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A member registered Aug 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is easily the best jam game I've seen so far (of this jam and any other I've been apart of). It looks great, is fun to play and explore, and feels good, even for something put together in a week. I'm not really one for Souls games myself, but if you turned this into a full-featured product, I'd buy it and play it.

One interesting thing that I did notice - and I don't know if this is either a positive or negative, really - is that this game made my computer work, and given that it's a fairly new machine with some decent hardware, I found that surprising. I'm not sure if that's a graphical optimization issue or some other intensive processing issue, but I thought I'd point it out all the same.

Thanks for making this! I'll be sure to share it with my jam collaborators and my friends as well. It deserves to be seen.

Congrats on the first jam project!

As a fan of the low poly environmental art style myself, I loved looking at the environment of your game as I went through it. I think you did a good job of keeping to the theme with what appeared to be either a looping path or progressive generation of new paths as you went.

I did notice that I wasn't able to collect some of the coins on the far right side. I think they might've been just a little too far out of the player's reach. Also, if you ever opt to revisit this project, I think it would be cool to see a trip or stumble animation of some kind when the player collides with obstacles they can possibly fall over. 

Good work! I hope you participate in more jams in the future! :D

This was a blast! It's simple, sweet, and to the point. You mention it's "not the best interpretation of the theme," but honestly, sometimes a simple interpretation is best, and I think this fits that bill.

The audio design really pulled me in, and the screen shake gives the game a really great feeling of impact when you collide with the enemies. I'd love to see what this game could grow into given more time and the opportunity to expand on it.

Great work!

Thanks! Much appreciated