Just submitted VLT! I hope you're okay that it's just a demo; the full game won't be out for a few months, but these are the first 2 chapters you'll read in the final product.
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I'd love to see your reaction, yeah!
And about the "choices didn't matter" thing: (mild spoiler, but) that IS the intention of Chapter 1! Up until the big moment at the end, your choices don't matter, because they're the thoughts in Demian's head that they can never act on. In Chapter 2, though, your choices do start to matter a lot more.
Hey, heads up, this plugin doesn't play nice with VisuStella's Message Core. I know there's a good chance you can't fix this, but if you use the Message Core it won't allow these Message Actions to play out. I tried to use this alongside the message core, but... yeah, it just shows the actual brackets and doesn't play the action.
(Ignore the 002, that's an old screenshot from when I thoguht you had to type it out as \PCE[002].)
Sure, I'd be happy to help! I just want to be clear now, though, that I would like to be compensated monetarily for my work. I adore the art and what little I can understand of the story so far, but I am not really in a spot where I can do volunteer work 😩 However, I am willing to negotiate on a price that could work for the both of us!
Hi! I am a native English speaker (although I don't speak Japanese), and I would love to help translate this game, if you are hiring. I could help to edit and touch up your English translation, if you're willing! I was drawn to this game because of the beautiful art, and I'd love to show this to all of my friends.
1. Here's the screenshot of the error + console tab.
Clicking on "Uncaught TypeError" brings me to this.

Unsure if you need this, but it can't hurt to show, I guess.
2. I think I am? My MZ version is 1.7.0, EliBook is 5.4.15. Picture Manager is 1.1.1.
3. It does start with EliMZ, yes.
I'm gonna try and replicate the error on a blank project, should you need it on Discord.
UPDATE: It was my MZ Core Script being out of date that caused the issue! As of this writing, updating it to 1.7.0 (the latest version) did the trick.
Basically what the title says. I try to load up my game w/ the plugin enabled, and I can't even get into the game, instead having this error thrown up at me. I already have Eli Book in my game and placed above the Picture Manager, so it's not that. I don't think it's a plugin conflict either - I had all my plugins except Book and Picture Manager disabled, and I still got the error.
Your sample project with Picture Manager dragged into it works fine, too, so I'm privvy to believe that I might have a plugin missing. Is there any other plugin besides Eli Book I need?
Ahhh, thank you so much for your response! Yeah, I'm gonna see if I can try and tweak the skip system for post-jam experiences. I'm glad you liked the monster; it's one of my favorite characters for sure. Wholly agreed on needing more time in the oven for a lot of things lol, was cutting it CLOSE near the end there
Ahhhhh, thank you so much for making a video on our game! Morse and I are so happy to see it!!
EDIT: I just fully finished your vid, and uh, yeah, no, it's not supposed to do that, there's supposed to be four different endings and it's not supposed to repeat. Did you download it before the July 12th patch? It should have fixed the issue with the game flipping out around the camcorder scene.
I saw your teaser post on reddit for this sim, and I wanna say that I'm really excited to see where this goes! I really like how you can get two completely different stories (from what it looks like so far) depending on picking Violet or Pavel. And the assets are super cute, I love Luluca's casual wear!
Really looking forward to the first playable version!
Ha-hey, no need to worry; I'm like 90% sure I busted the bug that freezes her completely at that part, so you should be able to go through the whole thing now!
The thing about her crying isn't her being upset that the dog wants to reject her constantly, actually; frustration and panic built up until she ended up having an auditory sensory overload, essentially.
Not sure if you saw it on the bad ending vid, but I'll post it here.
Love the idea and premise of this game, but I'm curious - what spurred on the change between the bad ending and the true ending? In both of them, she reacts with the same horror - examining it means her scream "I HAVE TO KILL IT" and trying to disinfect makes her scream "GET OUT OF MY BODY," but she's very calm about it in the true ending.
P.S. The roommate mentioned our M.C. by "El." Does she have a full name, like Elaine?