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A member registered Mar 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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actually very fun!

Incredible assets. Keep up the great work!

That’s ok! Click the link below and it should let you submit late. :)

Need to submit your game late? No problem, just drop a link to your game page below, and we’ll get you a link.

Heyo! Transparent/translucent colors are perfectly fine :) 

Heyo! We've decided to remove this rule, as we thought it would be too limiting. We'll remove it from the download page now. Feel free to make the resolution whatever you feel is appropriate. Thanks!

Technically, yes, but because all the tiles have to be scaled to the same size I'd imagine this would be pretty difficult.

(7 edits)

Heyo! I've decided to make this list of frequently asked questions that we've gotten on Discord and through this community. Make sure you read this first to see if your question has already been answered. If you're still confused, contact us here or on Discord and we can help you out.

What is this?

This is a game jam. You have 60 hours to make a game from scratch, and you're only allowed to use the graphics we provide at the start of the jam (in the form of a tilesheet). Feel free to make whatever code or sound you'd like, but no new graphics can be created.

Can I use free assets?

Yes, any assets (besides art) that are free and available to everyone can be used.

What are the challenges?

The first challenge is to make your game stick to a grid. This means your game is split into a grid, and each cell are the same dimensions (ex 8x8, 16x16, 64x64, etc - sort of like an ascii game). The second challenge is to not have any graphics overlap at any point (again, like an ascii game). Jam hosts will judge the winners of the challenges.

What about sound?

You can use/make whatever sound you'd like for your game.

Is scaling allowed?

Yes, but you aren't allowed to change the aspect ratio of the provided graphics (This means no stretching). Remember, all tiles must be the same size.

Is there a theme?

No, you just have to use the tilesheet we give you. There is no required theme.

Where is the tilesheet?

The tilesheet will be available to download as soon as the jam starts under the "tilesheet" section of the jam page.

Can I add colors?

Each tile must only have two colors. The main graphic is one, and the background is the other. Note: colors are in the form of RGB, so only and only complete transparency is allowed (no translucent colors).

Can I rotate the tiles?

Yes, but only by 90 degrees.

What about text?

No text can be made, sorry.

What about splash screens?

You can make custom splash screens, but only if its your logo/logo for your game engine. For example, lets say your team is called Cheese Entertainment. You can have the Cheese Entertainment logo on your splash screen, and if your game engine requires their logo, you can add that too. If you'd like, you can add the Bitter Jam logo to your splash screen as well. Community » General » Game Jams · Created a new topic Bitter Jam
(1 edit)

Bitter Jam is a 60 hour long game jam running from May 1st, 2020 to May 4th. All games submitted must only use the tilesheet provided to jammers at the start of the jam. The jam is hosted by @BreMea and @RedDashGames. When the jam starts, jammers will get access to a tilesheet that they are required to use for the jam. There is also two optional challenges, and the results for those are ranked by the judges.

Check it out!

Nope! Feel free to use whatever audio you'd like  :)

No problem! Good luck and have fun!

Heyo! You can use any engine to make your game, and the tileset we provide should be able to be imported to all engines. If not, we'll also be providing each different graphic in the tileset to option to be downloaded by itself, if needed. Hope this cleared up any confusion! :D

Oh wow! Nice score! The bar not shrinking is a known bug I'm fixing atm. Thanks again for playing!

Wow, this is great! Reminds me a bit of Super Monkey Ball, lol. Great job!

Thanks! Originally the idea was to make the bar get larger, but I scrapped it haha. I'm working on fixing controls post-jam, and I'll take a look at the bar's behavior when flipped. Thanks for letting me know! :D

Very nice! I couldn't get passed a score of 6, haha. I like it a lot :)

Wow, this is great! Fantastic sound design and graphics, and the gameplay feels really smooth. I think it was just lacking a bit on meeting the theme of balance. Other than that, this is really impressive! I also think it would turn out to be a cool mobile game with different levels and stuff, that would be a lot of fun. Great job!!

Thanks! And the snapping idea sounds nice, I might implement that after the jam. I’ve got a couple more ideas as well to tone down the difficulty somewhat. :)

Yeah, my goal is to try to make it a bit easier after the jam :)


This is great! Loved it!