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A member registered Oct 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Awesome to hear. Can't wait!

I've given it a short playthrough and I have to say, the simple concept is both fun and entertaining. 

It's definitely going to keep me coming back for more, and buying it here once it hits a full release.


Have to say, this is a project I'm glad I bought. It's really well put together and I'm curious as to what you've got planned for other projects.

Having played around with that I've now unlocked the mode to play as the Shark. Is that it other than unlocking the rest of the Mermaids?

So, question. Once you get 10K points and unlock the Angel with the Halo, and then "complete" that and unlock the Trout, what happens after? is the Trout the hard mode or is there something else after that?

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Unless I'm mistaken, there is a hard limit on the amount of followers you can have at any given time right?

Could we have an option, if it's doable, to place additional allies on the planets we visit that are extracting resources for our use so they can defend/protect said resource extractors from damage?

Plus maybe a list of planets where the allies are placed and/or what planets we've put extractors down on.

The idea of eating with Lady Fay is a great concept, especially if you have any plan on multiple endings or better opportunities to leave.

That's it unfortunately. You can view the scenes you've unlocked from the main menu, or you can replay certain parts of the game by loading earlier saves.

I'm a little excited to see where this project goes. It's a refreshing change of pace from the abundant amount of RPG maker games with Vore in them.

Please keep going!

One-time payment is a good option too, I'd be happy to buy it.

The paths that you've picked will outright destroy any chance you have of this project staying afloat. People do not want a project like this to be paywalled after it being available for free for so long.

What would I recommend?

Simple. Version 7.0 is put up for Patrons, and when version 7.1 comes out, version 7.0 becomes available for free. Keeping this up until a full release, and then putting a price tag on it once it becomes complete, would see you earn back some of the cash you've sunk into the project, and still receive support and help when you need it.

The download option if you've bought it should be at the top of the page.

It's a simple request; could we get a tracker of planets that we've put extractors and such down on? This would cut down on having to decide which planets we're extracting resources from.

Could be something like a journal entry or a list of planets on the ship that records how many extractors are on the planet out of however many extract points are available.

I'd love to see some more updates if you have time for them. If not, at least I'm following you for whatever project you have next.

Thank you for replying!

I meant if enemies will have Vore moves like bosses and such.

Para Ark 2 community · Created a new topic Vore?

As the title implies, unless you've answered the question elsewhere and I've not seen it, will there be vore happening to the player or the player's party later on in the game? Or is it locked only to the player and the party she creates?

Glad to see that you've given this game some more polish and a bit more needed attention.

Though I have to ask, did you write the entire script while on something of a sugar high? Because that's how it reads to me.

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First of all, have to say that your game is surprisingly decent for being made in two weeks. Despite it being very rough, it's really good!

If you're looking for suggestions, I'm happy to send a few your way:

1. Make a windowed mode if possible.
2. Have a sprint option for the player character.
3. Add in some animations of your character being devoured instead of making the character just teleport into the Witches belly.
4. Possibly a minimap or some form of sensor that lets us see the nearest orb or orbs?
5. Have an options menu to change a bunch of different settings.
6. Maybe an option to change the Witches into a different threat?

That's everything I can think of. Hope it helps!

Hiya Ghost. Really do enjoy your game, so I'm curious to ask. What plans do you have for this going forward?

Let your hunger drop to under 16% and then press F to eat a student when close to one. You won't be able to run as fast nor can you crouch so be careful.

Thank you for replying! Happy to see the monthly updates when they arrive for what's in store for the full release.

So I know this has probably been asked, but do you have a release date set for the full version? Or is that a long way away?

Fantastic game by the way, eager to give new content whether it's bugfixes, new enemies or more places to explore a play and a test.

That's correct. The third bell signifies the end of the run as the predator pursuing you will chase and eat you irrespective of where you are.

When you get better, would you consider adding a custom mode down the road? I know the game is finished for now and you're fixing and tweaking things to make the project enjoyable for everyone.

Is there a way to change  the in-game resolution?

What's the spawn rate and time for the Bat Lady if anyone knows? Tried looking for her multiple times with no success.

Managed to finally get to the end. The crouch walking really did help a ton there.

Though I did witness something strange; she got close enough to grab me while I had the red apple in my hand, and I hid behind a student, but she still grabbed the apple from me. Intentional or not?

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For how simple the premise is, you've got something that's going to keep people coming back to play it.

Please keep it going, it's really good!

Edit: If you want any suggestions or ideas for UI things I'm happy to help as well.

More enemies will be added in later updates.

Thank you for responding! And that's fair and understandable.

Hiya forotherpurposes! Just want to say the game has picked up in both style and story as the chapters went on, and I'm excited and eager to see what you release next!

Though I do have a question. Will you implement specific after-fight scenes if possible? Such as losing to the Mushroom-infected Renee and Lilith, and ending up controlled by two others to explain an example.

When the screen goes black, your character can still move. Just keep going down.

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So this is how I would do it - 

First, have the character with a stamina bar. As the character moves around the bar depletes slowly, and recovers fairly quick when standing still. When the character takes a hit, the stamina bar drops by 25% instantly, forcing players to move to safety and recuperate for a second or two.

When the bar drops beneath a certain threshold, say 25% of 100%, certain enemies can do finishers if they get too close.

Also, what engine is this being made in?

I have a suggestion as to how that can be implemented if you're interested.

I've been following this project here and on Eka's and I noticed you have a character who can devour the main character. Is he or she implemented yet? And if so, what stage number do they spawn?

Nope, stayed invisible.

Possible overlooked bug, but when I transferred by 0.3.1 save to 0.4.1, Mushroom Princess didn't have a normal battle sprite. Her inflated and fattened sprites still appeared as did her normal picture render however.

I'm glad to have gotten through this as far as possible. The only question that comes into my mind however is, will there be any points where you become prey for a hungry predator, in-battle or out of battle?