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A member registered Apr 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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CHOICES: I suppose I thought your positively / negatively choice was brilliant because it gave the story an element of suspense. At first the audience was a passive observer, but suddenly there is a clear split in the path and you - the player - have been given the controls.  Call it basic, but it surprised me and I liked it. 

TEXT PARAGRAPHS: I guess it's a matter of opinion then. I just feel that having slightly larger text and limiting to 3-4 lines per click would be beneficial and worth the extra clicks. Perhaps illustrations next to and behind the text box make harder to focus on a full paragraph, or it could just be what I'm used to for dialogue in similar media.

(3 edits)

Hmm, perhaps 'pare it down' is a poor way to phrase it. Let me expand on it a touch!

Some of the dialogue was very complicated and philosophical.  I'm not saying that is a bad thing - but having a full text box  ( a 'wall of text' ) can cause the player to feel overwhelmed, especially with themes so complex. I would recommend breaking up the statements and perhaps have only a line or two shown per click if possible.

Also to aid in this, I think you could also add in short descriptions of what the characters are doing as they are talking, For example:

  • [He laughs derisively, uninterested in your statement]
  • [She looks around in wonder seeming lost, but intrigued]
  • [They begin skipping stones thoughtfully, then turn towards you to speak]

I think this would break up the dialogue a tad, plus have an added bonus of bringing the player more fully into the world you've created. As for choices, I think one way to have simple ones would be to choose where your character is going. Example:

  • [In front of you there is a multicolored babbling stream. What would you like to do?] 
    • Cross steam
    • Follow alongside the stream

That said, I think your idea of having the character choice be to think positively or  negatively was brilliant and would love to see it expanded further. Maybe you could have multiple points where after they've had a character encounter and the player character could be asked how they are feeling? For example:

  • [Think positively, I feel more fully myself. The world thrums at my fingertips]
  • [Think negatively, I'm beginning to feel unwound. The world begins to blur slightly as I get lost in my thoughts]

So that would help move the story along, help the player feel like they're fully impacting the story, and also be a depiction of Alice in Wonderland's key factor of descending further into the rabbit hole or trying to find your way back out.

Anyway, sorry for the huge post (I am not immune to creating a Wall of Text LOL) I guess you caught me on a brainstorm day haha. I hope this helps explain the thoughts I had - feel free to ask more questions if needed. Hope your day is going well and you keep up the good work! C:

Thank you so much for your feedback! Yeah those are some great ideas - he sorta is off on his own isn't he haha. I'll definitely make some updates after jam review - hopefully also add in some music and sound effects! Thanks again for your comment C:

Aww thank you! That means a lot - I was definitely grinning while playing your game, thinking about the different GB studio tactics you used . I feel like our games went a few similar routes and then high fived LOL.

Anyways, good job to us both! We really took the themes and ran with them! Us 8bit game devs gotta stick together haha. C:

Thank you for your feedback! That's a good point I'll need to amend some things for if people miss the leftwards guy.

And as for the bug thank you for catching that about the enemies all going down at once! I have plans to fix that up post jam review! (and hopefully some music if I have time.) Thank you again for your comment it was very nice to read C:

Oh gosh thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it! And yes thank you for alerting me to the bug, I'm hoping to do updates after jam review - good call on the ending, it definitely some buffing up haha. So! I shall keep ya posted. C:

ARMY OF DUCKS! Love the concept, just a bunch of ducks wanting bread! They were so cute and it was so heartbreaking when you forgot one awww.

If you want to expand on the concept it might be fun to allow the player to click spacebar and cause a 'duck call' allowing a few of the ones closest to the biggest bunch (or whichever is the 'main duck' the oldest one - or has the most ducklings if that makes it easier) And maybe have them just follow around the pointer rather than frantically select them. That would give the player more of an edge - otherwise it get challenging pretty fast! Just musing though.

