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A member registered May 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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I'm late in replying to you here, but thank you so much for playing our game!! 🥺

Whaaa thank you so much for playing our game!! 💕🤗

You made the team's day, ty 😂

Then your version of mac should absolutely be fine! We put 10.6 as a precaution/base line, but yours is ver. 12 so you should be good to go! 😄

(1 edit)

If it worked for your version then it should be fine on Steam too! Can I ask what your OS is? :O

Thank you!! He really is 🥺

I really REALLY loved this demo. It's scratching that Our Life itch that has never truly gone away. I love the premise, and the options of LI are varied and all have an appeal to them; it's very rare that I find myself interested in literally ALL of them! LOL

There are some notes I had while playing that I'd like to maybe see in the final release.

This first one is really nitpicky, so feel free to ignore lol. I love the character customization, but I'd like to see an option in the menu to remove the chibi from being visible from the dialogue box (I know, really weird note). I have a very specific vision of my character when I play, and every time they talk on screen, the image I have in my head and the chibi on screen are constantly at odds with each other (if that makes sense?). In my head my character matches the style of the LIs, but the chibi clashes with that. Just having an option to turn it off would be nice to have.

Something else is the gorgeous art styles! I'm really in love with them, but there is a bit of a clash with the different styles. For example, in CGs where the BGs feature simple coloring/shading and black lineart, the character feels like from a different game entirely with their complex shading and being lineless (the chibi player character vs the LIs also somewhat fits into this overall note). The game itself already has a really strong art direction, and I think taking these notes into consideration would take it to another level.

Overall, I'm pumped for the full release and can't wait to see what happens next!

This is so charming! I'm amazed that this was made with RPG Maker, kudos to the programmer! And I looove the character designs/art style; they're so cute!! 💕

This is so charming! I'm amazed that this was made with RPG Maker, kudos to the programmer! And I looove the character designs/art style; they're so cute!! 💕

Like another mentioned, it was a bit slow at the beginning talking to Ajay, but when I was thrust into the other world I was HOOKED! Especially with the interactive segments. At the beginning of the hallway area I thought how neat it'd be if we could choose to move around, and sure enough an arrow appeared to choose to move forward! More could definitely be done with that (move left/right/etc) but for a game done in a month, damn. Kudos to you.

I'll be Kenney's friend ;_;

Like another mentioned, it was a bit slow at the beginning talking to Ajay, but when I was thrust into the other world I was HOOKED! Especially with the interactive segments. At the beginning of the hallway area I thought how neat it'd be if we could choose to move around, and sure enough an arrow appeared to choose to move forward! More could definitely be done with that (move left/right/etc) but for a game done in a month, damn. Kudos to you.

I'll be Kenney's friend ;_;

What a ride man. I'm literally crying, whyyyyy ;-;

We love to see gameplay videos on youtube! :D If you do, link it here!

Aaaah I loooove the main gang and their relationship with each other. Each character has so much depth; you wrote them all so well ;-;

I love this so much; I want more!! 🙏

Omggggg the animations for this were so mesmerizing! Genuinely felt like I was reading a shoujo manga in motion.

Also can I just say Chihiro is the best MC ever?

Love this so much. Can't wait for the full release!!

Oh wow, I didn't entirely know what I was getting myself into with that intro, but now having completed it, I'm so SO glad I did. The First thing that stood out to me was the art on the itch page -- of course lol. It's GORGEOUS!! Reminds me of a graphic novel. Then the UI, which got a genuine "wow" out of me, haha. The sound effects are awesome too, they really add life to the game (that purring, oh my lord I love that cat sm). Same with the animations of the character sprites. Just -- EVERYTHING about this game is sooo good.

Seriously, how in the hell did you guys manage this level of polish in a MONTH??

I guess my only complaint is that the story isn't complete. I wanna know what happens so bad!! :'o

I can't wait to see where it goes!!

God I loooove the art/colors/character designs/story/everything!! For only having a month to work on this, there's a lot here! Awesome job, PACCHI!! 👏

This was soooo CUTE!! I love the art and story, and your character designs!! I kept gasping everytime a new character popped up. Love it!

dgkljsdk thank you so much! 😆

I love the minimalist style with the bold black and saturated red. The story is also really touching, and I felt for the main character :'(
Awesome game!!

I love this game sooo much. It's got so much charm with it's art style, character designs, the gameplay; everything mixed together makes an amazing game.

I'm just sad I wasn't able to finish it. I'm not sure if it's something on my end, but when I got to the chase scene, I couldn't "catch" them at all, no matter what buttons I pressed (E, enter, space, mouse click), resulting in constant game overs. I was playing 1.01 btw. I'll try again in a bit and change my review if it works, but for now, that's pretty much my only criticism. Everything else is A++++ love love love it!!

I really enjoyed this one!! Legit gave me the spooks at some parts. I was totally invested with where the plot was going all the way through.

Tysm!! 🙏🥺

I couldn't help myself. Tysm for blessing me with this manga panel 🙏

The LAUGH I just let out seeing that last panel, THIS IS IT 😆

Tysm!! I'm so glad you liked it! :'D

Aaaah tysm, this comment makes me so happy! :')

Absolutely!! We'd love to see it! :DD

One of my favorite games from the jam so far. The story, art, and characters are so GOOD!! Like Melancholy Marionette said, it really had the feel of watching an anime (the voice acting really helped). I hope to see more stuff from you guys in the future! :D

Short and simple, and it works! Such a fun little game 😄

I think UltraShiko nailed the criticisms I had about the game, so I'll just list what I liked:
-Art style is GORGEOUS! Loooove it,
-The story, voice lines, art style, and UI style blend together wonderfully to create a super comfy and fluffy experience,
-Those transition screens between scenes that mimic anime intermissions? CHEF'S KISS my lord that's such a good idea, I wish more VNs and otomes did this too, it's a small detail but I genuinely love it so much.

Tysm! I hadn't seen the puzzle dreams like that before but now I can't unsee the resemblance 😆

Thank you!! I'm glad to hear you liked the art! 🥰

Thank you so much!!  🥺

I had SO much fun with this game! I love the simplicity of the concept; it works so well. The little ghosties are adorable too!

The art is GORGEOUS!! And I absolutely love the concept, it always has a lot of potential for the spooks and this delivers. 

Short, sweet, and creepy! I looove the monster design. Good job! :D

The atmosphere and writing were great! It really got me to care about the aberrant and who they are.

Aaah thank you so much! I'm glad our efforts showed through!