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A member registered Jun 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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I don't know what the Edon Games is talking about? Great game! All characters are there and lovely aesthetic

nice game! Hope to work with u again lol

Great game! I really liked the double moment options and chess inspired gameplay! Great game and good luck on the game jam! ♋︎

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Very well done! I love the combination  of the invincibility with the bomb bounce. Well done and good luck in the jam!!!!︎♋

Very good. Noodle be grooving. Good luck soldier in jam and jelly.︎♋

Great game! Can see potential for future levels, types of enemies, etc. I didn't see a whole lot of purpose to configuring the ducks in certain ways but enjoyed the fast paced nature of honing in on enemies to clear the room only for more to come and the struggle of not being overwhelmed. If you wanted, maybe upgrades to ducks, abilities, or different types past the first three could switch it up but you guys honestly did a great job from the pixel art, to the music, to the gameplay! Great job and good luck in the jam! :)︎♋ 

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Great game altogether.  I loved how you were able to bring real world concepts and make post that were a little too realistic to  what social media posts are like lol. There were a couple times where it wouldn't finish a sentence because I clicked on a word too quickly but a quick restart fixed it and I was able to keep making wacky sentences for the hundredth time. Definitely a banger and can't wait to see your submission in the top 100! Good luck in the game jam but at the rate you're going, you probably don't need it! :) ︎♋

Really fun game! The minimalist art style with the bullet swarm and cube like foes really makes this game fun for me.  While it can be hard to tell the hitbox of an enemy sometimes, I really  enjoyed fighting the massive surge of bullets to build up the music in the game and then sit back once done and listen to the sweet tunes you guys created! Great game and good luck in the jam! ︎♋

I think that maybe with a couple tweaks this could be a great game! The nudity aspect and  characters being too rich to have children was a little hard to grasp at the beginning but I liked the initiative and wish you luck in the game jam! Good job and good luck in the jam and in future games! ︎♋

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Great game and aesthetic! I loved how straightforward it was in what each character could do and their limitations, and I found the game really fun to play with the puzzles taking more that one attempt many of the time to get right. Great aesthetics and great job overall! Secret dev test gang! :) ︎♋

Thank you for playing! The patterns definitely took a while to get right and I am so glad you liked the end result! Good luck in the jam! ︎♋

Thank you for your feedback! I'm so glad others enjoy our game! :) Good luck in the jam! ︎♋

Nice game! I did get softlocked when the coloured balls surrounded me but the presentation was nice. Good luck in the Jam!︎♋

Thank you! Yea there is definitely a high skill level that we could definitely curve/use as extra levels in a following game/update. Feedback is very much appreciated. Thank you and good luck with your game in the jam! Figment is definitely one of my tops so far :). ♋

Really amazing game! I loved the voiceover gravely audio and the puzzle solving nature of trying to keep everyone happy and get to the glacier of safety.  (Almost made it, soooo close) The dialogue, writing, art, creaking in the floorboards, all of it was really great for a 48 hour challenge. If you wanted to expand on it I could see more decisions to be made  with various events and dialogue options but yea. Great job and good luck in the jam. Really fine work. 5/5 ︎♋

Great game! I like how quickly it goes from shooting one or two enemies on the screen to absolute chaos, shooting at hordes of enemies and desperately trying to keep your little guys alive. Sure it might be difficult, but that's what makes it fun and exhilarating to play! I could definitely see this as a two or four person game where each person is controlling one half or one fourth of the map with some minor tweaks. Great job and good luck to you in competition! ︎♋

Thank you so much! I will look into trying and changing the blue walls thing in a patch if we do one but yea! It's so amazing that people would want to play our game at all and I am so happy you enjoyed! If you want, you can rate the game but no pressure whatsoever. Good luck in the Game Jam yourself! :) ︎♋

I liked the game! The graphics were pretty cute and matched the theme. The only thing I would say is that the ice can block up the river making the game too easy as well as the snowballs can be a bit repetitive but I enjoyed the story and kudos to actually having made the game in 48 hours! (Some of the other ones in the comp. were made a year ago lol) Good luck! ♋︎

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Nice game! I agree with with BlackOpsBen that if there was perhaps a more streamlined approach to controls would benefit the game but I really like the concept and music. There also is a glitch that I found where if you are on the wall and mash jump, your character can have infinite jumps starting on the 2nd wall section. Besides that, good job and good luck in the competition!♋︎

Can't wait for more!!! Dad, sister, and I was fighting over playing game lol! ♋︎

I really liked the style and concept! It was a little unclear at first, maybe an additional prompt/tutorial could clear this up but overall really liked the game! ♋︎

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it was a good try. I did not know how to clear the ice in the fourth level which halted progression. Good luck in the game jam! ♋︎

Great Game!