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A member registered Jan 25, 2024

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Thanks for the feedback, and thanks for playing! We'll take note of it for when we further develop the game in the future :>

Thank you for the kind words :> We're happy you enjoyed!

The concept of this game is so cute!! The art looks so cute as well; I appreciate the color theory that goes on in here ^^ Seeing the numbers go up really do be a hit of dopamine :DD Great job!

Thanks for playing! Happy you liked the artstyle ^^  We'll make more ant portraits and animations in the future! We're glad you enjoyed :>

Thanks for playing! We're glad you enjoyed ^^

Thanks for the feedback! We'll take note of it for next time ! :>

This game is so so cute!! Great job on the assets! The music is so pleasant as well. Playing this was so relaxing ^^

Thanks for playing, we're glad you enjoyed! And that's true, more dead bug enemies = more food for the colony, just like in real life :DD

Thanks for playing! We did notice that volume bit ^^; We'll take note of that next time, thank you for the feedback!

Thank you so much :> We'll add more ant portraits and animation in the future!

Thank you so much for the compliments and feedback! We'll definitely add more animation in the future :>

(1 edit)

The controls were a bit difficult to get used to, but it’s actually very fitting for the concept! Very thoughtful! The art and music are nice as well :> Good game! 

What an interesting take on the theme! Playing this makes me feel nostalgic. Great music as well, and with the art? It’s a vibe for sure :DD I found this very therapeutic. Looking forward to the expansion of this. Good game!

What a clever way of incorporating the theme :> Work life balance is indeed difficult to achieve, and this game portrays that very well. I just wish that there would be more game play; like what if more responsibilities arise? A better visualization of one’s time/energy management skills would be a nice addition once the player proceeds to the next level. Now that would make it more interesting :DD Good game!

The artstyle is so cute ^^ I appreciate the feedbacks I get in the game. I love how expandable this is as well; more brush sets/sizes, more camera angles, map/environment, sculptures to build, and maybe a color mixing palette would make this game really really good once you continue to develop this! Great job :DD

What an interesting way of fitting the theme!  The art looks nice and the gameplay is simple and straightforward :> The rolling man is so much fun! good job! :DD

I like how you incorporated the theme into the game, it's very unique! :DD It's so satisfying to going through the obstacle course. I enjoyed playing. Good job!

I love the pixel art, they look so cute! I got a little bit addicted to stacking the sushi tho xD It scritches a part of my brain, it's so satisfying to get it right. Simple, straightforward, enjoyable. Great job!!

I love the theme interpretation :"> The artstyle fits really well. It's like a children's storybook! I enjoyed playing, it makes me feel comfy and nostalgic with all the stuff in the background art. The controls shown are also straightforward which I appreciate. Great game!

What a clever way of incorporating the theme! The game was a little overwhelming, but when I got to playing it, I appreciate how much thought went into this :> I love the portraits and the story you made!
One thing I would like to suggest is to minimize your color choice, art style, and font style to help the player focus on certain areas/objects better, and to make the text a little more readable.  Overall, I enjoyed it :DD Great job!!

I really like this game! The art looks wonderful and the music fits well. I just wish there was a sprite to make the boundary visible on the corners/edges of the map hehe. I had a lot of fun playing! Great job :DD

Thanks for the feedback! We'll definitely improve on these next time ^^

Thanks for the feedback, and thanks for playing! :> We'll improve the UI in the future for sure!

Thanks for the feedback, and thanks for playing! You did so well in growing your colony!!! >:0
(Apart from the mouse, you can also use the spacebar to click faster hehe :> we'll make sure to add that in the instructions next time ToT )

I love the art. What a clever way of fitting the theme :> The amount of dolphins became overwhelming so just a little balancing maybe, but overall I had fun playing it! You could easily expand this by making more tower designs or even give John some friends who can help him out ^^ Good game!

This game is so silly I love it! The art looks cute. I enjoy seeing them being bunched up together XD Good game!

I love the blueberry character! What a fun guy. To me, this is basically the lovechild of csgo x getting over it. I loved hearing the gunshots, it makes it so epic! I felt really cool playing as the blueberry, dodging the enemies with my grappling hook :DD Great game!

I love this game !!1! It was so fun putting the furniture back to its place. I love the fact that there's a sound feedback when I resize them properly, really adds to the satisfaction :DD It scritches a part of my brain when I rescaled them into the toiny toiniest size. Lastly, I really like the feature where we can scale parts of an object individually xD Makes the furniture extra cute!
Great game !

A really clever way of incorporating the theme :DD I love the art. I think it just needs a little more feedback to see what I'm doing in the game. I also didn't notice the arrows at first, so I think you could still improve on the color choice so make it more noticeable :> Good game!