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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you :)

Hi ! Thank you for your help, I am still in the writing process and the project is a little on hold for now. But thank you !

Hi ! Thank you for the encouragements !

Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it ! Yeah, I will remember that for the next one ! :D

Thank you for your feedback ! 

I used this jam mostly to try API connexion and data usability at first which is why the rest can seems a little "off" but I do understand your point of view ! :)

Thank you ! I always love those kind of games who have a fun/strange spirit on it :)

I really liked this one ! Seems simple at first but damn I had to retry so many times ! :D 

A few points did upset me : 

- I had a big problem knowing you had to click on the button to select the kind of "challenge" you wanted to do at first  
- There is no "reward" when you finish a run with your boat and every time I did, my character seemed to be very slow when I got back to the, so I had to abandon every time :/
- There is no musics or sounds, you can always check for CC0 musics and Fx when you need some, it always add a nice touch !
But overall, it has a very nice feel, the graphics where very cool I liked it ! :) A little more of debbuging and polishing and it would be very cool ! :D

The aesthetics and game sounds are so well done ! I just couldn't understand the map at first but after a few tries I understood it quite easily. The spirits staying with us and wanting revenge upon us is a very fun and good idea, even if I could not finish it D: 
Good job on this one, it was really fun to play !

The art and style was very nice and nicely polished ! 
I had a little trouble with finding the objective at first and I was not able to see that we could jump on platforms to get pass some places but after a few tries I made it :) 

At first I tought we had to posses the maximum of bodies, so just a few more explanations in the game or a tutorial and it would be very nice !

Thank you for telling me ! There is some data missing on this Sunday so the game is not able to retreive the data correctly... I did a little workaround, it should function properly now !

Thank you ! :)

Thank you for your feedback !  
I tried your OP method on Windows and WebGL and couldn't make it work so I think the game was just kind with you ! :D The props become immediatly green once they land in the right area, no matter which way they are. 

Oh okay, thank you for the user experience return ! That's true, I would assume users would click and not hold. I will be careful with those words in the future ! :) 

I am happy you find the collisions nice and that you won !! It was a simple work but that made me comprehend a lot of physics things while testing it :)

Really nice ! It works pretty well. 

I had the same problem as Shweep, i didn't really distinguished the small trees as food at first x) 
I was kinda sad that the ennemies don't do anything apart from going directly to my guards, maybe permit the ennemies to kill the worker would add a little more difficulty.

It is a really nice working prototype of an RTS that works, so good job on this one !! :)

The prototype aspect is well respected and done.  
I like the gameplay it is very well thought of. The only problem I had was the left-click spam to shoot. As a player it is not pleasent to smash a mouse button even more with a mouse where precision to shoot is also needed :) 

I found myself being like Shweep, preferring to take damage to collect shards than fully avoid projectiles. I did my first run with the really first gun until the end and on the other runs when I changed weapons I died quite immediatly mostly because I couldn't avoid projectiles or because of the number of ennemies the weapon was more innefective than my previous updated one. 

For me, some work have to be made on the "rythm" of the game which might be too fast paced or not well balanced but the idea is pretty good and can make a good game if done correctly ! So good job on this one :)

Super cool prototype ! 
I liked the fact that we have to take some damage or to teleport first to be able to slash ennemies ! The only thing that lost me was the fact that I couldn't see the teleport limits ( the red limitation of the fight-area) but that's all :)

I did well and ended with the victory screen until i finaly decide to the abyss of the out of bounds ! :)

Put in a game it would be very nice and cool and an awesome genre ! Nice job here !

Le thème de la jam est respecté, point positif par rapport a d'autres space-shooters du genre : Les astéroïdes viennent des côtés ce qui rajoute de la difficulté & de l'imprévisibilité :)

La DA est cohérente, tout est fait sous Paint ! :) ça manquerait juste de plus de particules et d'explosions ! (Oui, j'aime la destruction)

Cependant j'ai eue le même bug que MarionLAsticot, peut-importe la vague où l'on est, il arrive que le jeu ne génère plus rien. 

J'ai réussi difficilement à faire un score de 4650 mais j'en suis fière et j'ai bien aimé ce petit jeu, bon travail !! :D

Way to go ! Keep it up & good luck in this adventure ! :)

Thank you !