Also in your description you said directing the ducks to a place was Left Click - but when I played it only happened when pressing Right Click! Just a heads up to update that so people don't get confused like I did lol.

All in all, a fun lil game. Well done!

Very good graphics! Satisfying concept and clear goal - just jump in and start picking up around the house! 

Though sadly some of the controls are a bit wonky, Having 'confirm item set down' as F is very confusing and only rarely worked, most of the controls actually took a bit for them to happen.

As a small note, it might be easier if everything to interact was "E" like "E" picks up or puts down what you're selecting, and if you're holding a container clicking "E" will put whatever you're selecting in it (if allowed). It's more intuitive for players, versus having a separate key for setting an item down.

Also a few more minor bugs - the first instructions flashes quickly in the beginning but disappears before the player can read it. Also some of the soda cans from the dining table would not allow interaction! You mentioned in the description lots of bugs, just passing these along so you have a full list haha.

All in all, this is quite impressive for the time crunch of a game jam - you should be proud! I'll probably pop back and play again if you end up doing patches / updates after game jam. C:

Very cute! A fun memory game, I had a cozy time just filling out flower orders. Definitely fit the theme perfectly. Well done c:

(1 edit)

Absolutely love the concept - like you have an island, but you MUST appease crabs, give them flower crowns and they'll go away! Otherwise they'll eat your island haha, just excellent and very wholesome worldbuilding.

Sadly, the middle scroll button being both the 'scroll in / out' and 'crown crabs' is a bit wonky - might be better to have flowercrown be Left clicking on the crab? Or spacebar perhaps. Also the command for placing land seemed to have a delay before it would actually happen - not sure if that was intentional, but it made the game feel a tad stilted with the land action when scrolling and flower-crowning was always instant.

It also might be fun to have the option to click and drag to pick up a crab and set it further away. That would only delay the inevitable of course - you'd still get mobbed as you frantically try and toss them away, but also in certain instances would allow a few more flowers to grow. Sort of risk vs reward? Just a musing thought though

Nonetheless, a fun game I enjoyed appeasing the crabs hehe. C:

Fun and cute, bunny is so adorable. Love the different flower combos! Kinda was a brain teaser as well. As it got more and more challenging I began zeroing in haha.

No bugs found, though if you plan to make any changes after jam review, if might be fun to add an inventory? Just a limited one, cause it got a little hectic dragging things around. 

All in all, a well-rounded game. Well done!

Very calming game, cozy music and visuals - the flowers were so pretty!

It was oddly nice to have the days keep flying, but no deadline to get things done by. There's always another day C:

I will say as others have said it would be nice to have the days just a touch longer! Also maybe a 'skip to end of day' button. All in all though, really good job achieving the game jam themes!

Very intuitive and cozy game! Love the concept that this little raincloud had adopted a beehive and is committed to seeing the bees thrive as they make more! ALSO mouth dropped open when I rained on the first bird enemy and IT? DIED??

Bahaha I couldn't believe it, it just threw me for a loop haha. I was like "Yeah sure I'll scare the bird awa- o.o"

Anyway, fantastic cozy game - hope to see more games from you in the future! I'll probably come back to play this from time to time C:

So cute! Love the little ant sprite, actually the whole art direction is very good and the music very much fits the 'cozy' vibe.

Also in your description your statement "Put down your worries and pick up a leaf" is very motivational (and oddly enough a tad like ant propaganda? haha - apologies if that's not what you were going for.)

Anyways, excited to see you take this further. I'm curious if you'll have quests or enemies! Keep up the good work. C:

Cute design and fun game! I had a little trouble parsing out the movement - so it ended up being sort of a puzzle game for me haha. The puddle physics was well done - I hope to see more of your games in the future. C:

(1 edit)

Very cute game! The snail is adorable and the strawberries causing you to rocket around is such a fun detail. (I actually needed to avoid some of them to be able to go at a non-pinball speed haha)

The music was charming, but a little bit discordant causing a slight feeling of unease - and with the cute snail and world it became a bit surreal lol

That said, well done and you definitely SNAILED IT! haha, excellent title pun. I look forward to seeing what you do next! C:

What a calm and soothing game C:

Had a lot of fun putting different things down and beautifying the place. I did notice there was a bug - the butterflies and bees weren't showing up for me? Hopefully it's fixable.

