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A member registered Aug 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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Can you add a harder difficulty? A pretty simple way to do that would be to add Game Speed/ Time Scale slider to settings. 

I've been playing this for days now. It's the closest game in spirit to Hotline Miami I've ever seen. Simple clear fast-paced mechanics + one mistake on either side means death + immediate restart on failure = a great fucking game. Thank you, I missed that thrill

Cool game, but the killing-to-progress felt restrictive. I wonder if you could've placed more enemies that you have to rush through because you don't have time to deal with them? Also the game would be more visually cohesive if the textures for 3d objects were low-res and not HD placeholders))

Enjoyed playing your game, but the UI is all over the place when I take it Fullscreen, which I don't think is intentional))

Cool aesthetics and use of limitation, but there are some problems with level design. I just rushed straight to the exit in the first 3-5 levels with no concern for the enemies or bullets. Then there was this zig-zag level from the first screenshot that just wasn't doable in time, no matter what I did. I also didn't really get the point of dodging because your speed barely changes and you're still vulnerable to attacks.

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I enjoed playing your game, but I would probably put the first powerup on the ground level to make it dead-obvious that you have to die to progress. And maybe make the powerups wiggle up and down because I didn't even notice them the first few runs. Also the worms later in the game that are on narrower platforms are somewhat frustrating because I guess the assumption is that in any other platformer you can time your jump, but here you don't control your horizontal speed, which is not bad, it just doesn't work very well with this bit of level design.

Edit: despite the above, that's the best game I've played so far.

I liked the art and animations, but that's a very violent pizza delievery guy.

Got lost, but I liked it. Why the guitar?

I was confused for a few minutes at the start because it wasn't clear where to go. Maybe you could've placed one red light at the exit, but not at the other dead-end corners, since they draw attention. Otherwise, enjoyed your game))

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Thank you for the feedback. 

When I initially coded the vacuum I didn't know where to put it without adding unnecessary comlication to the game, so I left it only as this 'secret' mechanic. Concerning movement, I didn't want the player to have tight control over the pack, but your suggestion makes me want to experiment more. 

Currently I am working on the game feel you wrote about (gif). Though, I never even considered particle effects, since the screenspace is already teeming particles.

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Very well executed for a game jam. Simple expressive idea that fits the theme paired with great sound design. I really enjoyed it.  But you should definitely consider adding the reset button. Manually dragging all the tiles back is not much fun. Another thing is that I spent more time on the 6th level than on all the others combined. And also the counter on the number of tiles of a certain type I have should make the game less frustrating. Even considering all of the above, I haven't rated any other game higher than yours.

Well that's because I was also inspired by this 3b1b video.  And I think his model does way better job at expalining epidemics than my game. I just took the mechanic and tried to make it fun.

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Several times I tried to write scripts for short films. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. And I've never finished one because it is just so hard. 

I like your Jack London style setting, but the writing lacks structure. You're missing an entire first act, giving all the exposition in retrospective. Try and do some research on story circles and three-act structure. Hope this helps.

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Wow, Thank you. I never ever imagined one positive comment will feel so good. Thank you. 

I have high school math/physics background. This video was a huge inspiration for the project and it also explains most of the math in my game if you're interested. Also I reached 100% only once and that was by pure luck.

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