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Ben Carrick

A member registered Mar 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your feedback. The hidden traces of the backside of the board could have been done better. We tried to hide parts of the board to make it more fitting to the theme but as a puzzle game it probably would have been better to show some hints where the traces on the bottom run to

Very cool and educational idea. I really like the contrast of the cute artstyle and the story that gives off some serious cyberpunk vibes

What a fun game!  A very cool idea especially how the elements of the level changes when bloato gets bigger!

I really enjoyed the game. Very cool idea! It took me a little to understand the gameplay but once I did, I got hooked in trying out the combinations and solving the puzzles

Thanks for your feedback. You're right. We were discussing adding a tutorial to make the game more accessible but time ran out before we were able to implement it.

Thank you! :-)

Thank you for playing! I hope nobody gets fired over the broken boards though :-D

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it :-)

Thank you for playing! I was trying to lean a bit into the theme of unintended consequences. That's why you can't always trace the entire way of the signals to have a bit of guessing added to the gameplay

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the puzzles. I was planning to add a little easter-egg to remove the cover in level 3 but then forgot to put it into the game :-D

Thank you for your comment! My wife and I also enjoyed The Witness! One inspiration for this game was Shenzhen I/O but mainly I got inspired by watching Retro Computer repair videos like Adrian's Digital Basement :-D

Thank you for playing and thank you for that compliment! I'm glad you enjoyed it :-)

Thanks for playing! We were thinking about putting in more explanation and maybe some tutorial boards but unfortunately ran out of time. I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

Thanks for playing! We had ideas to slow down the fox but ran out of time

Thanks! There was actually the idea of the chicken to be able to lay eggs to trip the fox and slow him down. However we unfortunately ran out of time

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked it!

Very cool idea for the overload theme. It's really fun to play and I love the minimal overall style.

Very insteresting concept. It fits the theme very well! I like that you have multiple options to close the windows, with the small close button on the top of the window or looking for the correct button in the window itself


Thanks a lot for playing and the feedback!

Thank you for playing!

Thanks! That's a cool idea. In fact a very early version of the game had no limit on the movement of the containers, but that wiggle was... let's say not very accurate :-D

Thanks! Yeah the controls definitely need some time to get used to. Just like with a real crane, so in that matter it is totally accurate :-D

This idea also came up in the team. Unfortunately too late. We didn't have enough time to implement and test the physics simulation of the ship itself. But definitely a good idea

Thank you! You can actually move the camera by holding the right mouse button. It's a feature we couldn't finish and forgot to remove. So let's call it an Easter Egg 😁

Super fun to play and quite challenging. I love the retro feeling it has.

This is such a fun game. I love the sound design that stresses you out even more!