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Bedroom Coders

A member registered Sep 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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We've checked that, we've replaced the link again for now, sorry for the inconvience, we will try to get this sorted out as soon as possible

well, joining the jam would be handy, but we thought we fixed that, we will look into that

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hi, this has been fixed, sorry for the inconvenience 

There's no real limitation for what counts as retro in this jam, if you think something is retro, then it counts! This could be an older system, be it the Atari or the PS2, or you could focus on a specific art style, old trend, soundtrack, genre, you decide! We intentionally used a more open term, both to not restrict participants' creativity too much, and because we have a more specific theme we'll announce once the jam begins!

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Hey welcome, yeah sorry, this is our first jam so it probably won't be that active. We hope you have a fun time while you're here though

Little update on our previous comments, 2 remarks I wanted to share with you. 1. It seems like beating the game as the Soviets is easier due to you not starting with many high point areas under your influence (besides poland) which makes it easier to go on the offense. 2. We really liked the game so much we wanted to make something with a similar concept but then about to spanish civil war, we already tried to contact you over twitter and discord, but we wanted to ask if you're fine with us adapting (not copying) your idea to work with that

8/10, no anglocide ending sadly though

Love this take on the acoustic kitty project, having the whole game literally only be the tutorial is hilarious. The art and animations are cute, and stomping on enemies feels great. The agility level felt too hard though, there is very little room for error, making it a little frustrating, especially with the lengthy game over time. Other than that, good game!

Simple yet effective controls, only thing holding it back is the annoying audio loop. Submitting to the leaderboard seemed to crash the game but that is probably an issue on our side

Litterally unplayable, as in, you can't start it

Tried to play it but got stuck due to the weird "tank" controls, impresssive to make a 3d game in a week though!

Those RADICAL communists!

Excellent looking game my comrade, although the instructions could be more clear

Fun while it lasts, after some trial of error (both after getting stuck between two employees and twice throwing away the bowl due to a misunderstanding) I managed to beat the first level, solid music and glad to see people using godot for actual projects

Funny game with a tad awkward controls, must be fun with multiple people though

Fun game while it lasts, audio is a bit weird though

Fun while it lasted, but really short and probably way too ambitious for a game jam game, rounds are way too short sadly. Also was expecting something like the infamous "Hong Kong 97" but that was my mistake

Wanted to try it but Windows autodetected is a virus, what's up with that?

Fun strategy game, also leads to very dumb map scenarios like west germany being communist and east germany capitalist, which is always fun

Really fun game! While I was only able to play with myself atm I can see how it could be loads of fun together, an unique twist of the chess that is only really missing a computer opponenent when playing alone, although that would be really hard to implemenet in the allowed time

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

Hey, thanks for playing our game! When it comes to throwing the grenades back, it was originally a consequence of Godot's physics, but after making sure that it glitvhes out slightly less we decided on keeping it as it was a fun mechanic to play around with

We have OFFICIALLY speedrun this game, currently holding the world record for the "arrested killer" ending, we will upload it to very shortly