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Tank Attack!View game page

Tank vs Tank shootout!
Submitted by Atomic Burning, Giorgio243 (@Giorgio_243) — 1 hour, 20 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You have to "build" a tank that ,matches the scale "weight"

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
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I like the idea of building your own tank from modules. Gameplay is fun, but should polish controls and AI


The controls are clunky, but the idea is there! If only you could turn without moving... (tanks can do that btw)


Hey thanks!
So turning. I don't want to claim to be an expert on tanks and I'm sure I've misunderstood a lot of intricacies. First of all you have to appreciate that, for several reasons, I intended this to be a WW2 game. So whilst neutral steer is very common (if not universal) amongst modern tanks, I don't believe it was wide spread amongst WW2-era tanks. And in the case of, say, the Tigers, neutral steer wasn't generally used as it was slow and damaged the suspension.

So since I was modelling WW2 armoured warfare, I deemed neutral steer to be ahistorical. Of course historical accuracy isn't a good excuse for clunky controls - even less so in a game jam.


Customisation part is really great! If artstyle can be improved then it'll look awesome! Cheers


Yea I tried something new with the art style. Didn't really pan out but I'm sure I could create something nice with a bit more time :)


I like that you can customise you tank, but it is unclear what each part actually changes and tedious to reselect a new arrangement everytime. I do think the AI for the enemy is very well executed and makes for some fun games even without friends :>

As a pro gamer, I used pure skill to escape the map trough the water and go live a life somewhere. :P
(I had a lot of fun)


You and your Jesus tank should travel the seas and find a nice peaceful island to settle down on ;)


So, first of all, I really like the idea of being able to customise the tank and play with someone else, but the weight limit(which seems to be random from my experience) is a bit frustrating(I'm not saying it's a bad thing but still), not to mention the movement controls, which I find very unintuitive(can't really blame you for that, it's a game jam, and there's a multiplayer mode), the button used to fire the bullets should have been the Space bar/Ctrl in my opinion, rather than F, which is right next to D(Steer Right button), so... you know what happened next x)

The art style is quite childish haha, but again, it could be improved(a lot, especially the terrain).
The music fits the game pretty well.
I'd say the game is very unique and has potential!

(Note: I got soft locked xD I still have no idea how I managed to get myself stuck in a wall💀)


yea I this is another Jam were we came up with a good idea but stumbled on execution >.<

I think the weight limit is fine in principle; the main flaw is how the tank's stats are calculated. Like a lot of components are relative to the tank's size (for example the bigger the the tank, the more armour you need) and, for simplicities sake, I had them act as percentage modifiers. Problem is I was lazy/dumb and made the percentages multiplicative instead of additive, which leads to components having inconsistent stats. And if the stats are inconsistent, well it becomes difficult to achieve specific values (like you have to do with weight stat).

Enough rambling about my crappy code lol. So I tried a different art style for this Jam. Problem is that it got worse overtime. For example, the top down tank was the first thing I designed and I was quite proud of how it turned out. But yea as you say the terrain (which was made much later on) looks, well, awful. I guess the pressure got to me XD.

I'm just gonna copy paste for the controls. Everyone (rightfully so) complains about them, and I'm a bit tired of typing it out every time:

Honestly, the controls were something I just couldn't really wrap my head around. I think it was always gonna be a bit awkward and limiting myself to half the keyboard to accommodate 2 player versus (something that 90% of players won't even use lol) didn't help things.  At this point I'm thinking a GamePad would be the optimal control scheme, but that's not really accessible :/
My musician will be glad to hear you praise his music! No one mentioned it yet - I think he was getting worried ;)

I'm guessing you softlocked with an extremely fast tank that was able to clip through the janky collision? If you have any more details, I'd love to hear :)



funny controls and hard to play !


lol no one likes the controls (not that surprising tbh)


The idea of making your own tank with a LOOT of variables is super original, but the overall balance would need a lot of more playtesting. Also, having graphics that reflect your decisions regarding the parts you are using while crafting your tank would help to the immersion. 


haha yup there's no balance at all ;)  (from my testing the "meta" seems to involve ignoring armour, which y'know isn't exactly a great balance lol)

I did plan on adding sprites for the light and heavy chassis (in fact I already decided to use the Soviet BT and the German Tiger II as a base) but I kinda ran out of time. Time management was a bit of a mess - oops


Nice game but very hard (or maybe im just bad at aiming xD). very creative take on the theme, and fun to play.  GJ! :)


Haha not your fault! The controls are... questionable at best. Still I'm glad you liked it :)


I like the idea, but I think the controls are a bit too wonky. The building part is a bit too obscure, I didn't quite know what to change sometimes to make it eligible.


