apartments are cramped.

-Cat seemed hungry. Cant interact with kitchen -Cant feed

Fixing it now. Most of the code i made got broken when i used a VN asset. Thank you for bringing it up (this was before 1-2 weeks of DD) 


She picks a random location everytime you interact with her or talk to her.

-Camera controls


-Time system - Turning grey - Actions

Might be a rework in the future. Ill look into how time should work in the game again.

-Cat feet -dragging around

Apparently when i scaled down the model i forgot to edit the scale of the collider. Fixed.

-Stats - Discipline/Affection. Some are unneccessary

Noted. Thank you.

-Apartment should have all indications for walls etc/ Visible seams.

Ill keep in touch with you in the thread. I have a couple ideas. For the visible seams it might be because of the mipmapping. Thanks for bringing it up.


Intended behavior. Theres an RNG if the conversation goes bad good or neutral on things.

-Gift shop and giving items

Every price and item is a test for the meantime. It will be balanced in the future.

-UI/Visual feedback


Ill constantly post in the thread on the visual stuff for feedback.


Should be blue now. Material didnt save on the build for some reason.

- Top left - Top right Visuals -Is this meant to be a mobile game?

I have plans to port it into mobile.

-Game in general

Its would be much better if i hide it into another panel. As for that i have dialogues i still haven't put in the demo. Thanks for bringing it up.

>visually alright and clean, Conveys information cleanly >feels soulless

>maybe a bit bias 

I appreciate blunt and honest criticism. Its fine. Thank you for your feedback.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback. 

-Black background  -Rectangle black square

In the first developments of the game our team talked about locking the ratio to 16:9 and 1280x720 as the resolution / windowed. I forgot to lock the whole game in that specific resolution only.

-The game softlocks you in refuse

Fixed thank you. Apparently when i set it to return to the menu screen it didnt save.

-Some lines are too long for the text box and get cut off.

Made a lot bigger now. Thank you.

-The actual buttons dont cover

I forgot to set the actual menu that will be used. Fixed.

-Camera control is awful it should be controlled with WASD or arrow keys.


-Notepad button

Fixed. Thank you.

-The catgirl clips through objects when you drag her -She floats above the bed.

When i add a raycast casting down on the floor/objects this should be fixed. Noted.

-is she supposed to go to a random location?

Yes. Every interaction.

-Catgirl got stuck sleeping. Popup appears everytime i click everywhere.

Probably related to the time system bug i said in the thread. Ill look into it.

-Grammatical errors

Thank you for bringing this up. My english is very terrible and i planned to make a github for the final release for localization but i appreciate you bringing up some corrections.

fixing it right now. Still dont know how this works