That said, cozy and relaxing game, definitely fits the jam vibe.

(1 edit)

Fun little puzzle! I admit it took me a bit to realize what the description was telling me to do, but after a few times losing I got it. I would like to see more of these levels - maybe an easier one to start out?  Like with just the flower, then the flower and one butterfly, etc.

That said, cozy visuals and definitely fits the nature vibe. Well done. C:

Love the concept! The robot is adorable and the music was really good and cozy.

I did have some trouble using the mushrooms to jump - most games have you bounce off items like that allowing you to do a small jump on = med jump up. But having Space initiate the bounce meant that you would always bounce up max speed causing difficulty on where you'd land.

That said, a fun game with very cozy look! Well done C:

Well done! Great visuals and music -  trippy at bits but that's probably what you were going for.

Sadly, the dialogue went a bit over my head at some points. Sometimes it's better to pare things down a little, unless you were wanting an Alice in Wonderland feel? In which case you nailed it! Also was hoping for more choices to help engage the player? The one was a nice touch especially for a game jam, but I craved moree haha.

Anyways, please keep making stories! I wanna see more of what you make. C:

Pretty cool! I enjoyed the visuals and the music. The gameplay was pretty intuitive thanks to the tutorial popping up - well done!

I honestly could see this used in a bigger game (tweaking the settings and music add some mist and monsters it'd be a crazy horror game - but that's just where my mind goes haha) Anyways, hope to see more from ya C:

This was SUCH a cute little game! This poor alchemist just can't catch a break haha. The different animals and her reactions to being them were all so cuteeee. Also the potion mixing was such a satisfying way to do it, the visuals / sound effects were all fantastic. A lovely little game - thanks for making this! C:

Brilliant game! Stellar visuals, heartfelt story, and cozy music.  Character is adorable and mystical all at once

Adding in saves was a very good call. (I had some trouble with the jumps before I realized that momentum would carry you further lol)

Seriously, well done - especially seeing as this was a jam! I honestly could see this being a longer full-length game with this style. Excited to see what you do next. C:

Lovely visuals! Music was so calming and I enjoyed the time I spent watching the scenery change C:

Well done!

Simple flappy-bird style game, bright visuals and cozy music / sound effects. Would be fun to see some upgrades / buffs where if you hit a magic wand you fly through the barriers for a bit, or hit a unicorn horn you get a shield that lasts one hit or something.

Anyway, fun lil game, very cute C:

My gosh what a fantastic game. Throughout it I kept trying to pin down the feeling, but I think it was 'ethereal'. The ending was so somber, but didn't feel like a rug pull? Just a soft and bittersweet goodbye in a way. Like it was always leading to this.

I truly love the visuals and the music, sort of an old fable vibe . Everything seemed lined up perfectly to make a solid game - very well done seeing as this was a jam. I might need to make some tea and come back to play this after jam review C:

Man I really had fun with this one, so simple and cozy! Music was very calming and the visuals were fantastic. Extra satisfying to plant a bunch and then switch to grow mode, FWOOMM. Also loved that the default swaps to growing grass, such a thoughtful little detail.

Only things I think I could ask for is be able to edit the dirt patches, and then also maybe some wildlife popping in as more and more things are growing. Nonetheless, a solid cozy game. C:

Bummer! Looks like your game is giving an error. I'm pasting it below, maybe it'll help you get it back up and running!


Unable to parse Build/Maypole Adventure.framework.js.br! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: br" present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug.


(1 edit)

Aw darn,  I can't play this game! It just pops up with an error. Here, I'll paste it below so you can hopefully fix it and get it up and running. Good luck!



