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A member registered May 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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The clocks are all procedurally generated! I was referring just to the little green clock that is the player.

I love the eel shimmy. interesting idea, very nice art style

whole city gotta rely on 1 bald white guy to supply the entire power grid. what a nightmare. 

he is cute tho. look at him waddle around. 

neato. good job for an hr and a half. i have never heard of pizza with chocolate stuffed crust you lead a lavish lifestyle

what a funky little guy. soundtrack is a bop

I love this. Graphics are nifty, music fits the vibe very well

oh awesome, youre one step ahead of me

I love this little guy, he is adorable. cute vibe overall, feels kinda nostalgic somehow

there seems to be a little bug where I don't get charged until a few seconds after getting hit by lightning sometimes

i like the music too it fits the aesthetic. i think this could make a cool mobile game

I didnt even consider that, that would be fun

i couldnt think of a way to relate it to electricity. in my defence the theme is optional and it's the limitation you have to follow. But yeah I like that lets say the clocks are electric lmao. Or maybe they are angry at you for switching to digital clocks. 

Thank u :)

thanks a lot :)

You guys really made a full release worthy game in a month

I wasn't able to progress past exploring the map. I went through your source code and found that Home is bound to ESC and Inventory is bound to E, neither of these keys did anything for me. Maybe you had to unlock them by completing some task? If that is the case I could not find it for the life of me. This is probably a me problem though given everyone else here could play. Oh well. I loved the art style and music, incredibly charming game, dialogue was cute and very nostalgic. nice job :)

Really good game, the low poly art style was super cute. There were some bugs I think, like I gave an item to a customer while they were leaving and got the money but still got a complaint. I also crafted a shield on the anvil and it only consumed one of the ingots. Also a tutorial or at the least actually pausing when in the pause menu would be nice. But these are just small polishing problems that are expected with a jam game. The gameplay loop itself is super fun and addicting. Physically moving items around between storage areas and crafting benches was really charming, too. nice job :)

fun game! The art style was unique and cute, upgrade system was nice. Would have been nice to have some SFX, maybe something that tells you when your dash or reload is recharged. nice job :)

Characters (and the story) are very cute. I figured out that holding control makes you shoot? not sure if that was intentional. The enemies bodies being interactable after death was a nice touch too, and the lighting was pretty. Nice game :)

The art style was very cute, and went well with the music. The little dialogue added a lot of character too, fun game :)

Flappy bee, i like it. Simple idea but makes a satisfying gameplay loop and super well polished and executed, nice arcadey feel, good job :)

Others have already said but absolutely loved the art style, super inspiring. loved the atmosphere

Absolutely loved the visuals, very pretty and stylized, definitely the coolest ive seen so far. Maybe this was my bad but with the open world aspect I think i got lost and completed things out of order. Music fit really well and I liked how it blended between areas. Id definitely play other games with this artstyle, nice job :)

Ideal game jam game. Simple, small idea executed well. Achieved exactly what it set out to do, well done :)

Really liked the art style, very cute. Was a little confused as to how the gameplay worked at first, maybe a tutorial would have been good? The concept was interesting and well executed :)


Thank you :) I can't tell you how long that took

Too true, amen sister!

One of the best games I've ever laid my eyes on. I'm crying as I'm writing this, I don't think there'll be another moment in my life that will top the euphoria that 'Last Stand' gave me. My life is only downhill from here and the knowledge that nothing will ever fill the gaping hole in my chest again is making it hard to keep going. This game single-handedly ruined my life and I hate you for that, Michael Michael Studios.

aw thank you for the kind words and the feedback :)

super well made polished game. UI and HUD/controls were super clean and a cool and original idea :)

(1 edit)

good game! the puzzle design was fun, echoing other sentiments here that the movement and collision was a bit iffy at times. super impressive for your first jam game :)

Really love this game. the writing, music, and art style complemented each other amazingly and I loved the atmosphere :) really interesting and cool application of the theme too. felt like a full game

charming aesthetic and art style :) procedural gen and scrolling kept the game challenging and fresh. I think sometimes the procedural generation makes unbeatable or very difficult levels? but I understand that's difficult to program for. overall very fun game :)

I'm glad you liked it :) wish I could have made more levels but unfortunately was short on time haha

Thank you!

the art style was cohesive and the execution was splendid, boppin game 

Really cute game! nice art and fun puzzles :)

this was a fun game :) there were some problems with the UI/screen resolution for me, I couldn't see the health bar (the top/left part of the screen seemed to be cut off) but otherwise a cute little roguelike, nice job!

I really liked the atmosphere and art style for this one, felt really put together and immersive :) (the transition when warping is gorgeous) impressed at the amount of work that must have gone into this!

addicting game! cute art style and simple/intuitive to play and well executed :) would totally play this as a full game if you ironed out the game jam kinks 
