Thank you. And whew... I'm so glad some of the humor came across; I was afraid it was going to leave everyone dazed and confused o.O.
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Squeezing all four bits for what they're worth! Excellent on so many levels, as others have said, but I have to point out how great the music is, too. It set the mood without being too chip-tuney. I especially liked the mysterious "library" song.
Anyways, you gave yourself a tough challenge, and met it 100%. Well done!
I found the Easter egg, but couldn't figure out what to do with it :-D You pulled off so much in a limited time. The animations, map, the shaders, cutscenes. It's beautiful, charming. Snow jumping is an interesting mechanic, too. I wanted to play all day in the snow TBH. It certainly has a storybook feel to it and will serve you well in the future . Well done !
Wow, there's a lot of game here! Love the idea of acrylic colors that give the characters separate personalities (even though they're the same model). Shipwreck on a lush planet is a great theme to show contrast & mystery. The "protocol" stats are nice, too. Plus, saving and tutorial? So much stuff...
The mazes were tough. I didn't mind "the mountains" because it took something more interesting than trial & error to solve it. "Tundra" was harder to find the trick (if there was one), so I didn't finish that one. Would liked to have heard more "side story" over comms during adventures, just to keep it more interesting & flesh out the world.
Anyway, kudos! Even with the help of Smile, it's amazing you could get so much in there in 9 days!
Very cool! This was the first 3d entry I played, so it got me jazzed up. You did a ton of modelling, animation, effects, and mechanics, which I guess was a huge time suck, but it was fun to explore your 1940's book world anyway. The "knock" puffers got me immersed immediately, and the writing had sass. I can see where it's heading, and I like it!
Love the intro "tunnel of light," the overall scribble style, and the cool looking parallax background. Liked all the jokes ariah52 was cracking, too. Once I learned how to jump on edges, the platform part wasn't so frustrating, and I enjoyed the journey. The art, music and writing smoothed out all the rough edges, so gg!
I'm jealous, frankly. All the elements fit great together, in a tight, compressed thriller. I was so engaged, I didn't even realize it was just one audio loop, one morphing background, and some text.
You were able to prioritize what was important to your game, and laser-focused on those things. Great time management for the jam. I need me some of that.
Well I got addicted to this one and burned an hour or so playing. Like Flappy Bird for people who can't put a puzzle down. I still can't figure it out, but I love the style and this feeling of trying to "touch the outside world" from inside a decrepit bunker with the world's crappiest PC. And who doesn't like a little Chopin while the wasteland irradiates?
"The smokey strands of the monster recede…" Nice and creepy, especially with all that hairy goo! The story starts out humbly, but the imagery gets gloomier and more ominous as you go. I could feel Trevor’s fear build the deeper he went. Would like to see more emotion in your style—we readers are dumb creatures and really do need to be told & shown how to feel, even though I know that you were feeling it :-)
FYI: you have a bug. The “Turn back.” passage is a dead end, and ends the story. I got stuck there and had to clear cookies & reload to keep playing. I avoided “Turn back.” links when playing again, and was able to finish the game.