Oh I didn't knew that ! That's an amazing way of choosing your caracters indeed !

Thank you for playing and for your feedback ! I don't know Ogre Battle, but by the screenshot I saw of it, I'm still looking for the resemblance x) !

Nice puzzle game ! Good job :)

A really nice puzzle game, with good audio and nice graphics !

Very original concept, I liked it ! With a more refined design, you could have a good potential with this game :) Good job !

Nice game, you totally understood what a simp life is ! I was just sad I couldn't finish my beer this whole time :(

That creepy mood is well done with the good creepy audio on it x) I played on easy because I am easily scared, but nice work ! I'm happy i found the final exit x)

I had a lot of fun ! Really nice game with no bugs encountered, well done !

One of my favorites from the Jam ! :) Clear instructions, no timer only explosions è_é. It was a really fun game, good job for your hard work !

I know To The Moon, it was an incredible game for sure ! (I shred so many tears...). Thank you again for your feedback !

Finaly I can play it :) 
I liked mostly everything in the game, music, graphism and gameplay but there are some little dark points : 
- The parcour gameplay was a little too buggy to be really enjoyable, I can't continue the game as I can't slide correctly into a certain wall :( (After the big gap in the second level ) 
- The head bobing made me sick, which is really really rare that I go motion sick from a FPS, an option to deactivate it would be welcome ! 
- The character seems to hold its gun with both hands, which is not practical in term of anatomical placement ( the gun is way too much on the right to be held with both hands ).

Overall, I really liked hte ambiance, sounds effects etc which reminded me of Portal.  But I am wondering what is the connection to the theme, but maybe I don't know as I didn't finished it D: 

But still, you did a really good job here :)

It is an awesome gameplay technique I like it ! :) I couldn't finish it I was stuck at the bat, everytime I fall down x)
I just found a little glitch with the bunny : I got stuck in the map as I jumped to get out :)
But I loved the art and the music, good job !

Thank you for you feedback ! It's okay I understand !:) 
I'm sorry for the confusion at first of "the game is not uploaded yet" but it was, I just had a little problem with webGL !  

For the long talking part, I will try to make things less longer or at least an "accelerate" button for the dialogues ! :)

At least you understood and liked the concept, thank you again ! 

P.S : I love your voice ! It's sooo calming :D First time I see someone playing my game, it stresses me a lot but I enjoyed it, and you too it seems !

The source code is the "master" tagged .zip folder :) I'm sorry for not have built a Linux one, but as I cannot test it, I prefer to not make a build of it.

Thank you for your feedback !

Thank you for your help ! I know how to upload a webGl, thank you but the problem was that I didn't changed back the type of project after that, now it's done ! thank you again and sorry, the WebGL is too buggy to be playable !

Thank you for playing and for your feedback !I know for the play in browser bug, I can't take it off :( I tried multiple solutions but I think I might have created a glitch there, sorry for the inconvenience !

(1 edit)

Thank you ! I'll definitly keep in mind the long conversation problem, thanks !

That was sooo funny ! I really liked the concept, I had a lot of fun here, loved the music and Munchies sounds ! Very good job :3

Really nice puzzle game ! I had no problem on the puzzle itself, just I was unable to see the pipes on the wall so I search for soo long to climb to get to the switch x) And when I carried a little box with me, I couldn't see what was in front of me anymore. Apart from this, really nice game, i like the ambiance, reminded me of Portal and that music is fitting really well ! Good job :)

Thank you for your feedback ! Thank you for pointing out the slow pace of the game, as it is something a lot of people brought to me, I'll look to change it ! I am sorry for the grammatical and spelling errors, as English is not my native tongue, I know thre is a ton of errors ! I'll look up to get help on the writing ( for a better narration ) and on the translation ! I didn't planned to do it all with my poor english don't worry :D  Thank you again for playing !

Thank you for your feedback ! The scene was long because I wanted to introduce a lot of the global story, finaly maybe it was too much ^^. I thought of adding an "accelerating dialogue " button or even a skip button but the game would loose it's purpose :) But yeah, that chapter was a test and it seems for a lot of people that the introduction was too long ! Thank you for telling me :) 
Thank you again !