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A member registered Oct 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Most fun I've had in the jam so far! The different powerup you get everytime caused me to retry a lot of times to try new ones (lightning rod mvp).

Nice game! I felt the combat was pretty fluid, the reflect mechanic was fun to use and the art looks great. If I would change something, I would give more space to the player to have more room to dodge.

Beautiful background and nice music! The black hole mechanic is creative.

The bullets trajectory with the black hole are a bit confusing and I would remove the snap back to the middle of the screen when the player stop music

Nice sound effects and visual effects! The variety of the different room objectives was fun. I feel like removing the acceleration from the game would make it feel more fluid.

Loved the bullets and the theme of the game. My friend loves how you spelled meow with the projectiles!

(1 edit)

Thank you for the kind words! I agree with you, I like the basis of our game but it lacks substance as it is. My art teammates really carried it :)

Thank you! You're definitely right, the game suffers from too little complexity from the enemy behavior and bullet patterns. 

Haha thanks! It was the first time SimKimchi did this kind of music, he's pretty talented :)

Thank you! More enemy behavior would add depth to the game for sure

Thank you :)

Thank you for the kind words! Yeah we spotted this bug right before the release time...

Thanks for playing! Its actually on purpose, it was easier to implement a "chase" behavior without having to worry about walls

Thanks for the compliments! We were lucky to get such good artists on the team :P

And yeah controls being hard to grasp is a feedback that we got a lot, the game would probably play better with a controller.

Thank you :) Yeah an in-game tutorial would have been a good idea, players struggling with learning the controls is a feedback that we received a lot so far.

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it :)

I really like the presentation of the game. The gameplay concept is cool, I think that with more enemy variety it has a lot of potential.

That was fun! Gameplay is smooth. Balance wise, the blue crystal seem a loot stronger than the other enemies.

Cool concept! I wish I was this skilled in high shool :P

Hey! I actually had some fun with your game, didn't expect that from a paper sorting game :P A problem I found is that the conditions were too restrictive, I didn't get any files that I could accept and sometime my file would flip over and I couldn't read it anymore. But good concept, and the office is well made!

Smooth gameplay and good music! I like it

Very fun! It was definitly challenging :)

Cool concept! Good job on the game

Cool concept! I had fun playing it

Thank you!

Thanks for the compliment! Comparing the game to DKC is really flattering :P

Ah I and forgot to say that the story was enjoyable too

Like Michael Harris said, it is obvious that a lot of effort when into the game and the quality of the game reflects that. The gameplay is cool and original, the soundtrack is very enjoyable and the graphics are nice. Kudos! I would do a full playthrough if but I want to try out the other games too :p

I really like the presentation, the intro gave me Super Metroid vibes. The gameplay is smooth and the concept is fun!

Thank you for the review! We didn't even have Ninja Gaiden in mind when we thought about the game mechanics, but now that you mention it I can see the parallel. Concerning the enemy, it should be killable by using a mix of double jump and down attack :)

Thank you! :)