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A member registered Sep 27, 2019

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Was this a given quest or was one of your girls kidnapped?

I just found another oversight/bug.
I got a quest to do an Aphrodisiac Cloud quest.
To counteract the forced heat I brought LVH8 because her(its?) Steel body quirk is supposed to grant immunity to heat.
It didn't work! She took heat damage that she is supposed to be immune to.

The other adventurers had gas masks and those worked!
(One of them wanted to take 300 lust damage and got a cursed gas mask, worked perfectly.)

But this got me curious, wtf happens if you finish a rescue dungeon without picking up the captive? 

Hide them and prevent them from counting as complete, but they can still progress.
And once you take it off the "completed" goals will complete when she enter combat.

Sounds like a bug to me.

If a girl is afflicted (maxed out lust with some effects and hearts of a weird colour)
Then the move wait will be replaced with the move masturbate. (unless she has the quirk masturbation ban)

You can't, just unequip the Ring of Idealism.

Read the quest again. She needs to be a Veteran maid.
(complete 9 personal goals)

I just noticed the Straitjacket hood don't affect the Cow's Tackle, but it affects other classes' Tackle.

Hi, I got some bugs.
When choosing equipment, if you sort by durability, 150d outfits don't show up at all.
You can cheese level restricted missions: I got a Novice Veteran mission, so I selected the mission, in the preparations I went to Roster and replaced my party with veterans, and embarked just fine.

Don't worry about it. And remember, the game's developer is the worst bug tester.

For crests, you can give her a mantra in the hospital after upgrading it, just pick a more suitable crest.

Yeah, "rescue"...sure.

There are a bunch of boss dungeons, and the game is still under development.

The "goal" will probably be to beat the final boss.

There is also an achievement for catching the same girl 10 times...

Because the developer want to be mean of course.
But seriously it is a good mechanic, keeps you on your toes.

Have a Maid in the party, have her use a combination of massage and maid's focus.

I haven't played in a while so I don't know for sure if it still works.

I can say that the lack of activity here is sad, considering how good this game is.

no, just 400

Katrielle's SS/S event don't seem to appear. I have completed Eclair's, Xernia's and Reese's events.

Is that a bug or have I misunderstood the info description?

That's a weapon, they can't be unequipped, only replaced.

It turns the girl into a doll of a type matching her class. It's the same dolls that you can find in the mystery doll boxes, makes you wonder where those dolls come from. 

That was literally mentioned in one of the recent blogposts, it's a feature of one of the cleric's weapons.

I'd like to correct you on one thing: The cow with excess lactation can easily keep up with the paladin's healing, while also having access to heal burst to neutralize DoTs.

You don't count the broodspider as impregnation?


You either change class or use the church.

Embark button at the bottom, duh!

By getting another crest higher. A mantra from the mental ward would let you choose.

Every cursed equipment has a description of what is needed to uncurse it, or you can pay a lot in the church to remove it.

There is no pregnancy equipment, the closest would be the enema.

There is already a way to find and rescue kidnapped allies.

(2 edits)

It is one of the desires in the 4th tab of the adventurer's stats.

The desires controls what affliction she will get when lust reaches 100.

I find that you want to keep them low in general.

here is a relevant devlog post:

So if I gather 4 of them they will become infinite? or will they keep cluttering up the loot drops?

Why does it say "Cannot be uncursed"?

Does that mean it can't ever be unequipped, or can't be collected as infinite?

What do you mean by binded? bound?

Get a cursed item equipped?

Get a girl kidnapped?

You are not supposed to constantly lose.

You need to uncurse it first, the tooltip should tell you the requirements.

Simplest way to increase boobs is to wear some cow gear, especially the ears.

More issues:

  • You renamed som parasites in the quests and in battle, but not in the "equipped" tooltip or the nursery.
  • I think you forgot quirk names completely when renaming/censoring orgasm and masturbate.

The retreat button may work.

(5 edits)

Good game, I feel like I need to say that so the following nitpicks don't come of as negative:

Regarding censorship:

  • When mouseing over an "equipped" parasite it says Growth on Orgasm, not finish.
  • The Masturbation lover quirk has no name change.
  • I think (not sure) that a girl was nude while inside a huge slime, or when the slime died.
  • Girls are naked while grabbed by the mechhound.
  • It's possible to get a personal goal to start without underwear.
  • Girls lose their underwear when they get kidnapped, and once rescued she can't equip underwear at all.

Other bugs:

  • When viewing skill trees, the tooltip for the first node for paladins and rouges is so high that the top cant be seen.
  • When exploring a dungeon, have a pet in first place and face up or down with a wall to the right. try to walk into the wall, the pet's head will disappear.
  • Not all classes have their default weapon as infinite.  I had a mimic give a cocktail umbrella to a noble and her rapier disappeared completely.