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Benjamin Fischer

A member registered Jun 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey, thank you for feedback! As I already mentioned in another answer to a comment - due to my own personal time constraints and this being the first project in which I would have implemented sound I wasn't able to get SFX and a theme for the game working. As of right now I already have an updated build of the game with sounds, it just isn't downloadable yet. 
Could you elaborate what you exactly mean by saying "it feels like an unnecessary thing to monitor"? Do you mean that it was just too difficult or that it felt "unnecessary" in a way? It was kind of my plan from the start to couple both things together, because it made more sense with the one button theme and I thought it would make for an interesting puzzle mechanic.

Wow I didn't think about that! Thank you for clarifying, will look into it and if I update this game I will 100% change this.

Unfortunately, you are right - the game does not have any audio. Since this would have been my first game with audio and I had to stop working on this on thursday I didn't get to look into implementing audio unfortunately. I think it would have made the experience a lot better.
Do you mean that you would rather have colors that contrast each other more/stand out more? Which parts exactly were hard to read? Would love to hear back from you :)

(1 edit)

Honestly really enjoyed the game. The sound when the ball bounces of the wall is a bit too loud and has a huge bass which was kind of annoying over time. The way the entire game kind of just has to stop after you collect a score item destroyed the flow of the game in a way for me. Everything else was really awesome. Fell in love with the simple visuals!
Edit: To clarifiy, the thing about it slowing the game flow, only applies if you inted the game to be very fast paced.

Very difficult game imo. The visuals are amazing and the idea is awesome too! Sounddesign is very satisfying.

Hi! Thanks for your feedback :). Do you have any tip or idea on how to improve the controls for this concept?

(1 edit)

Glad you enjoy the simple graphics!  I wanted to draw some art for this game (as a first timer haha), but the time constraints just didn't make it possible.