thank you so much for your comment && feedback !!
we definitely want to include a hard tutorial - because it seems like a lot of people are confused on how the game works, unfortunately. but we didnt have time. i saw your comment about the settings button LOL - thats 100% planned to add in, with settings to up/downscale the UI, music settings, etc. we have assets drawn just didnt manage time for such! the tuning fork DOES nothing, youre right. :(
a few people are commenting on the explode noise - we will probably ask our musician to revise the audio for that!
ideally, this is how the game would play: you grow your plants, and they change notes throughout their grow phase. you could harvest them into a 'crops' drown down, where you could then drag and drop them into the music menu to rearrange music, finally submitting, and prompting more dialogue into more orders, with scaling difficulty introducing more and more types of musical notes & arrangements!
thisll be updated post-jam if youd like to give it another go then when mechanics are finished up and bugs are fixed/whatnot! :>