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A member registered Jan 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hello all you brilliant people 👾

I just completed and uploaded my tower defense game
This was created as part of a Unity Game Dev course I've been attending, though I created all the art assets myself and added lots of features to personalize it and make it my own.
Please do give it a try if you would be so kind.

Any views, plays, ratings and comments will be much appreciated

Brilliant! One of my favourites from this jam for sure. I enjoyed it a lot and I'm amazed at how much you got implemented in such a short time. 

Probably one of the only games I played so far that had a nice menu as well.

The music is also very good, I still have a looong way to go

But all in all very well done, keep it up!

I just checked out your game - rated and commented - very nicely done sir

Here is a link to mine as requested:

Nicely done! 

I loved the art style, and I'm a big fan of progression type games - especially involving building stuff.

Only a few things that you can look into:

The credits mention music, though there was no music playing in the game. I also fell off the right edge of the universe, I could hear Bill squeak all the way down. 

All in all this was brilliant and crazy that it was made in a week - keep it up!

Awesome game - I just rated and commented

Mine as requested:

Well done! I enjoyed the "dark" humour X-D

Very nice looking game and the music gave it a nice atmosphere. I love how you used the lighting.

Val sounds like a sweetheart, hehe

Keep it up! 

Awesome job! This was quite unique in my opinion and I think it has a lot of potential.

It took me a while to get use to the controls though

But overall, well done and keep it up

Congrats on finishing your first game! This was my first jam also, we're part of the cool kids club now. hehe

That aside, this was a fun game, I like the minimalistic visuals and the effect that draws the obstacles in  - very nicely done.

Would have liked a little sound though :-)

Keep it up

Nicely done - fun and frustrating all at the same time, falling back down after trying so hard to get up there lol

I didn't notice the change is brightness as time went on though, but had a lot of fun anyway

Keep it up!

Oh wow I am so bad at this :-O

Very nicely done! Keep it up

Thanks for playing! If you scroll to the right, there should be a fullscreen button at the bottom ;-)

(1 edit)

I'll just *facepalm myself there lol - awesome, that does make more sense, will give it another shot :-D

Oh yessss that's a lot better - at least now I can rate the "Theme" part of your game fairly ;-)

Had a lot of fun with this

I loved all the small details that made the game feel juicy - the screen shake, the effects when you shoot as well as when the bullets hit, very nicely done!

The theme had me confused though, and I found that the opposite was happening - the more enemies there were, the more health they had. Not sure what I was missing there.

But job well done, keep it up!

Some heavy Bomberman nostalgia feelings here :-)

Well done, I enjoyed it

I was very confused with the "The less you see, the more speed you have" - I was able to see everything all the time, not sure what I was missing.

Would have liked a little animation on the bomb ;-)

Keep it up!

This is one of my favourites so far! Very nicely done

I loved the look and feel of the game, and moving on a grid just felt like it should. Really nice job!

Only real issue I had was the performance, the tutorial played perfect, but the main game felt extremely performance heavy and slowed down to a crawl.

Overall - two thumbs up!

Nicely done

I liked the creepiness of story and even though the monsters visuals are very basic... they are clearly monsters ;-)

The aiming felt a little off though, I wasn't sure where to aim to shoot my target.

Good job though, keep it up!

There is no game on the game page :-(

I loved the enemy variety and all the different movements and attack patterns, very nicely done.

I tried it a couple  of times but kept getting a score of 0 though... I'm either very bad at this, or the scoring system wasn't working.

The "feel" of the game was very nice - quick and responsive, I enjoyed it a lot!

Now I'm in the mood for some junk food


Nice, I enjoyed it. Not the easiest of games, but kudos for all the effort you put into this.

I would have loved to see the projectiles that the towers shoot.

Well done,  keep it up!

(1 edit)

Nicely done!

I liked how you incorporated the theme of the jam. Fun to play and not overly complicated.

I did feel as if even just two weak guns were almost already too heavy, but that could just have been me X-D

Good job though, I enjoyed it!

Loved the wall climbing(rolling) mechanic - I felt like a bowling ball and a balloon all at the same time :-D

The pace of game felt a little bit slow though, and the spikes didn't seem to do anything to me.

But nice job! 

Nicely done!

I like the glow effect added to some of the objects and the fade out and in idea is awesome. The music fit perfectly and gave the game a very relaxing, but almost eerie vibe.

Level length also felt just right

It felt like the player "hit box" was a little larger than it should have been though, I kept bumping into pointy things even though I felt that I shouldn't have.

The player character also felt a little unresponsive at times - but I've noticed most of the games feel this way when played in a browser, so it could just be that.

Overall - awesome job, keep it up!

Very nicely done - I love the use of the different colored lights (myself not having any experience with it yet). I did find it a bit confusing as I had no idea where I was or where I was supposed to go o.O.

Couldn't hear anything either, wasn't sure if it was because of an issue or if there just is no sound in the game.

Keep it up!


Thanks a lot

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot! Yes the difficulty does actually increase with time, but I might need to reduce the time it takes though.

I appreciate the feedback