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A member registered Jan 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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I saved the SMALL WORLD!!! Love this game well done!

Love this game! 

I fell too :(

Made me a bit dizzy at first. But got 20 trees I think. Really fun and such a cute robot!

Love this as an arcade game really old timy and fun. Made me think of space invaders in a way

This game almost made me cry! Love the story and the message <3

Love this idea! gravity system is awesome! 

Love this game! my highscore is 175. Also missed an indicator where the rocks would come but had fun so who cares

Loved the art! at first thought it was just a showcase but saw a counter go up and found out I AM AN WIND GOD!!!! it worked a little for me with the microfoon I think but don't know wich one XD (I have 2 mics)

Love the simple mini game <3 had fun cleaning it up and rotating the earth around

Had so much fun! walked around a a pinquin and picked them up. didn't notice the game had already ended but kept playing 10/10 would play again

Played the game and first tryed to make a good art piece but after a while just had fun trying to make stuff <3 loved the cam btw

(1 edit)

Awesome game loved the idea! had some trouble with hitting some of the little persons because of my small VR space :( but loved it overall <3
And loved the art style sooooo much