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A member registered Oct 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Great game! sad i didn't see this game before the rating period finished. Loved how you keep getting smaller and smaller to uncover new things. If you decide to add more content, i'll be first in line! one question, which game engine did you use?

Such a clever mechanic! I love it! Had me stumped, but in the end that just made it more likeable. Well done!

SOOOO GOOD! i love this game so much, i had a joy trying to fit everything in the packages. its short, cute, and relaxing. This really should have won 1st place. Great game!

 gaem gud

Thank you for checking out our little game! We have planned fixes for lots of things, and we are grateful for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you for playing! Alas, I probably should have lowered the volume in the intro sequence. Glad you enjoyed it!

thanks for the feedback! originally, the reset game feature was only meant for debugging, and we forgot to remove it once we submitted it! Thanks for playing, will update the game soon!

So glad you enjoyed it! We plan to make more levels soon. Thanks for playing!

Thank you so much for playing! We will probably publish an updated version sometime after the jam's done, so we will probably have time to add some of the features you suggested. So glad you enjoyed it, it warms my heart that this is one of the best games you've played in this jam. :):):):):):):):):) Thank you!!!

That's so nice of you to say! Thanks for playing! :)

such a cool idea! great job!

Such a cute gecko! Really enjoyed this one. Nice Job!

so glad you enjoyed it!!!

:):):) thank you!!!

thank you so much for playing! glad you and your son enjoyed it!

thank you for playing! although i did add a method of attack, by jumping on top of the slimes. glad you enjoyed it!

thanks for playing! glad you enjoyed :D

so glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you for playing! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

I think I'm stuck 😆😆😆

Really enjoyed this one! I was always curious to try out every card to see what it would do. One thing I will say, though, is that I often found myself deciding which card to get rid of to make space for one I haven't tried yet. One suggestion I have to fix this is making the cards consumable, and possibly making the player's inventory bigger. Another small note I have is that I really feel like you could add some spice to the enemy animations! Maybe a slight bounce for the slimes, or flapping wings for bats. These are just suggestions I thought would help to make the game a little bit more interesting. Super neat game, great job!

Great game! it was a joy to play through the puzzles. My one note is that it's a little annoying having the pick up piece button right next to the reset puzzle button. I found myself about to finish a puzzle, only to reset it all because I wasn't watching where I put my fingers. Possible fixes could be double checking the player wants to restart, or having to hold down the button, like in Super Mario Maker. Super fun game, really enjoyed it!

I totally agree! I may work on it after the jam is done, no promises, though! thanks for the suggestion, and thank you for playing!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing it! It's so wonderful to see people enjoy the games i make, and that makes me happy. Thank you for checking it out!

i'm very glad you liked it! thank you so much for playing!

Thank you for playing! I would've added a easy mode and made the base game harder, but i only heard about this jam on the 12th, so yeah. But i still just love it when people play my games and like them! Thank you so much!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for playing!

Thank you for the nice comment! I only used 3 days because that's the time range i heard about the jam in. i literally started on like the 13th and only had that much time to think of an idea, make it, and polish it up. I would totally have made it more polished if i had more time! It makes me so happy to see that the games i make are enjoyed by other people. Thank you for playing, and have a wonderful day!

Looks and plays really good! I had lots of fun playing it, and enjoyed each puzzle along the way.

Very unique game mechanic! The rabbit sprite is cute, and i had a good time playing it!

Great game, Pretty hard! I enjoyed the music, and the art was simple, but crisp. Very unique and interesting mechanic!

Really fun game, monkey sprites are cute! It's really interesting how when you throw a banana, you still take damage upon touching it. It makes the game a little more hectic, and I like that! Definitely a game worth high rating.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! thank you so much for playing!!! 😄😄😄

OMG I LOVE CROWS!!! It's just so special and meaningful to see that someone else appreciates crows too! The gameplay is also great, kinda feels like mega man. Good job!

Great game, lots of fun! Clever idea to use vitality as both energy usage and currency!

very true!

You are welcome! It makes me so happy to see that people enjoy my game!

don't worry, i'm working on it! the sequel is going to be longer, more challenging, and have better artwork. i might even add a level editor!

i kind of made the game easy so that people who are new can enjoy it as well. however, people looking for a challenge might say otherwise. because of this, i will probably add a handicap option for inexperienced players in the sequel. thanks for the feedback! 😉

Thank you for playing it! i'm a relitively new game developer, so it's nice to see that people are enjoying my first, proper game! 😄