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A member registered Apr 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the kind words! Sorry about the gamebreaking bug aaaa (and the late reply to your gamebreaking bug)

Theres a steam community post here about how to fix it for now:

But the next version will definitely have this all fixed up

Thanks! I did it all for you

(1 edit)

thanks so much for the kind words!! I'm really glad to hear its fun to just exist in this little world.

And I'll have a look at those dashing controls and the flying swimming fellas for ya

These are some good pickups, and we'll definitely look into them. It's not explained, but you can right click to quickly clear actions. But a full clear would be a nice option for sure

We'll look into it for sure. It's pretty stressful with the constantly ticking moons so we definitely get where youre coming from

I think its bugged, good catch! and sorry about that, hope you at least were able to enjoy around that action haha

Thanks so much! We love to hear this stuff, the pacing was not super easy to get just right so its nice to hear it worked

We updated the tutorial to make it a bit clearer, thanks for the catch!

Always good to have more post-moonlord content

Really cool :)

the second coolest game in the world

an absolute masterpiece goddam

Amazing game, incredibly cool synthesis of genres and amazing world to get pulled into

that ending really got me...

this might be one of my favourite games of all time

You can never have too many wormies :)

Very useful collection! has pretty much every scenario covered with a HQ sound, thanks for making it!

I couldnt leave a comment on the LD page but you should know this game is absolutely stunning and amazing

I appreciate you playing my game!!!
I agree the spare parts is a bit laborious, Definitely planning to more evenly distribute that in the future (and also add a use for bluecaps)
As for the art, yeah I tried to do as minimalist a design as I could while having it still look cohesive, so I could focus mostly on the game. Not sure what direction I want to take it in visually, but I would absolutely be open to some art redesigns by you!!

These are awesome, really capture the feeling well!
Hope to see more in this series

I'm really sorry to hear that ;_; Thanks so much for playing though!!!
I would be happy to add that as a feature! It's always good to have more options, after all. I'll be doing a big chunk of work on it next month, including an android release, so if there's any other features you would like to see, let me know!!

Very fun for such a simple concept! I found myself just kinda trying jumps with whatever number i rolled, and it was pretty fun scrambling and trying to fell ok

Thanks for the kindwords! Glad to hear the dice table helped, I think it might need to be a bit more obvious from the start whats going on. Very happy to hear it was actually fun tho haha

Thanks so much!!! Yeah I think the balance and rules are a bit, uh, messy. Seems like a great place to start if I want to add more to it! I'll definitly make the objective a bit more clear asap lol

Thanks haha
Yes its messy but, i think the mess has its own charm

Thanks for the kind words! I wasn't planning on it, but if theres a feature that I think would be cool or some balancing to make it more fun, I would definitely add it in

Super cute and fun game! I love the style, and its refreshing to play a game without literal dice lol. Easy to get softlocked, but since it just a prototype it doesnt matter at all. The movement was so slow at the beginning, it was great! I was feverishly watchingmy little guy collect wood as the timer got closer to zero, freakingout over whether he'd make it in time. And its always good to just see a big swathe of buildings and workers later on.


Really cool concept! the levels were pretty challenging, it was super fun and engaging. Hurt my tiny little head a bit, but thats what you want from a puzzle game

Cool in theory, but I think its a bit broken with key spawning. Having to roll the dice to progress as well as create hazards is a cute concept, and i think when its working tis very cool

the voices were cute but got annoying pretty quick...

The game was fun though! Very tactical. I killed myself on 3 seperate occasions entering a new level and pressing enter immediately, but other than that it was fun lol

Very fun!! but over too soon ; _; I managed to get my best time down to 21 seconds. Each weapon felt good, would love to see more added in the future!

Really surprisingly deep mechanical combat for such a short game with 3 actions. Super tactical and tickled my brain just right. In a future release (which i hope there is) I would love to see more actions the dice can take. The game is absolutely amazingly adorable too

The beeples are amazing and I'll die on this hill

Incredibly cool game, Love the concept, super charming and fun. Not much to do after the vase, but watching the beeples is a pleasure in its own right

What the hells a beeple and why do i love them

This game goes hard. It's super fun lining things up. I was a bit confused at first though, I thought each time i doge rolled id get a random number, so i spent the first minute wondering why i kept rolling 6s lol. Very fun!

This game rules

A fun little game of chance. I think sound would have really elevated this

Driving was really fun! Cool idea, felt very cohesive. My only complaint would be the stopping and starting of the shots was kinda counterintuitive to the speedy go crazy controls, but still a blast

Great for a first game! I couldnt work out how to aim properly, but i could get it vaguely towards the goal, and thats the important part.

Visuals are nice too

Fun little game, I was on the edge of my seat some fights! Ui was a bit buggy, shops didnt always work. But fun little minigame!