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A member registered Jul 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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Very simple and straight to the point. Perspective makes it a little hard to drop consistently, but good concept! 

Great game! First one I've finished so far! The snake level was a little hard, but that's my only criticism. Also, I loved the final boss!

love the art! And the game concept has good potential, but I wish the enemies telegraphed attacks a little better, it felt like surviving was luck and not skill. 

I really love the concept, and think its a super fun  game loop! You nailed getting to the point and right into the fun. Has good endless runner type vibes. Sadly I agree with many of the other players, the controls are very hard to get a hold of. 

Great art and HUGE potential. It took me a bit to get the hang of it, but there is definitely a strategy to be found. I can feel myself getting sucked into it. Good job!

Art was amazing! I enjoy the game loop too and played a few rounds. I feel like the enemies could have used a little knockback so I could try to blast them back strategically instead of just running in circles. Overall though, good game.

Great game! I found myself playing much longer than necessary, really had good endless runner vibes. I think there might have been a camera zoom in bug, or maybe that was a feature I didn't understand.

I mean, its the greatest.