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A member registered Mar 19, 2024

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main mod got a Halloween update, and it looks like this resource pack got updated for the Halloween changes.

From what I've seen scouring through the demo, there's no big "pick your class" thing at the moment... right now it's "buy the class book from the shopkeeper".


The gravity gun, which you get from a POI that appears after you get a certain signal.  I cleaned my room of the smaller items in it (my plushie collection, my microwave, my coffee machine, etc.), then grabbed the fridge with the gravity gun and walked all the way out onto the porch in order to get a strong enough pull.

I had an event in this version that got bugged and never ended, although the cause was far more obvious (an entity got stuck in a door and was unable to path and thus unable to do its thing and then despawn).  I did find a workaround of sorts, though... what I did was get myself a lantern and make my way to the cave.  Entering the deeper caves forces the game to save as you move maps, and then you can walk right back out, which should hopefully wipe away whatever entity/event was bugged out and not happening.

The signal in question is a random find.  The signal's object is rather unique... the important bit is to not immediately save the signal once it reaches 100%!  Instead, you need to go and collect the collectible, and then you can go back to base and save the signal.

If you go out the front door, there's a little corner to the right, next to the window, that doesn't have any collision, and you can fall through it to get under the base... it's a bug, but it is useful some of the time in case something's managed to fall under the base.  Depending on where your kerfur fell, you might hopefully be able to reach them from there, and then you can toss them out the same spot you came in!

I don't know about the broom, I haven't used it... in the end, I had to use a certain device from a certain event in order to exert a pull on the fridge strong enough to get the physics to dislodge it from the shelf it had gotten embedded in.  (This also required me to move a lot of the stuff out of the room because a fridge suddenly slamming into the opposite wall at oh-good-lord speeds tends to knock things around.)

That works for posters, yes, but I was asking more about the painting frames!  I've already got pics in the game, I just want to know what ratio the non-square picture frames are so I know how to crop or letterbox some of the pics.

Bumping this up because I'm curious about the same thing, at least for paintings... placing up pics and some of them don't quite fit in square frames, but also don't fully fit and get squashed by vertical and horizontal frames, so I would like to know how I should letterbox/crop some of them.

A mushroom spawned under my fridge... this caused my fridge to get bumped upward and somehow get lodged into the shelf above, while causing all my food to fall underneath.  I was able to get the food out from under the fridge... however, the mushroom is out of my reach, and the fridge being lodged into the shelf above has made it impossible to move in any fashion.  This has rendered the fridge unusable and a physics-noise-clanging nuisance...

Issue: I was carrying a box full of drives into the garage to deliver it for my daily task... thing is, when I entered the garage, I apparently walked into an event involving my ATV and a toolbox.  Wouldn't have been a problem, except then that the event entity grabbed the box out of my hands in the instant before it despawned, which seems to have deleted the box as well.  Four level 3 signals and the hashcode report, gone just like that... rather upsetting.

Nightmare happened during a thunderstorm, and a lightning flash happened in the nightmare, which reset the lighting to darkness after the flash... it was the burger nightmare, and I couldn't see 5 feet in front of me even with a flashlight on.  Never had any luck with that dream before, and the inability to see where I was going made it rather difficult.  :P