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A member registered Jun 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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Really interesting game, it feels like it combines 3-4 different puzzle types seamlessly into one. Also the game looks, feels and sounds really great. I found some of the rules slightly confusing at first. Overall really great.

(1 edit)

Very smooth and simple. It looks great and feels great. I really like how the player has to deduce the the symbol meanings. It would be nice to have some indication of how many more levels there were, maybe a set of dots on the side that get filled in after each level? I think a couple extra more difficult levels are needed, most of the levels were pretty quick to complete. I'm thinking another rule/mechanic could help too. Maybe a color shifter square (or vertex) for the snake that swaps between colors and you have to hit certain vertexes with specific colors. Just an idea, not sure how good that would actually feel to play with. Overall great job!

I agree, If i go back i will add tooltips over each tool and also create intro screens to the first few levels to introduce the tools one by one. I chose to leave out the undo button since it would make the game far too easy since you could just keep redoing an operation until you get what you want. Reset button would have been good though. 

Thanks for the review, I 100% agree with everything you say. It definitely does need some tweaks to streamline the mechanics. If i go back, ill also have to continue brainstorming on how to decrease randomness without giving full control to the player. I'm thinking even biasing the randomness in favor of the player would probably make a massive difference and decrease frustration. Plus allowing to selecting a tool and click organisms instead of having to drag organisms one by one will speed up the gameplay.

For level 4, the reason mutate is unavailable is because there is only a single color.  I know that it could be clearer. I'll definitely add some tooltips on the modifiers if I go back to it.

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I liked the concept but i think it could benefit by having more specific goals than to just go as high as possible.  For example, connecting a structure between platforms or reaching targets or areas.

Felt smooth to play and all the art looked beautiful. I think it could really use some calm garden music. Some small animations or something in the background could also help with what felt like a lot of empty screen space. Overall very well done!

The movement and splitting felt really good and predictable. I liked that you have the main room to return to instead of a menu screen. The slime/queen art was really cool, it looked almost like it could be a creature in metroid. The aesthetic of the puzzle components felt like it could be a little more cohesive with the rest of the environment while still having their functions be obvious.

Well done.

The overall vibe was relaxing and pleasant. I enjoyed the theme of trying to combine the crops. I think it would have better replayability if space was freed up somehow and/or if there was more types of combos to create.  Maybe some sort of negative or positive modifiers? for example one of the 4 pieces in some blocks could contain a weed or fertilizer or something along those lines?