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A member registered Jul 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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thanks for playing!!

Yes, that would be awesome! We didn't have time to do sound in the jam period but maybe post-results...

Thanks so much for playing and thank you for the high praise!

Hahahaha omg! That bug with the driver turning into the trees is not intentional. Must have been some error with the state resetting. Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing! Yes, the driver unresponsiveness is supposed to be a feature. Originally we planned to have some kind of feedback indicator when the driver misunderstands you. The driver will fail to turn if you tell them to turn too late, and it becomes more difficult as rage level increases.

The burger is a secret!  🤫 🤫

Thank you! The driver is supposed to take a bit of time to process commands, and this delay gets worse as the rage level increases. Additionally, the driver will not turn if the command is given too late.

Hello there, thank you for playing our game! We intended to have a UI speech bubble of the driver saying something like "you didn't tell me to turn early enough" or something like that. Unfortunately we couldn't do this due to time constraints. The driver will not turn if you tell them too late or too early.

Hi there! Thanks for playing! If you tell the driver to turn too late, he will fail to react in time, and will miss the turn.

Thank you!

Thanks for playing! The delay is intentional. There was a scrapped feature where the driver would have dialogue bubbles, and the original intention was to have the driver say "hmm..." or something before actually performing the command.

Nice and simple game. This concept has a lot of potential I think it could use some expansion, because right now there are periods of time where the player can sit and watch while the audience throws money at them. I loved the visuals too! The different fighter classes and items were pretty interesting as well.

Haha this game is so frustrating! The visuals are stunning!

It may help if you get a running start before jumping from the ledge! I hope you will eventually make it past that difficult jump!!

Great work on the low poly visuals. I enjoyed the effects quite a bit. I think there's good potential in the concept here! It's like a tower defense game, but more hands on. I think you could expand this idea by having some more strategic elements. I know you have different enemy types that are weaker to certain powers, but the enemies were very small on screen so it was difficult to tell which ones were what. You've got a great idea here, and with some development it would be really fun to play!

Very enjoyable game! The music and puzzles are very good. The atmosphere was awesome! I finished all the dungeons (assuming that there are only 4) but I didn't know what to do next. I died in the spring dungeon after unlocking the season but then I got kicked out of the dungeon when I re-spawned. I think the knockback feels a little unfair, I would keep getting bounced around by enemies. Fall dungeon was my favorite one, I loved the wind mechanic. My submission also used a wind mechanic, so maybe that's why I liked it so much! The months counter was a really interesting choice. What happens if you lose all the months? 

Overall great work!! I'm a huge Zelda fan and I think you definitely reached your goal of evoking the Zelda vibes in this game!

you can change it as much as you like once the rating period is over

Nice game! I loved the mechanics, it was very creative and very fun to perfect the timing on these puzzles. I think it would be nice to be able to mess around with the rotation before the ball starts moving. It was very nice how you constrained the controls to just taps, it made the game very easy to learn. Very well done.

Thank you! I actually pulled some of these assets from online, so some of them are not mine. The clouds and sky are not mine, the tiles are adapted and modified, and the character was made off of someone else's character base. All other art, music, code is my own. (Links to credited artists are in the description of the itch page)

(1 edit)

Hi there! I noticed this too. If you are using unity, you might want to look into anchors. They allow for repositioning based on game resolution, which may help your case here. Other engines usually have this feature, too.

EDIT: Just realized I misread your comment, I thought you said that you didn't know how to fix it. My bad, sorry!

Well done game! I love your take on the limitation. The levels at the end got very creative, too. I especially loved the one where I had to fall and move the platforms at the same time to land successfully! I do think the movement of the platforms is quite snappy, and maybe could be slowed down a little. The art and vibes are very nice. Great work!

Thank you!

Thank you for the feedback! I might update the game to have one or two extra tiles on the ends of some platforms, because this is a common thread among the feedback I've gotten. Do you remember any specific levels that you struggled with?

Thank you so much for your feedback! When you say "heavy" what exactly do you mean? are you saying the movement is slow, or the jump is too low?

Thank you!

If it helps, the momentum chaining works best when you enter the orb while your momentum is upwards. I hope you didn't struggle too hard and that it was still enjoyable to learn!

I am so sorry! I used the physical key mapping of Z so that it wouldn't be too difficult to reach the key. I will update the description.

Thank you! It means a lot!

I was unfortunately busy during the first half of the jam, so I whipped this up in only 24 hours.  That's why it seems a little bare. I wish I had more time to expand on it, though. Thank you for your feedback!

Thanks again!

Thank you!!

Thank you!

Lots of polish, and very well made! I especially liked the level where you used an enemy to demonstrate that the screen loops, that was some clever design there, even if it was a small detail!

Thank you!!! Your feedback was so heartwarming to hear! We love nintendo, and the fact that you were able to recapture some of that nostalgia from our game means so much to us!!

Thank you! I will check out your game right now!

Wow! The screen wrapping was a nice touch. I got 2 green laser guys on the last round and they were alternating so I was super powerful. So much fun!

I'm basically gonna say what everyone else is saying: concept is very, very good, but the tutorial is very difficult to understand. I was able to figure it out after a few tries. Outplaying the enemy AI is very fun. Great concept!

Sorry, I don't understand how to play. I made a path with the rocks, and when I press play, the civilian starts walking in place. How do make it work?

Thank you for the feedback!

Thanks! I wanted to expand on the idea further, but due to scheduling issues I only had 24 hours left when I started the game.

Yeah, sorry about that. I couldn't get the browser version to work in time. I am working to fix it, but I'm not allowed to edit any of the game files in any way until the end of voting period. The windows and mac versions work pretty well, however. Thanks for playing!