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Where They FallView game page

Throw the runes and find out what the gods intent
Submitted by Manatea (@Manatea_Ent) — 40 minutes, 29 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Top Marks#1n/an/a

Ranked from 48 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
It's a game about fortune telling based on rolling rune stones, similar to dice.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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I just want to ask, with which engine do you have made the game ?

I don't know were you can actually see this, eventhough everyone has to click (at the submisions) on which engine do we have made our games.


We used Unity to create the game. I think the engine picked at submission time is only for the gamejam engine statistics, you can't actually see them.


Ok, thank you for your reply !


Loved it! The atmosphere and gameplay perfectly put you in the shoes of a seer. I'd 100% pay for a longer game. My biggest critique would be that, due to how short the submission is (compared to a full release) you don't get to see the long term consequences of your actions.

I'd also say that the dialogue system would be better if left-clicking while the chieftan was talking would auto-complete his line, but wouldn't skip it. But that's a super minor critique.

Great game!


loved the atmosphere, has a good foundation for something really interesting in the future. I definitely enjoy the direction of intuition Vs choice, which is a trap a lot of games along these lines fall into (thinking about what you’re doing too much to be enjoyable) and it felt a lot like I was playing with my animal brain. I always love to play something both unique and FUN so thank you for giving me a great last minute jam experience to end on a high note. 


This was so clever! Making a game based on intuition rather than logic feels so refreshing. I don't know if there was actually correct answers, but it doesn't matter, because that's kinda what the story is all about. It's a strange mix of mysticism and impostor syndrom. I loved trying to dechipher the will of the gods and making my own interpretations, knowing that it was probably pure superstition. The mood of the game is also top notch, with excellent art and music. Really this was a fascinating story to experience, that captures so well the religious aspect of dices and randomness. Great job!


Never have I felt so confused but so entranced at the same time. Even though you are given such limited information it is a very unique and satisfying task to try and figure out every little detail between the book and the questions asked. using nothing but your obscure hints. The presentation is so good I'm amazed this was done during the jam period and not over at least a few weeks. Excellent work. 


This is a GAME game - amazed by the quality, creativity and the way it challenges the player in a very unique way.


Amazing experience, great idea and execution. Very hard to win on the first try, but I do not mind losing, if I am immersed in such an atmosphere :) Splendid narrative work.

Anyway, if you want to play an other game, that is climate and mood driven, then I'd be super grateful, if you would play and rate my game :D


Really enjoyed playing this on stream!

The game looks great, the atmosphere is awesome, and I love how you actually really have to think and try to interprete the manual.

This is such a good fundation to build upon, really.

If you add some randomness to it and have different scenarios, I could easily see this become a hit!


Really truly an unique experience. Would love to see this fleshed out into a full game with a less steep learning curve. Presentation was awesome. Loved every second playing it. Good Job.


A truly captivating experience. I was always anxious when the guy came back to tell me what had happened. I was horrified when I found out that I had failed and was killed by the enemy. I will not be a good seer haha

It would be interesting to hear what the explanation behind some of the rune combinations were because I was sometimes confident that I got the right meaning.


Wow, what a great take on the theme! And done so well too! Looks absolutely amazing and music sets atmosphere so well. Tutorials might need a bit of improvement, but that's ok for a jam game. Loved it! I'd 100% play a bigger game built from that one

Thanks for bringing it to my stream! Here's a recording in case you'd like to refer to it


This game is DOPE! I love the aesthetics. I tried really hard to figure out how to play, but I kept killing off my village with my poor clairvoyance skills.


I'd be a terrible seer, no doubt, but the game is amazing. Between the art, the music and just the mechanics itself, everything is there for immersion. Hats off to you!


I could definitely see this game being expanded further I absolutely love everything about the aesthetic it fits so well with the gameplay of interpreting the will of the gods through runes. My only real gripe is that I don't understand what the board symbols mean that much so an explanation would be so useful. But other than that one gripe the game is just perfection for me personally would absolutely love to play an expanded version with more clients and maybe an explanation for what the board means but not too obvious so the gods could stay mysterious in their messages which I understand would be super difficult to balance out especially since everyone has their own way of interpreting things. But other than that perfect visuals, perfect sound design, and just an all around impressive game ESPECIALLY since this was made in just 48 hours.

(1 edit) (+1)

The atmosphere of the game was absolutely fantastic; the music was very evocative, the rune stones in the bowl thrown onto the mat was a great take on runecasting, the book to give some basic instructions was quite nice... but it had some rather glaring problems, in my eyes, though some of these are probably due to the short time period for the game jam. I could easily see this becoming a fun little game to play if it was fleshed out more and had more time to bake in the oven, though.

First off, the fail state comes far too quickly after making a bad selection, so it's far too easy to accidentally brute force options you're unsure of, especially when many of the non-directional selections only consist of two or three options.

Secondly, the rune mat itself, or "board" as it's labelled in the book, doesn't have any explanation for the various sections and what THEIR symbols mean. While there are some example expressions in the back of the book that showed the way, not understanding what each section of the board meant for which runes left me uncomfortably frustrated feeling like I was lacking some important bit of understanding- or worse, that it was just window dressing for theme and actually had absolutely nothing to do with anything, which is what it felt more and more like as I continued to progress towards the end, and if so, is a rather big let-down.

Thirdly, you throw the runes exactly once per questioning period, instead of throwing them for each question, which means that the questions tend to spread out amongst the runes (unless a simple yes/no) so you learn to disregard runes that would have been involved in previous questions, generally. This takes a lot of the mystique out of the experience, and pulls me, at least, out of the immersion that the tent, the low lighting, the beautiful background music, the awesome visuals, everything else works together to present.

The fact that there are so few questions I'm attributing directly to it being a Game Jam game, and a more fleshed out release would likely have many more questions and more variability to it. Because it is just a single path that doesn't change, it lost some points in the enjoyability catagory for me; there's no replayability really once you clear a section, since everything else (that I did not exhaustively test, but I did test a few alternatives) is a fail state. Also, incredibly unfortunately, clicking doesn't advance text to the end of the current block so you can read it all right away, but progresses to the next block of text entirely, meaning that clicking will erase what is being said and skip to the next part unless it's the specific question; good for speedrunning and getting back to where you were off a fail state, bad for frustration with getting to a new part and accidentally skipping it. Combine that with the issues above, and that's why my final score is 3/4/3.


The vibe of this game is really interesting. I found it rather distressing but also intriguing. The questions were rather dificult for the beginning, but I would love to see this continued with more scenarios and other "clients".


Great and interesting game. Nice interpretation of the theme and I really love the vibe! I would really have loved to keep on playing! Good job!


Best thing about this is the entire vibe of this game. Enjoyed it even more than the actual premise. 


This was amazing, I was blown away! I was so stressed flipping through the book trying to decide the fate of everyone, now I know why the Seer sits in the dark. Awesome work.


Wow! A lot of care went into this title. I'd recommend continuing it, it's really unique.
I couldn't win... I think I just didn't care enough to learn about the runes and solving those puzzles. too much to learn all at once with the runes. It'd be great if there were some easier problems to solve before we got to the Chieftan. like simple yes or no answers involving one or two runes at a time. Regardless... I enjoyed the vibe and was absolutely blown away by the presentation and use of the criteria. great music, too. Didn't distract from my goal but if it were gone I'd be taken out of the story.

great work on everyone's part.