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Chronomon - Monster Taming Farm SIM - Demo AvailableView game page

Catch monsters and cultivate your land in this one of a kind, monster taming RPG and SIM
Submitted by Stone Golem Studios — 2 hours, 18 minutes before the deadline
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Chronomon - Monster Taming Farm SIM - Demo Available's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Art / Graphics#364.0004.000
Overall Fun#423.7503.750
Controls / UI#642.7502.750

Ranked from 4 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Genre #1




Dating | Farm | Colony | City Building

Rating #2

Family Friendly

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I'll edit this later, but... Wew that much details, such as moving announcement in the announcement post (?)... I just realised it after rewatching my own vod...


I played this game on my stream (VOD).

I was really looking forward to this game, since I'm a huge fan of Stardew Valley (and others in its genre) and I've played a bit of Pokemon (though not a huge fan of the genre).

However, I couldn't make it past the tutorial. I seem to have hit a bug or soft lock at the part where I need to get my monster to press the button so I could get out. You can check the VOD to see my attempts.. the door didn't open whether I stood on the button, or my monster did, and I couldn't get out :(

I would be open to trying this game again once the bug is fixed!


Hey sorry to see you hit a bug! Still in super early development. Can you give me a link to see what you encountered?


Sure, the VOD link above should link you to my playthrough. Here it is too: Timestamp 1-2 Hour bracket.

Pokemon+Stardew, two games to which I enjoy greatly and this game definitely hits the mark. However, in the hour I played there was a decent amount of bugs and features I would like to see improved/added.

 Firstly, adding the ability to return to the main menu rather than have to quit the game. 

There was a bug that the hotbar didn't exist and my mon had the favorite info box stuck there, only until I restarted the game were the brought back. 

Going into and outta houses bugs the volume, increasing it to be louder until I adjust the settings again. 

Random interactions alongside the world might cause error pop-ups and one battle I had was impossible to view, most likely due to being near the edge of the map.

For a post apocalypse-esc setting, it seems rather chill, street lamps and all, it doesn't feel like it's a hostile environment like the starting setting and dialogue seem to suggest. I do however like the air raid sirens when it turns night and the mons getting stronger, it does have a sense of curfew from danger.

Movement can use some work as it feels a little delayed/non responsive if you try to move in certain ways.

Overall has potential though, I like the Stardew referenced design and wish for a little more post-apocalypse aesthetic both in the environment and hopefully with player customization. Farming is nice with sleep being pretty strong all things considered, a more polished version of this game would definitely have my interest, especially if multiplayer is in mind.


Awesome thank you for trying it out!
This version is a bit dated and I apologize for the bugs. I have stomped those out since then. 

Also agreed the landscape should feel more apocalyptic! I'll be sure to make it feel that way on release. 

Jam Host

Hello! Welcome to Feedback Quest 7! My name's Hythrain and I'm one of the hosts and one of the streamers for this event! This feedback is being written live as I stream your game! If you're interested in seeing my live reaction, let me know and I can send you a link to the VOD once it's posted to YouTube!

So my normal approach for any game in these events is simple: I get the game, make sure it's not a virus, then play it with as little information on how to play as possible. This way, I can judge how intuitively someone can figure out the game. Only if it's obvious that I need to read more will I do so. I note this so you can get a sense where some of these feedback comes from. In addition, I want to note that feedback and rating are different; don't use this feedback to gauge what I'll rate, nor should you view my rating as entirely indicative of my feedback.

Pokemon meets Stardew Valley. That's what this is. While it's certainly an interesting concept, as a demo I felt there were too many bugs and issues for the concept to be fully experienced and judged properly. So I'm not gonna do that. Instead, I'll just give details on the current execution of each half individually.

As a farming sim, it starts off a lot like I remember Stardew Valley starting: with a rundown farm that you'll be spending time cleaning up while waiting on your first harvest to grow. However, instead of having energy for a day and needing to rest to do more activities with night time always being sleepy time, this has a 24 hour clock and you can sleep whenever you want. An interesting idea that I know is born to help the Pokemon side, so rather than judge it let's look at its pros and cons.

Pros: Gives you a 24 hour game cycle to play with, leading to new options on how to do gameplay.

Cons: Needs an absolutely perfect balance of energy drain from tasks to energy gained from sleep ratio.

I point this out because right now, I think the energy gained from sleep is too good. While it's currently pretty spot on for how much sleep you'd need on average, the amount of physical tasks you're able to do with that sleep isn't at the level that this game lets you actually do. Look at it like this: if I didn't do any farming activities in game, how long would my character's energy last? It has a small burn but it'd probably go for 24 or more hours in game, right?

I think a better balance would be that if you go to sleep BEFORE dropping below 20% energy, it takes a max of 8 hours to regain your energy. If you go drop below that 20%, it could take 10-12 hours of sleep depending on how low you go. This would make a lot more sense I think.

I also think that you should make it more accessible to get farming stuff done right from the start. If I, say, want to spend the first several hours of my game only working on my farm and focusing only on the farm side (since building the farm side would be easier when you have less mouths to feed), the game should encourage that by letting me access what I need to do it without embarking in battles. However, you seems like you can't get seeds or anything else until you go to the first town, which puts you through some battles.

Speaking of battles, let's do that now! For ease of use, I'm going to refer to certain things using Pokemon turns.

The intro battle is silly, to the point where I question why you would include it (since even your character knows it's a bad idea). That said, I actually almost beat it! RNG favoured me for several rounds and I got within one turn of winning. I have to wonder how the game would've responded if I HAD won.

