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A member registered Feb 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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I am glad you enjoyed it!

This was on by default...

No, i think it was simply in the bottom of the list.

It's like that by default and i haven't moved it up.

Fixed on 138 hotfix.
It was a tickbox on my end that told the game to ignore outside music

I have added the ability to press Ctrl+M to scale up the radar. It will be in the next build.

1) In this version bombs are way too annoying as it is. (get to the mine field level)
I have nerfed them from before, however I will give them more Physics power

2) this is out of my control, I am using physics and math to give that bounce back effect, (If I did nothing you would never be able to leave a wall after grinding with it)

making it full billiard like would feel unnatural, Bouncing off of walls was never the intent of the original dev, the intent was an uncontrollable turd with grappling hooks ^^

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Well see how small they are on the original on a 1080P screen ^^

They shouldn't be any smaller than how they appear on my screen, the GUI scales with the screen not with the resolution

It is exactly the same size no matter what resolution I pick 4K or 1080P
The radar is simply small, it has nothing to do with your screen ^^

[can't upload screenshots but you'll have to believe me]

The dots are hard to see no matter the resolution, this is merely the first version of the radar, it will be improved upon. (it still doesn't show balls because I forgot that it should)

HI, Just wanted to say, this was fixed a few months ago and will be on next release.
Now the controller is any generic controller.

I've added this in already. It will be on next build.

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Multiplayer for that game is really hard to do, I'd either have to nerf the physics of the players to the point where they are like the original(ball with human animations) or find some really clever way to do that...

There is just too much data to sync to make online ragdolls work in a fast paced game.

I'm trying to find solutions to that.

Edit: solution mostly found, Online kinda works now.

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Player 2 is controlled by a connected xbox controller(selfish I know)

I will add general joystick controls as well.

It will take time until I release a new build because of the online multiplayer challenge and because I don't work on it regularly.

Yeah I've had problems of the mines shooting you to hell, I toned it down because it made it unplayable.

They also don't affect ragdolls because well, for some reason ragdolls went to hell.

I'll need to find a balance for the explosion force for it to be fun.

I just got my Oculus headset, so I play with it, I might add VR to the game even though it will be sickening to 90 percent of players (I made the game for me so I could play RJ and VR doesn't affect me so I don't really care what it will do to others).

Honestly?  IDK...

Do you know Unity development?
I doubt you could understand my spaghetti code (or you'll most likely laugh at it)
95% of the code is my code so it will be hard for anyone to get, it is kinda documented however not really for cooperation.

Now that I've started net-coding I have refactored how some of the stuff works.

I currently have a lobby with selections syncing working, player movement, balls, cables, rockets and traps synced.
I am using Forge networking for the networking itself.

Making all the game management/gamestate synced is an ongoing nightmare.

ps: Just so you know how bad I am at coding, I've just started using C# interfaces ^^ I used to do everything by inheritance.

About the Xbox for P1 you don't...
I'll implement it some day(it's easy but Down the imaginary list)

About supporting me, I still don't know, It's pretty complicated with all the US Taxes thingy even though I'm not in the US. was better than me just putting the files in Google Drive and putting the link in the Youtube videos.
I'm a single dev that works in my free time It's my first time ever dealing with a pay system or making a game...
I loved the original so much that I had to play a new version and went... Wait, I Think I can make something!

Be sure to put the Original music in the game folder to get the real experience! (The readme file has the instructions)

These big buttons are only there to load the custom Maps I made for race and ball.
There is the start the contest button that lets you load other levels and Old rocket jockey levels in json format(i only have 3 in that format soon more will come)
The big buttons will be like in the original so they choose different game modes level lists and start the contest will load the list itself.
Right now the buttons are like that because I was lazy to make them work like the original and because I had only 2 levels. Today A big update will be here!

BTW I have done massive optimizations to the effects (from 5fps to over 144 when close to camera) and made ton's of mesh optimizations for the environment.

My next build should work better for you.

break It down to 2 problems.
1) Launching 2 rigid bodies in an angle difference

2) Making a Raycast between them and acting if something got hit.

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Yeah don't even try without a GPU... It's on HDRP with tons of unnecessary polygons and tons of shaders. I could make it work If I disable the dust VFX graphs on Low.

My ropes are just visually cool. they won't help you with a bola gun. they are just a spring joint with a verlet integration represented by a line renderer.

However, A bola wrap can be simulated with two projectiles and a ray cast between them, when the line is crossed the thing snaps to the target and animates a cool wrap around animation.

I haven't played Walking Simulator 3D so I can't say how they did it there.

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Hi, I've checked and the settings works.
Try going into Rocket Ball, If you pick very low there is no 3d grass.
IDK what specs you have, I run this on an i7 7700k and a 1080 gtx on 144fps(1080p) and I have no idea how it works on other specs
It worked fine on my 150mx laptop.

It only changes back to high visually, behind the scenes it is still what you picked last.

Next time please post your specs so we, the readers, know what to expect.

BTW the game isn't optimized nor do I know how to optimize it ;-p

 I'm just a hobbyist. and this thing was in active development only 25 days with 3 hrs/day average.

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no ^^ but I have thought about tweaking on button down to on button so you don't have to click like crazy ^^

I might add it in as a cheat code haha

The sounds were literally made by me...(bm800 Mic lol)