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A member registered Apr 16, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey Rafi

Yeah it did thanks


Don't Bite Me Bro! community · Created a new topic Update

Hi there.

I would like to know if there is an auto update feature?


Hey there Rafi.

I think in the next update the boss should be more difficult, I feel as a boss he's to weak.


That is correct.

Hey simon5404

I already suggested it a while back and this was there response to it.

Thanks alot for all this feedback and support, alot of this stuff has been tried and didnt work or is already on the schedule. some of your suggestions will definitely be considered.

now I did post quite a lot of suggestions and I think that the base moving would fall under "tried and didn't work", there hasn't been any confirmation on this how ever I do think that this isn't on there top to do list(if there is one) as there are many bugs that need to be fixed before potentially creating new ones.

I hope this helps in some way.


Post in the bug thread please.

(1 edit)

This is my list I have made and was answered by Rafi

1. running zombies are able to clip through walls in the cave while you have to take out the zombies in a specific room and cannot leave until they are all dead.

2.Zombies are able to clip through your base walls.

This will be fixed soon

3.When the text come on screen they tend to drag the camera away from the character. ex: when doing the quest for the farmer and your base comes under attack and you run to defend it, the farmer carries on taking and the camera cannot focus on you and gets dragged away.

I'll take a look at whats causing this

4.when your base gets destroyed you lose your inventory in hand(no sure if its a bug or a feature).

This is a feature so that players are more aware of keeping the base protected

5.When in cave and you are loading out of the cave you take damage.

This will also be fixed very very soon

This is the bugs I have found so far Ive been playing for about an hour and a half and I love it so far, good job.

Updates to come on more bugs I find.


1.Able to build during an attack(what ever you where build before an attack you can continue to play that object until you let go of SHIFT).

I feel like part of the fun of the herd is that you dont know which direction they will come from and if you held the object untill you saw where they came from. I feel like this can be exploited. but if more people agree i'll add it back in

2.Zombies are able to walk through the campfire.

Without this they would get trapped on the campfire, I was thinking of making them catch fire but not sure if it will make it too difficult

3.The camera angles go really weird whenever a wave starts and your near you camp. It tends to zoom out and try to become more of a top-down 2D angle and doesn't always come right in that wave, once the wave is complete the angles return to normal.

Its almost like a battle mode, the view is needed for large herds or when they come from the north they get lost behind fences especially if you have very leveled up fences. the top down makes it clearer to see the attack

Thanks for the feedback,



Just happy to help


In this sticky people can post all the bugs they have found in the game so that the same bugs don't get re-posted.

(2 edits)

New bugs

1. Zombies are able to attack towers through walls with the tower is close enough to the wall.

2. trees on farm explode into about 300 pieces. zombies are able to run on top of the base

No problem.

Cant wait for the next update.

No problem man, and good job with the game.

its not difficult at all, head directly south of your base to the cars, break all the doors,trunk and hood off to earn metal scrap, each scrap gives 10 resource. easiest way to build up.

Could it maybe be the fact the the control switching characters caused it to crash(player 2 became player 1 and player 1 became player 2(with the same stats as the original character))

(1 edit)

Ok so from what I can see, when he took over your character you lost health and when both of you where connectedt it made a copy of the character and crashed.

And for the PC guys its SPACE

I would like to get access to the dev build of the game so that I can do more bug testing.

(3 edits)

Things that should be tweaked in my opinion/added.

I might be thinking to out of the box on this kind of game with regards to some features, I don't expect anything to be added I just feel the need to give ideas whether you have thought about it or not.

1. Time for each wave.

The time it takes for each wave should be increased quite a bit, until you find your first survivor and the time can slow decrease with each new survivor you find.

Update on 1. Time for each wave.

Im not sure if this is accurate or not but I seem to have spent less time getting to wave 6 than I did with wave 5(difference here is wave 5 I had 3 survivors as to wave 6 I have none.)

2. Hints

Adding small Hint boxes here and there to teach new player more about the game. ex: letting them know if trees grow and if they do how much wood each one produces.

3. Base upgrading

Base upgrading should be more difficult upgrading to Iron,By making it difficult to get to Iron makes it more challenging.Also upgrading to different stages of your base should involve new resources such as mining for metal.(this should only be be done with a pick axe) the stones on the map should be mine-able and you should be able to use that to help fortify your base in some way.(this could be used to make a stronger wall without going to metal after wood.

I am still figuring this whole game out and I will continue to Update the posts Ive made when I can think on new features. I do not expect the above to change and like I said it's my opinion.

4. Base location.

you should be able to setup multiple bases throughout the map. you should also be able to move your base or campfire to your location of choice.I do understand that this can lead to many bugs.

5. Cave

We should be allowed to back out of a cave once we have entered it, instead of going to fight the boss straight away.

6. Loot in towns

I would like to see ammo fall out trash cans now and then to help you out a little.

7. Different weapons

It would be nice to see rewards that drop from different bosses may have a chance to drop a better weapon.(adding in the weapons should be hard as you can use the same code for the pistol on different guns, all that would change is the rate of fire, magazine cap and the range. with adding this, survivors should gain a bonus attribute such as accuracy will improve with a sniper but movement speed will decrease because of weight.

8. Survivors

Survivors that wouldn't normally have access to guns shouldn't come with one, but instead you should be able to stock pile guns to give to survivors,

(4 edits)

1. running zombies are able to clip through walls in the cave while you have to take out the zombies in a specific room and cannot leave until they are all dead.

2.Zombies are able to clip through your base walls.

3.I cannot pause the game/cannot exit the game without Alt+tab out.

4.When the text come on screen they tend to drag the camera away from the character. ex: when doing the quest for the farmer and your base comes under attack and you run to defend it, the farmer carries on taking and the camera cannot focus on you and gets dragged away.

5.when your base gets destroyed you lose your inventory in hand(no sure if its a bug or a feature).

6.When in cave and you are loading out of the cave you take damage.

This is the bugs I have found so far Ive been playing for about an hour and a half and I love it so far, good job.

Updates to come on more bugs I find.


1.Able to build during an attack(what ever you where build before an attack you can continue to play that object until you let go of SHIFT).

2.Zombies are able to walk through the campfire.

3.The camera angles go really weird whenever a wave starts and your near you camp. It tends to zoom out and try to become more of a top-down 2D angle and doesn't always come right in that wave, once the wave is complete the angles return to normal.

Hey there Freedom Fries, It isn't a bug, you are supposed to fight the boss to get out, the boss can be found 2 rooms before the bedroll where you see bubbles coming up from the floor, enter that room you should see a big boss. Kill this boss to get out the cave.