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A member registered Jul 24, 2024 · View creator page →

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It was a lot of fun and was super enjoyable! I find it funny how you can trap yourself by making a small mistake haha

I really like the concept too! Mixing a puzzle platformer with the 2048 game was a pretty good idea!

Well done!

I was able to beat the game haha
But seriously, there were levels I beat on the first try, and others where I DIED TOO MANY TIMES!!

I think you should add controller support. The music is good, but, it sometimes get a little too repetitive :/ (It's at least much better than mine coughs)
I really like the artstyle!

And, for the controls, well...
I kinda like them? The vertical velocity increases a little too much after pressing the Space button a few times though xD

But if you wanted to turn it into an actual rage game, you could make it so that dying more than 3 times in a row in a single level sends you back to the one before >:)

This is what I'd call a rage game, good job!

The game's so cosy LOL xD
I love the art style... although I don't really like the inconsistencies :/

It's simple, intuitive, and, most importantly, CUTE xD

Well done!

Thanks :D
I tried to make the game challenging without making it too hard or too easy

(1 edit)

Thanks :D
Glad you liked it!

Angry hyper-realistic cat intensifies

She's angry at me!! HELP!
Lol well done xD

Me, in the first few minutes:
This game is... easy... too easy!

2 seconds later:

Lol the ending was kinda absurd xD
It was quite fun though xD

Well done! xD

Thank you! :D

The game's fun but... There's no game over(ways to die) and it gets a bit repetitive after a while :/
The art looks really good! I like the attention to detail, such as the cat moving its head towards the mouse etc.

There should be different types of candies(which there will, according to the description, and if I understood correctly LOL)

Considering that you made this game in just one day! You've done a good job!

Well done!

The game is quite fun! Although adding power-ups, shields etc would probably make it less repetitive lol.
The game looks pretty good, I also like how the background changes as the game gets harder.

Adding the thing where the longer you press the jump button the higher you jump would probably make the controls nicer to use.

Well done!

I would have added a tutorial if I could :/
I hope you enjoyed playing my game though!

Thank you! :D

Thank you! :D

(1 edit)
Quite fun

Thank you! :D

Managed to get over 6000 before dying stupidly

Lol well done!

I had 5 of them chasing me for a while

You better be careful... they are everywhere...

I've made it so you can shrink even if you somehow managed to get stuck in narrow/tight spots(which shouldn't happen anymore lol).

In the newest version, my bad xD

Glad you liked the game(or the artstyle I don't know lol) :D And for the softlocks... I've made it so you can shrink even if you somehow managed to get stuck in narrow/tight spots(which shouldn't happen anymore lol).

And yeah, I'm thinking of adding music to the game later on

(I'll release the newest version after the voting period ends)

Not the soft locks NO NO NOT THE SOFT LOCKS NOOO-

Thanks :D

Thanks :D
I'm glad you liked it!

(3 edits)
So the sprite-work was great and was definitely the strongest part of the submission. Though I must say that the visual cues need a lot of work; stuff like the foreground elements being identical to regular tiles and the buttons not reacting when triggered. But overall the visuals were excellent!

Thanks :D I'm glad to see you like my game's visuals!

The whole scaling gimmick was cool but, I don't know, it just feels to obvious?  Can't say I blame you (the theme was kinda nasty tbh) but I feel that its gonna make it harder for your game to stand out. But I can't deny that you pulled the gimmick off quite well.

Yeah it's really obvious lol And yeah the theme was kinda bad(compared to the ones from the other game jams), which is why it might not stand out :/

And the overall enjoyment. Look I'll be totally transparent here; after reflection I decided to drop this rating by one star. Why? Because whilst there is genuinely a lot of good, fun level design, there's also plenty of unfun and overly difficult sections; not to mention the soft locks. To be honest, I feel a little bad knocking you down a point because you clearly know how to make good platforming challenges. Considering that you have three levels, I'm assuming that you over-scoped a little bit (don't worry, that's an extremely common mistake) and therefore wasn't able to be super thorough with your play testing. I'd say for next time, try and make something a bit smaller. I am very confident that you can make something really good if you set a smaller scope.

I fixed most of the softlocks(I mean, you can now shrink down and get out of the situation if you somehow manage to get stuck in a tunnel(which shouldn't happen) in the newest version I'll release after the voting period ends ;) )
Over-Scoped? Nope, it was the opposite, I under-scoped lol
I added the last level a few hours before the deadline(which might have been a really bad idea lol) xD

So, first of all, I really like the idea of being able to customise the tank and play with someone else, but the weight limit(which seems to be random from my experience) is a bit frustrating(I'm not saying it's a bad thing but still), not to mention the movement controls, which I find very unintuitive(can't really blame you for that, it's a game jam, and there's a multiplayer mode), the button used to fire the bullets should have been the Space bar/Ctrl in my opinion, rather than F, which is right next to D(Steer Right button), so... you know what happened next x)

The art style is quite childish haha, but again, it could be improved(a lot, especially the terrain).
The music fits the game pretty well.
I'd say the game is very unique and has potential!

(Note: I got soft locked xD I still have no idea how I managed to get myself stuck in a wall💀)

I like the level design, but the fact that there's no Undo/Redo button and you have to restart the level is a bit annoying. :/

The game's pretty fun(and a bit frustrating xD)
Good job!

There are a few small bugs, the art style and music are pretty good.
All in all, I had a lot of fun playing this game!
Great job!