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A member registered Jul 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! Yeah my biggest issue was content / scaling.

Thanks for playing! The scaling exists it’s just way too slow. What bugs were you encountering with placing towers?

Do you remember at what time? If I continue working on it I’ll likely end up rewriting how the crowds work.

I hear you, thanks for playing,

My concern is this. Only valid strategy I got was just going forward. The moment I look other directions zombies were appearing in front of me.

Is your thinking here it’d be better if they only spawned behind? Or something different that helps you choose different styles of movement?

Well I really appreciate you still putting in the effort to make it work! Thank you so much for your time!

I didn’t realize Unity’s volume scaling was (like most) logarithmic, so it’s a lil touchy. Thanks for playing, appreciate ya!

Heres mine, I’ll check out yours too!


Heres mine, checking out others on this thread!


Awesome! Gunplay felt pretty good, weapon variety was solid. My main thing is the FOV, it’s way too zoomed in for my taste. Not sure if that had to do with my monitor (ultrawide).

Hey thanks for playing! No DOTs was used, but I was careful with optimizations. Low cost path finding / pooling goes a long way. I thought about using DOTs, but would’ve had to ramp up on it first.

Check Jagi’s soundcloud too: https://soundcloud.com/bagibeats/idolatry

Great animation, and I’m a sucker for some breakcore, I used it too.

I made an FPS and want to see others! Heres mine: https://arctaeon.itch.io/idol2

We can use this space to discuss feedback / advice / how to improve our FPS games.

Follow my twitter here: https://twitter.com/otter_bee

Pretty cool! Things I liked: Enemies were fun and created emergent gameplay when they’d shoot those breakable walls, I also like the secrets hidden behind those walls. Disliked: The gun feels stiff, hitting escape closed the game when I was trying to look at controls.

We both made FPS which is pretty cool!

neat idea, took me a second to understand what I was doing. the main thing I think that’d help there is having the bugs disappear upon catching, I didn’t realize they were following me at first.

I’m not seeing you on Discord, I’m guessing cause of the username changes.

Sweet, this'll give me time to finish.

Can someone post a new invite link to the discord? The one in the jam description is expired.

thank you so much! I ended up only having a day but I'm happy with what I was able to squeeze in. Most of those bugs are from the rushed webgl build (cursor, shader issues). thanks for taking the time to play it :)

Hey thanks this is all awesome feedback, I completely agree about the journal stuff! Thanks again :)

yeah it looks like a weird bug in the html build, nevertheless thanks for coming back and trying :)

oops, description was incorrect, thanks for letting me know

fixed it by uploading a web build :)

you should be able to unzip it, but I'll tryo to upload a direct windows version / webgl version

cute, just wish there was audio, nice job on submitting to both gamejams!

i like the music and the art, it would be cool if there was a distance high score.

Neat little game, I think there should be sfx when you eclipse the moon.

We had really similar ideas! Thats funny. Smooth, simple, and cozy. If I had to recommend anything I'd say the movement, I feel like this perspective moves best when forward and backward is relative to the camera direction.

interesting that the mac build worked, thank you for playing -- just watching you play was really valuable for knowing what worked and didn't. really appreciate it.

Game is https://arctaeon.itch.io/witch-of-the-woods

Apparently the build I uploaded exported funky for windows, I just built again and it's working with no changes. Am I allowed to resubmit?

Thats a bummer, thanks for trying anyways :)

hahah yes, huge inspiration for this game. im glad it reminded you of it!

Art, audio, and design are all great. Pretty fun!

Thank you! It sounds like my custom importer might've messed up when I switched compilation to WebGL. I'll have to push out a patch addressing that. The second weapon isn't self explanatory, but you hold right click to aim and then left click to shoot, it goes much further and goes through all objects.

Really appreciate all the feedback, I'll write this down and push out a patch after judging is done.

Noted, I could add W as a jump key, I think that makes sense. I was playing it with left hand on wasd, thumb on space, and then right hand aiming. I was hoping to fit in key rebinding, but ran out of time :( Thanks for the feedback and playing!

Agreed, I wanted to nerf the shooters before I posted, but didn't have time. Which direction was the shaft from the start? Right or left?

You can also set compression format to gzip, and enable decompression fallback.

itch.io is having problems -- I'll upload screenshots when the website has recovered. :)