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A member registered Aug 11, 2024 · View creator page →

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reminds me of some sort of orb.

Thanks for the feedback! In future updates I’ll try to make it better if I continue with this project.

shoot I just realized that no matter how much candy you get it gives you the no candy ending!! I’ll make an update soon

Fun arcade game style concept! Took me a minute to figure out I had to wrestle with the controls, but great game!

Super fun concept!!   Reminds me of Angry Birds. Satisfying to shoot and control. Sadly my Playdate crashed when I was getting such a high score😭 Awesome game!

This game has great presentation, tells its stories in such a poetic way. It feels like a mini novel I would find in Cricket magazine, and I love it. 

It was fun! I had trouble with the cranking and did not understand what was going on, so I could not get a score. Still fun! A tutorial would be great to have if this was worked on further.

This easily belongs up on Catalog! Feels very polished and fun to control, I love all the upgrades. Great game!

Very fun concept! Playdate can always use more card games, and it may have taken me a bit to figure out the card scheme, but overall I can see this on Catalog!

Very fun concept! With a little work in defining values of the fake and real candy bars, this could easily be something I would pick up on Catalog! Love the art and fake candy bars.

Feels like a full arcade game, with more enemies this could be something you would see in an arcade! Feels very Mario Bros. Like and that’s awesome!

also skeleton doggo so 10/10


Very fun little concept card game! Love the trick or treating mechanic, and playdate can always use more card games! Penta/Gram

(thanks, love the Breadbug and it’s funny how instead of being one big breadbug gif that I thought it would be it’s just many lil ones walking, makes it feel like a 90s web page)

Very fun concept! Had a little trouble selecting multiple cards at once but it feels like a very Playdate style game overall! We can always use a new card game!

Cool concept! Love the theming and I can for some reason vividly imagine some house just accidentally giving you a live frog instead of candy. Frog/10

Feels like a full catalog-quality game! Love the very serious business and all the characters are really fun to interact with. 11/10

Very fun concept! I love the little different results in the QR codes. Is the layout of the lawns and houses randomly generated?  Also is there an ending? Because I’ve been playing for 10 minutes straight expecting some bonkers QR code that ends the game 😅 Super fun though!

I was on vacation, so having only brought my phone and realizing pulp sorta worked was great! I realized quickly however it is incredibly difficult to figure out how to get tiles and music working because a phone is not built for precise placement😅  Thus it is a very limited and tiny experience, but hopefully a fun one! Thanks for playing and asking❤️

Looks like a super cute tamagotchi-like game!

Along Came A Spider having a sequel is awesome! Buying as soon as possible❤️