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A member registered May 07, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Yea, the loop definitely could've been executed a little better in hindsight, and there's definitely alot of polish that could've been added to make our game better. Thanks for playing our game!

Credit goes to Tauntybird for all the art drawn :)

The difficulty balancing is something we're improving on right now! After the jam finishes, we'll have an updated version that has significantly better scaling. You're welcome to come check it out again then!

Thank you very much!

Thanks! Yea, the difficulty curve was the hardest thing to get right in the time that we had. If you come back to the itch after we update, we're already working on a rebalanced version that allows players to get farther, buffs weapons, etc. Thanks again for playing!

Thanks! It was our favorite part too!

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed!

Thanks for the feedback! Yea, balancing in this game was a total nightmare. A good point on the fish heal amount; that's something that we should communicate more clearly to our players next time. Thanks again for playing our game!

The boing sound effect made when exiting bubbles tickles my brain :)

Funny duck go boing

Loved the game! Especially the jump, this was awesome :)

Loved the game! Especially the jump, this was awesome :)

Thanks for playing! Assuming you're talking about the level 'All about Vines', the hint there is that you don't need to necessarily click on the flower after you collect the key :) Thanks for the feedback though! Perhaps we should wait until later to introduce red herrings and mess with the players' minds.

Also, you can go to the level select and select any level to start at! We made sure that all of our levels were unlocked just in case anyone got stuck.

Thanks so much for the feedback! Yea, we've taken note of the coyote feedback from other reviewers in the game jam and have implemented it locally; we're just waiting for the jam to be over so we can do an update. Glad you enjoyed the game! Seeing that you stuck it out till the end really means alot :)

Thanks for the feedback! Yea, the coyote time seems to be the biggest thing that should have been implemented. Glad you liked the game!

Love the style!

Love the style!

Makes sense!!!

Awesome concept! Theme is fantastic; reminds me of the Papa's Pizzeria etc. games from flash days!

Great work! I think there could be some clarity here and there on what to do, but great job none the less!

Great game! I think a grid might have helped a bit with some clarity, but the art assets were amazing!

Fantastic music, beautiful sprites! Gameplay was great too!