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A member registered Oct 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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I love the environment design, although it can be a bit dark in places. The animations seemed to break the character model slightly by stretching their torso out. The character A.I was impressive with their ability to pathfind to the player, however I did get one of them stuck in the temple unable to move. The combat felt decent, an increase in swing speed of the sword would make the game flow better I think.

I like the hand drawn art of the characters, and all the animations look great. I couldn't get the first player to work, I only had control of player 2. The fighting felt like it would have worked well, however I couldn't actually fight.

I like the fast frantic movement style, it works well with this style of gameplay. I did find however the characters could often get stuck to each other, and then not being able to damage each other with their attacks. An expansion of the level might be good as the fast movement makes it easy to fall off the sides of the stages.

I loved it! The attacks felt forceful and the levelling mechanic is fun and feels very well implemented. Some more enemy types would have been a good addition, maybe some with additional moves - like one that can copy your dash ability. Also the options menu button doesn't function at the moment. Overall though the game plays well, and feels good!

I like the concept, however upgrading the rooms doesn't actually decrement the money. Also you never lose any dirt if you have 1 cleaner per each room, so the game is a bit easy.

I like the 2 player take on this game jam, the controls are fun, however player 2 cannot roll back due to an invisible wall behind their spawn, player 1 can roll back at their spawn giving them an advantage. Other than that, it worked well and it was fun!

This was really good! Only issues are the ones that have already been said with the jump and fly game.

Only the project file is included, no executable :(. Game looks good from the screenshot!

I like the gameplay, the ship follows the mouse well and I like the animations, however there isn't a way to lose - contact with enemy ships doesn't result in anything. Also, there are only around 10 enemy ships that spawn, having them be infinite would add more replayability. 

Works very well, maybe you could have you lose a point if a pig reaches the other side?

I like it, its cute! I think maybe to expand the gameplay you could need to try find out where each dog wants to be petted to gain a point

I like the art style and the gameplay works very well, however I had an issue that the hole on the first course wouldn't register, so I couldn't advance. However the gameplay was solid an it looked good!

(1 edit)

There was supposed to be 2 hearts in the top right corner, telling you how many lives you have. Once you hit 3 obstacles you're supposed to lose but I messed up the scene switch, the code is there but it's not pointing to a scene.