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Assassin Squid

A member registered Sep 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Just remember that even though the waffles look delicious, they are pixels on a screen, and as such, they taste like a screen.

thanks and yeah it needed those a lot haha

(1 edit)

This one's mine. It's a top down shooter + factory building game

Oh ok I'll try to get that working then


Here's mine. It's my 2nd game and my 2nd jam:

that makes sense. Guess I'll have to play through again.

I'm really impressed with how great of a game you made this week. Nice job. I Beat it on any% but I could never find the food that's not cheese to feed to the bird.

I'm glad to hear that

how do i run this game? the rar file says it needs other files to run.

I enjoyed playing this and i love the visuals but (this may just be happening to me) when i full screened it had the left and right sides cut off. this made it pretty difficult to know where the end of the level was. I did end up playing the whole way through though. The implementation of the theme was very fun. 

how do i run the game? when i double click on the file to run it i get an error saying that there isn't an app connected to the file.

I think I figured out why the UI was so small on your computer. I didn't set the UI to stretch to screen size they just have a set pixel size. my monitor is not the highest of resolution so the UI is pretty big on my screen.

This game is amazing. it feels well balanced for the combat and the variety of enemies was good. i enjoyed the maze-like temple and your use of the theme was great. this is one of those game jam games that i might just play even after the jam ends if i need something to do. My only advice would be to add something to the ui. The health indicators looked nice but the text boxes and the objective box at the top just felt a little flat. if you created some pixel sprites to use as backdrops for the text that might work. all in all i loved the game and I'm very impressed with what you got done in the short amount of time.

Thanks for the feedback.  We actually were thinking about adding to this game and most of the things you mentioned adding were part of the original idea. I was going to add the manual but ran out of time. I actually added a powerups menu but it was extremely buggy and needed to be reworked. My friend who made the art for the factory modules already made several more weapon types and different types of drills etc. but i didn't have time to implement those either. If we do continue working on it i hope to use A* pathfinding to allow for more interesting map design. right now the drones just fly straight toward the player. 

I never considered adding armor upgrades but that's a great idea. same with having an end point. adding several different levels to be unlocked would be fun. i would probably allow the player to survive as long as they want and skip the end goal if they would like to.

If the game does get updates there will be devlogs on my youtube channel, code waffle.

Sorry about how long that message was. Thanks for playing the game, and I'll be sure to check out yours.

thanks! i'm glad you liked it

well made game, especially for the week you had to make it.

(1 edit)

this is the second game i've finished (by finished i  mean i ran out of time to add more features). The first one i made was for the vimlark game jam.

Thanks. I tried to add the pause menu right before the deadline but I ran into a weird bug and didn't have time to fix it. And the jump button... I actually have no idea why that happened it's my first game lol.

great artwork in this one. The game was a bit easy but the game mechanics were so fun to work with that I enjoyed it a lot. Also love the little character cards for the chicks. It makes the game feel like you accomplished something by helping little chickens with personalities.

I see what you mean when you say our games are similar, except that your game is very well done and mine (being my first game) was thrown together without much polish lol. I really enjoyed your game. I wasn't able to finish yet but I plan on completing it at some point.

The game works now. thanks for letting me know about the issues

Yeah sorry I need to add that file. It should be fixed in about an hour and a half

i think I figured out which file I need to add. I'll fix it soon but right now I'm out of town.

They gave me a late submission link!  Next time I'm submitting a day early lol.

I thought the deadline was noon so I missed it by less than a minute. I'd love to hear your thoughts on my game though. It's my first complete game.

also I agree the game was very immersive

a very fun game. I was a bit confused on what to do at first though.

Nice game. very enjoyable