Brings back memories when games were simple but too much fun. Mechanics are solid, controls are solid, intuitive mechanics from get go and great visuals (consistent and vibrant)
I had so much fun and so many nostalgia in such games.
Great art style. I will suggest anyone to try the desktop build out for full experience.
The game was really fun. Although a bit away from the theme “Connection” (to me). But the mechanics were really fun. I love the marker around the player too, I wish that was used for showing the objective instead. Such quality of life updates were missing a bit. But overall, good game.
The game was made with right passion and heart. Enjoyed the mechanic but I felt it a bit short on art direction (it’s still serviceable and actually sells the point of the game) and the floaty jumps/collisions were bit hard to get around to the point that my character fell through the floors 1-2 times.
However, you did great on writing. Mechanic was solid too. It also met the theme pretty nicely. Level design was also bit generic but was never boring.
Overall, I had my fun with it and it’s intriguing throughout but just the few glitches (not bugs) made it bit hard to play for longer time.
I rarely comment but this caught my eyes and it is also one of my favorite games this time jam.
Great atmosphere, visuals and story. Gameplay wise it’s not up there with everything else but it’s really not bad either. The animations do need to be more “polished” but nonetheless, it’s serviceable (and animations can be quite hard to get right too) The UI needs some more polishing (like better padding) for making it look nicer with everything else but that’s alright and it’s a nitpick.
Amazing experience throughout!
I enjoy stealth games of any kind. I really enjoyed some of the powerups/pickups and it kept me going through out. Great intro scene, great color choices and good design.
However, the only feedback I have to give you: the map is too large. There needs to be something to make it easier after you die like checkpoint rooms or something (maybe I missed it?). But enjoyed my time with this regardless, it was challenging and met the theme.