As for normal battles, because of my long RNG fight in the first round, my monster ended up getting poisoned. Despite then spending several days on my farm, resting a lot during this, the poison never cleared off. In addition, when I proceeded forward to try and get more farm stuff as well as to try more of the battle gameplay, I ended up losing in the first "trainer" battle. Instead of outright resetting me to my home in order to revive my mon, because I can't do battles without a mon, I was able to just... continue moving on from there. I couldn't go past the trainer, with there being a message about how you can't fight without a mon, but I was now on my own to traverse back home. Through grass. And potential battles with wild mons.

Thankfully I encountered none. When I returned home and went to sleep to revive my mon, it wouldn't revive! Uh oh. What am I gonna do? Now thankfully I did think of a workaround that DID work, but that shouldn't be the case. If sleeping in bed doesn't restore your mons, you need something in your house that VERY clearly does.

I also hit a bug when trying to catch a new mon, where the fight wouldn't end.

Lastly, since this game is a fusion of monster collecting and farm sim games, I don't think parts of your UI work well. Some things are very small and hard to read. I can't do so now, but I can try to come up with examples of how to address this if you want.


Thank you for trying the Chronomon Demo! 
From what I understand, balance and accessibility are the main things to work on. Putting your feedback into notes here. 

Do you have any suggestions on how to get seeds without entering the first town? I have yet to come up with anything reasonable lol. 

I'll also work on energy and sleeping. I like the concept of forced sleep hours. Choosing each hour might be unnecessary.

You make a great point on the first battle - now I have to test that out. I think the first battle can act as a tutorial in hindsight so you get the chance to skip it. I'll code that in to allow the player to choose.

Yes please to pictures for the UI where you wanted larger text and would love a link to the stream

Jam Host

Here is a link to the VOD.

On getting seeds, that's easy: Delivery service. The player has a computer for their mons, so have it that they can use the computer for limited ordering (and maybe later on the player can unlock expanding it). When they walk outside, a small cutscene plays that shows someone driving off and a package left by the door. You could call it Azamon.

Jam Host (3 edits)

Hello, I am May, co-host streamer/gamedev of FBQ, welcome! 

I am about 40 mins into the game review wise and had to cut short due to childcare. 

Here's what I can feedback so far: 

I enjoy the simple graphics, the scifi edition of the typical farm sim and the smoothness of the tools on farming aspect, room for improvement would be the keybind, or the tutorial intro on keybind and how the mechanics work in some areas. I did play a large amount of stardew, also harvest moon, and pretty much try out a lot of farm sims, and I was wondering if the action activation can be added to the mouse and overall canvas of the game instead of just on the tool icon on lower right and space bar? That would smooth out the progress for me playing wise, current play feels a bit janky to me. 

But if that's difficult due to other concerns that would be understandable. Just that your audience are going to be likely be the stardew valley folks so I suggest making keybind match expectation would be to your advantage.  

Also I was at lost on how to eat the sandwich, I know I could eat it or give it away, but I could not find anywhere on how to eat the sandwich. lol You can see my playthru for reference. Look forward to this development. I also could not for the life of me figure out how to fish, and after 5 baits all sank I had no way to continue to fish, also fishing is locked at the deck, it does feel a bit limiting that not every body of water is open to fishing, if that can be figured out that would be nice. I haven't gotten to the monster taming part, I just want to figure out how to eat the sandwich. 

Your game starts at: 2:18:17 Chronomon


Hey May! Thank you for trying Chronomon. 
It's still SUPER early stage and sorry if you encountered any bugs along the way. 

I have canvas interactions on my to do list =) I have considered allowing you to fish everywhere as well and since you requested it, I will probably implement it. You can either eat the sandwich or feed it to your Chronomon by selecting the item in your inventory and pressing the "eat" or "CM" icon towards the bottom of the menu. 

Fishing has been pointed out as difficult. I'll adjust it. 

Thanks again for playing and leaving a review!

Jam Host (1 edit)

my pleasure, this game is in my preference alley, I want to see it snatch up the intended audience, can I request character customization feature? :D plz plz plz???? lol 


I had planned on making a bunch of skins that you could choose from but not customizing them individually. But I know this is a necessary feature in farming games so looking into it now =)


Spent all day yesterday thinking about it, how to implement customizing the player. Ran a discord poll.

Putting customizing in =) Working on it now. Great suggestions, keeping me on my toes haha. 

If there is anything else that a farm/sim game requires that you can think of, slap me in the face with it haha. 

Jam Host (3 edits)

Oh yeah the crafty farm sims player love customization glad you got it in. 

My personal wishlist is being able to customize a lover npc but I dont know if thats a shared interest. My own up coming farm sim + town builder has that planned for it. 

You got the monster collection thing cut out for you, best stay to that. Monster taming is a huge feature. I know Moonstone island got that too and maybe you can bundle with them if you ever get on steam. targetting mobile is a great idea though. I personally like monster tamming just dont really want to do monster fighting when it gets to farm sim, I want to just farm them like pets. Hope fighting is optional in yours. 

I will be keeping an eye on your updates, after playing so many farm sims I now have a preference for pixel style farm sim way more than 3d.  😄 

Also if you can do the stardew ASMR magic with sound effects and music activated by player clicks *which you kinda got already* you will catch us in it for a long time with progression depth. 

Best wishes!