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Blind Ninja Games

A member registered Feb 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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Cute little game. :)

LOL  Yeah, it does that sometimes. There will be runs where I can't get away from blue or green. Thanks for trying it out. :)

Thanks for the recommendation! I'll definitely check him out. I see he has a video on Stardew Valley which definitely interests me since I want to be able to make a farming game but I wouldn't know how to effectively make that blind accessible. The text to speech part is easy but I wonder how they would know where they can and can't plant, whether it's watered, what stage its in, etc. Though I could probably make that information available at a button press using text to speech.

Oh wow! That sounds really complex. O_O   I would have no idea how to do that. lol. When I tried making my own DDR game, I wanted it to be really basic and casual. Just tap your finger to the beat. If you look up the song "False God" from Talos Principle, that's the song I was using for my prototype. You'd tap your finger to the piano. 

I do know data management, though. My Brick Breaker game utilizes a simple high score system. It has a save and delete button and when you get a high score, you can type in your name to save that data. If that's the kind of system you want, I can show you the code I used for it.

Yeah, I played a LOT of DDR in college. It was always on beginner mode but that didn't matter. I had so much fun.  <3  May I ask how you got the potions to spawn to the beat? I've dabbled with making a simple DDR type game myself and manually putting cues to the beat is EXTREMELY precise and time-consuming. I'm glad to hear you'll keep working on it! You have an excellent prototype to work with. :)

Thanks for trying it out. :)  Yep, it's very possible to make games for blind people. I already have a few on Itch that have been tested and approved by blind people. If you want to see how it's done, you can freely download and play them. Some of them require a controller for the full experience since I have rumble features. I usually put in the description if a controller is recommended.

Oh ok. I'll give it another try.

I think it's level 2. I made a video so you can see what's happening: 

Thanks! :)

Tow minutes? Wow! Yeah, that's something designers have to keep in mind. A game is ALWAYS harder than you think. Landing on the platform itself was hard since if you didn't time it perfectly, you wound up halfway into it. lol. Then if you didn't jump right away like you said, then you slide right off. Or hit your head and then don't make it all the way.

This made me think of the 2017 scriptable objects lecture and I thought you were going to have a dynamite class.  XD  Though, I think the gun suffices as the dynamite class. lol

Cool concept and good music!

Fun little game! Giving them names and traits made it funnier. lol

I love how the player moves like someone in South Park. XD

Great idea! I really like what you're going for here. The physics does need to be improved since I also had the crazy box flipping on the ramp. I also kept falling through platforms in 3D mode. I hope you keep working on this because it was a lot of fun. :)

I can't find a download button. :(

Probably 15 - 20 minutes. 

Cute game!

LOL! Loved it!

I got the ball! :D  I mostly got stuck on the platform that moves left and right really fast. Trying to jump on that and then jump to the ledge was very difficult. It also took me a couple minutes to figure out I was at the bottom of the screen and not the glowing ball at the top. XD   

Such a cool game! The DDR style was unique and challenging. :)

Wow, this was really cool! Good job!

Thanks! :)

I LOVE that music! :D 

I can't play the game. :(  When I try to run it, I get an error that says:

Data folder not found. 

Application folder:


There should be 'Game Jam Mix Monster_Data'

folder next to the executable