Thanks a lot for the reply! Really appreciate the effort :)
No worries! Tbh I should be the one apologizing^^, haven't really engaged with the tool for a long time now and thus haven't replied to your suggestions. At the moment I'm going down another route (different level design workflow) but I'll definitely let you know when I've used it again and/or found issues.
Thanks again and have a nice day!
Recent community posts
Sure! Here it is:
...and thanks for the super quick response :)
btw I recently swapped out the texture for one that is more greenish looking and the exported walls in unreal looked green after that. So I suppose that problem is really that those textures are too dense...
Are there any known issues with using a old hammer version like 3.4?
I'm having trouble importing my level. All the textures are set up the correct way (Half Life 1), all material instances are created.
But when I'm importing the mesh, the texture isn't shown on the mesh (the assigned material is the right one though).
(actually I guess the texture is shown but somehow misaligned, maybe too dense?)
I'm using the Half-Life 1 SDK on steam, Hammer 3.4 and HammUEr 2.5 for 5.3.1