Honestly, the controls were something I just couldn't really wrap my head around. I think it was always gonna be a bit awkward and limiting myself to half the keyboard to accommodate 2 player versus (something that 90% of players won't even use lol) didn't help things.  At this point I'm thinking a GamePad would be the optimal control scheme, but that's not really accessible :/

Honestly, obscurity never even crossed my mind. I have a light interest in World War 2 (and y'know I am the developer) so it all made sense to me and never considered that it might be confusing to a more general audience. Frankly that's a devastatingly large lapse of judgement on my part - oops


I had read before that controlling a (real) tank is difficult and really awkward, so in a sense it’s historically accurate lol. But accuracy doesn’t always make for good gameplay I suppose, so it’s something to work on in the future.

I think for the building part it would be more understandable if there was like templates players could choose from (instead of all random), then once they get the feeling of each templates they could modify their own version.


Yup tanks are kinda clunky, but sadly its not really an excuse for making clunky controls D: 

And omg why didn't I let the players use templates! The CPU tanks literally use templates (there's literally three for each weight goal too). Aww that would've been sooo easy to implement and would've made the game soooo much better. Such a good suggestion.

I'm sad now :(


Lol I think as devs we all forget from time to time that we are the only ones who have played our games so far, so don't be too hard on yourself about it.

And btw now that I just think about it again, perhaps a twin stick shooter-esque type of control scheme would be appropriate for your project. You could look at how those are implemented in those games that are also released to PC.


Reminder that none of the templates use the fixed super structure,  so someone who wanted to use that (like me) would be out of luck. Maybe a combination would work better?


Not a huge fan of this one, the controls are quite the pain, and the customization isn't all that intuitive.

I love the idea of building a custom tank and doing a fight with it but it's so hard to turn or aim that it never feels fun to use.


I really appreciate the honesty! I said in another comment, but I'm not really sure how you'd make good controls for this. Like I'm not saying I did a good job, but I genuinely don't know how you'd make good controls on a keyboard (less so on half a keyboard; I was hyper-fixated on implementing a local 2 player mode lol).

The customisation is pretty wonky tbh, especially if, like most people, you don't know much about tanks. If I could go back, I'd love to simplify it.

The controls were kinda ruined by my goal of "authenticity". Like I ruled out turning in place because "that's not how are WW2 tank works" (the game barely utilises the WW2 theme anyway; doubt you can even tell tbh).

So overall, I had some poor priorities i guess.


I'd say tank controls ironically enough just aren't great on keyboard in a top down game, it's a nice idea to go for but it doesn't really work too well in practice. I think leaning off the realism and either having turning on the spot, or just full on removing the tank controls and using traditional movement, would be ideal for improving the movement feel.

Same goes for the aiming, I feel like moving to something like mouse aim would feel best, and lead to a more fast paced gameplay style, otherwise having some aim guide would help a lot, since needing to watch the tank cannon makes it overly difficult to hit a distant small target.


I love your suggestions! I totally agree that ditching the realism makes the most sense. Besides going with some weird fantasy tanks is weirdly appealing to me. 
I agree with your mouse suggestion as that is probably the only way to make keyboard controls semi-functional. But honestly at this point I'm kinda convinced that a GamePad is the only way to get good controls.

Idk food for thought ig; could be something worth developing in the future


This is so cool, it was fun to make my own tank and use it in battle, and I was pleasantly surprised to see a singleplayer mode AND a multiplayer mode, great work, had alot of fun with this one


Glad to hear it! Funnily enough multiplayer existed waaaay before singleplayer


Reminds me of tabs (because tanks, duh) and also because it's really hard to hit your oponent (Not necessarly a bad thing if you play with a friend). The controlls ar a little too finniky, though.

Developer (1 edit)

Yeah I agree with the controls its kinda difficult mapping them to a keyboard (well half a keyboard).
Did you actually manage to play 2 player with someone? If so i'd hear a little bit about it :) It is the best part of the game in my opinion


I couldn't, but you can easily see that is the game. Also it's impressing how many customisations were made for the game even if it't quite overwhelming.


Ah you got my hopes up >.<
But still thanks for recognising it (my efforts won't be completely wasted lol)


who doesn't love tanks


I know right?