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A member registered Jun 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed this game, however, I wasn't able to get as far as I'd like.  A visual cursor to indicate where you are aiming would help a lot!

I had a blast playing this! The mechanics are fun and unique. The art style was simple but didn't take away from the experience itself. I felt like this style of game play would transition very well to a phone / iPad game. Great work!

Fun concept, could also perhaps double as a horror survival game if you dimmed the lights and had some sort of lighting system. The witch sprite is impressive. 

Very funny concept. I loved the art style. The dice in the drink was a nice touch. I wasn't able to tell whether I won or lost rounds and at one point the rounds stopped resetting and there was no visual indication of who won. This is impressive amount of artwork for 48 hours. I loved the dice characters. 

Fun gameplay loop! I enjoyed the art style and the camera movement. The camera could have been slightly tuned down, but I got used to the aesthetic. The music was at a high frequency and therefore I couldn't enjoy the game for as long as I'd have liked to. The music itself is composed well, but perhaps if the lead synth was a bit more compressed at a slightly lowered frequency.

This game is DOPE! I love the aesthetics. I tried really hard to figure out how to play, but I kept killing off my village with my poor clairvoyance skills.

dope character art! very cute and fun.

The gameplay is fantastic. I really enjoyed the battle mechanics. I did notice the sound effect for when the dice selects a number is a bit piercing and my volume is at 50%. 

I like when you gamble your life away for a checkpoint. That's my favorite.

No worries! Knowing that was the final boss gives me a sense of completion lol. I enjoyed the multi-layered rock paper scissor element to the combat. In the final fight he starts with 99 and I had 73. for most of the fights they have less hp than you so there's less immediate pressure on the player when you low roll. But when your opponent can beat you even if you go even- it gave me a sense of outplay when I finally put him under my hp.

this is a great game! I have been playing for about an hour now and I've faced the Eternal Samurai a bunch of times. the game getting to the eternal samurai is long and I was hoping that was the final boss. then he kept spawning again and again and I rage quit. Quality graphics and a nice loop. It took a while to get a grasp of the combat system and even now I'm not entirely sure how it works lol. Great work for 48 hours!

Roll or get rolled! This game is incredibly unique! I would classify this game as a Survival RPG with Bullet Hellements. To anybody who enjoys D&D, this game is sure to tickle your fancy!

A very unique take on a Foddian game! A loveable and old-school platformer with a unique twist! You gain/lose abilities based on your age! Hilarious voice acting paired with dope music! Pogchamp.

If I may, I would recommend keeping the title music in the game. It's an absolute masterpiece that deserves more attention!

thanks for clarifying!

I may have misread as I'm new to game jams and have no idea how judging works for these things. Only the top twenty in each category are gonna be played and reviewed by judges or are all games played?

ohhh i see! i really enjoy what you have so far and i'd love to see you keep updating this!  this is the kind of thing I could grind for hours. throw in a little back story here and there and i'd take the bait. while I'm aware how difficult multiplayer is to pump out, I would plant the seed to make a co-op mode. cuz sheeeeeeshh i'd go down in the depths with the bois kekw. we tried to do our own gag with a light source but honestly, I like yours better! shoot to light up OP! we were gonna do glow sticks lol but ended up lighting up our cursor.

First time game maker, Long time gamer. I was stoked when my buddy asked me to write a story for a PRPG. I worked night and day since the theme was announced, doing research so my story was scientifically airtight, then I proceeded to bust out an 8 song album for the soundtrack. I spent approximately 100 hours while I was under the impression everyone was doing this. It was like a forty-eight-hour film festival for game makers and I fell in love! I am stoked to be here, but I also feel a bit cheated out of a greater opportunity. people will always attempt to twist your words and break the rules to get ahead. that's life.  We're a two man dev team and we both poured our heart and soul into this and we're now going up against projects that have had far more time to develop. I couldn't believe it when I heard that some of these weren't created from the neon theme, but rather, adapted to it. i studied chemistry and biology to make sure we were even using neon correctly and I developed the story around it.  also, I thought violence and harsh language weren't permitted? I want to be supportive because this is a great new community. at the same time, I'm just confused. It's a bit disappointing finding this out, after i spent about100 hours under the impression this was a two week competition.

i love the concept of this game! i wasn't able to figure out how to upgrade anything or figure out how to get dust and ore back to the main area though, but I imagine it changes the pace of the game quite a bit! I could see a tutorial of sorts, could be incredibly short even a cut scene showing what an exit looks like/how to get into the next area / how to get back to the start. at some points I'd clear an entire cave and not know what to do next.

I imagine not being able to return with my dust/ore is my own user error and not on you whatsoever, but again, I played for about an hour and couldn't figure it out. Perhaps consider making an intro as you continue to expand this game for dummies like me? if I knew what I was looking for i'd grind it out, but I'm a stumped boy!

would recommend! Keep up the good work!

(2 edits)

We spent our two weeks entirely on our game and none of it on its game cover! Even we lose our game cover against all these impressive game covers. We 100% need to improve on our marketing. If you'd be so kind as to try out our project, we'd greatly appreciate it! It's our first experience collaborating on a project as a team of two and we'd love your feedback.