The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:

Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)



I had a lot of fun with this one, though it took me reading the other comment to find out what to do, but it was very satisfying to boot the pesky termites off the tree. I will say though that it might be better to have them marching towards the tree in the beginning cause otherwise you can't do anything else to care for the tree, you're always fighting them back constantly because they just appear on it.

But well done, the boot ability was very good haha. Rain background noise was an excellent cozy feel. Altogether great start for a game, curious to see what you add. C:

(1 edit)

Woo! I was able to play it for a bit - I enjoyed the challenge of trying to fulfill each customer's order and adding coal when the grill power got low, it was a fun concept and having the grill get hotter is a nice effect. The multitasking made me think of diner-dash a bit haha.

Though I wish the different food would show up on the grill. I was also hoping the game would let you flip the meat (little alerts when needs to be flipped) and load it up in a serving platter to pass to the customer or something. Maybe something you might add later though? C:

BUT seriously as a first game being published on a time crunch - well done! Keep on making games please!

(1 edit)

The game seemed to work fairly well for me - loved the style and music. The snails were hilarious, the lil chomping animation made me giggle before I frantically clicked on them.

Though the shakey hand did confuse me for watering the soil - was there meant to be a watering can graphic?  I get what you were going for with the different soil wetness, but I think most players might find that difficult to keep straight between the three different types.

Nonetheless, well done! I thought it was a very cute and cozy game C:

(2 edits)

Great concept! I'm impressed with the messages you were able to put in, the pressure from parents to get good grades and wanting to help others.

And also of trying to balance happiness / energy / school. There's the saying of "Oftentimes you can only pick two of the three".  (though that's a bit of a harsh way to put it imo)

I sort of wish that the school portion had more of a minigame? Like matching homework to the class or something. That way you could still get a good shot at good grades (it could even be where if you've spent energy at a task earlier that day your icon moves slower or it's harder to beat the minigame) I dunno just musing - but yeah really well done for the time given! C:

Very cute and intuitive game! The upgrades / making the weather warmer was really well laid out. Music and visuals fantastic, this definitely fit the cozy vibe. My finger did get tired clicking after a bit though haha, maybe an upgrade to where you can hold down click and swipe over the flowers? Just a thought, had a lot of fun with this one. C:

Fun gameplay / sound effects / and visuals - the frog is so cute. The physics for it has it just hilariously pinwheeling around haha. A charming little game - was impressed with the different flower enemies as the game went on. Impressive and cozy C:

Simple and fun! I'd say if you wanted to make the gameplay a tad easier, you could have it that the player can click on the object then 1, 2, 3, or 4 to have it go to the corresponding container. It got a tad challenging, but altogether very well done game for the time given! C:

What an adorable lil game!!! I was impressed with the quests - each one domino-ing into the next was such a fun little detail. The characters and visuals were very cute, and I'm glad the main char ended up putting helping others first. Such a wholesome message, made me think of a storybook vibe. C:

(3 edits)

What a cozy lil game!! I had a lot of fun just beautifying the area and taking care of bees. Music and sound effects both very well done, and the visuals are as gosh darn cute as can be. Very solid game for the time given - well done! C:

If I had any suggestions it's to let players be able to go back and move beehives / plants around? I sort of was in experimental mode when jumping in putting them wherever and then got more and more disorganized as the game went on haha. Just a little pick up / put down option (unless that was in there - if so I might've missed that sorry)

And maybe have wildlife show up to go after your flowers for a little challenge? Maybe you need to scare off / build fences to keep them out. Just some thoughts for if you did post-jam additions~

What a soft and thought-provoking game! I enjoyed the visuals and the music. The dialogue was very touching, and it was clear that there was a lot of soul put into this. The story seemed complete and comforting. Also a nice detail to have the player choose where to plant each flower sorta making their own personal garden!

Well done, I may come back to play this from time to time. C: