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A member registered Feb 27, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I may end up using that robot again.

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it.  I had to throw in one tricky one.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks so much for playing and for the feedback.  I agree about the controls, I think better tutorialization could have helped as well.  Definitely a focus for future projects.

The whole vibe reminded me of Earth Worm Jim and the wacky stuff from the 90s, I love it.  The gameplay was really fun, and challenging but not impossible (unlike most games from the 90s).  I genuinely enjoyed this.

Really cool game.  I agree with the others, some kind of indicator is important.  It makes it feel fair to the player.  If you still want to keep a high level of difficulty you can always make the indicator short.  Or make a zone indicator, so the player still doesn't know exactly where it's going to hit but has a chance to dodge.  Overall I enjoyed it and all the elements made it very creepy.

The game mechanic is really fun and fits so well.  I like your choice of ingredients.  The art though, is the big stand out here.  The character/object design, palette and animations are great.  It was so fun and interesting to look at.

I don't know who Kendra and Atom are, but tell them great job.  I've never played a tower defense game with this much charm.  The esthetic isn't really my jam, but every piece fit together so well I really enjoyed that part the most.

Really smooth, fast paced gameplay.  I like the art style and all the esthetic elements fit together well.

(1 edit)

I love this game.  Took me a minute to get the hang of it, but that just means its a good puzzle platformer.  Super cool idea about having to plan your path based on the height of water both for vertical access and depth.  The water management part was a great addition, and added more depth (pun intended) to the game.

Awesome game.  I mismanaged my materials and lost, but I was legitimately upset so you had me into it in 5 minutes.  I know the red blocks are a place holder because you probably ran out of time, but opening the boxes and being surprised by boxes and bananas flying everywhere was hilarious.  So much fun. 

Thank you for playing.  I'm glad you liked the character.  I went through a few iterations, some of its predecessors are laying around.

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

What a cool concept, especially in terms of fitting the game jam theme.  I enjoyed the varied experience of the gameplay each time I played and not knowing what to expect.  The game is wacky, but because all of the elements are equally so, it's a very cohesive experience.

Great menu, it fits thematically and adds to the overall experience.  Super cool concept.  I like the simple character mechanics (move and shoot) layered into the much more complex world.  It keeps it very interesting while not being overwhelming.

Loved it.  The setting and controls are so good that I just ignored the actual game part for awhile.  Worth playing through for the ending though.