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A member registered Jan 02, 2024 · View creator page →

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Your score is higher than I've gotten. Thanks for playing and providing feedback!

Thanks so much for checking out our game! We really liked our original concept as well however I'm glad we got something submitted.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks so much for checking it out, I’m glad you enjoyed it! Also I appreciate you letting me know about the reset bug. I hadn’t encountered it but it makes sense 😆

Thanks for playing, I’m glad you enjoyed it!

I didn't get the timing mechanic at first so I ended up drowning however I figured it out the next time through. Neat game!

Fun game, I love the art and colors! I like the idea of the changing sea level however I am not sure how that fit into the gameplay. Nice submission!

I included a reset key (R) to reset the clam's position. I meant to display the keys within the first two levels and then promptly ran out of time.  Thanks so much for checking it out!

Yeah the movement physics needs some attention, there is some weirdness. Thanks for checking it out!

I saw the button, I am weird and don't like to mute games, I don't want to miss out lol

Beautiful and enjoyable game! I found the movement a little clunky but other than that I loved it.

What a fun dam game! The gameplay and music were a bit tedious playing the whole way through. Maybe could have been faster movement or the teen beaver could have helped out with the trophy. All in all though, very enjoyable!

The sharks keep getting me! I appreciate that you included the cheater load file (3) so I could beat a level : ) Fun game, nice work!

Thanks, it needs some updates. I appreciate the feedback!

Yeah, there is quite a large luck component currently. Thanks for checking it out!

Haha, yeah this turned out more difficult than I imagined. I think I will need to tweak the flares somehow. Thanks for checking it out!

Yeah, a lot of ideas got left out due to the 3 hour time limit however I was happy to get something playable submitted. Thank you for the feedback!

Thanks so much for checking it out, I'm glad you liked it!

Haha thanks! My daughter helped write the lyrics.

Thanks, it was fun to make!

Thanks for checking out the game, I am glad you enjoyed it! Also, I am super appreciate of your feedback! I definitely want to add variety to the music. I had not considered a minimap or compass but I am intrigued by the idea. I will certainly think on it. Thanks again!

Thanks so much for checking out our game and providing feedback!

I had originally wanted Violet to be able to talk to the villagers however time got the best of me. My idea was to have the villagers just give hints on another Meansters location; however, I love your idea of letting the interaction shape the villager as a person and give context to their relationship with Violet. Thank you!

The music was all performed and recorded by Sam_TheBestFishy, even the piano flourish when Meansters are hugged. I really can't thank her enough for coming in last minute to really make this game complete for the game jam. I am glad you enjoyed the slowing of the music. I was hoping to give some sense of urgency to our low stakes game.

Thanks so much for checking it out, I am glad you enjoyed the game! Also, I appreciate your feedback on the walking speed as it was a concern, thank you!

I have now played this 4-5 times. My 2 year old will pull me over to the computer to play this. He loves it! I think his favorite part are the sound effects however the entire thing is such a good vibe. Really great work!

Thanks so much! I appreciate you checking it out.

Thanks! Huge shout out to my teammate Sam_TheBestFishy. I didn't have any music so I talked her into joining me last minute and she came up with that music in one day. Saved me!

Thanks for checking it out!

Thanks for playing it, I am glad you enjoyed it!

This is such a neat take on this genre. I love the frog and tongue animations! Nice work!

I love the music and design, they are both so funky! I also enjoyed that the vine can branch off anywhere. The vine puzzles were fun however got a bit repetitive once I realized certain block placement patterns worked really well. I feel like I might have missed an upgrade or additional mechanic, not sure. All in all, I had fun and this is a great submission! 

I am so glad you enjoyed it and it helped give you some calm! My seven year-old came up with the spreading joy concept. Thanks so much for taking the time to play it! 

My submission is Time to Hug. My daughter helped me come up with the concept! The game is geared towards kids so it is short, not very difficult, and you can play it in the browser. This was my first time making a game or participating in a jam so I am just extremely happy I have a playable game!

Thanks for checking it out! We are glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks so much for checking it out! We had a lot of fun brainstorming the dialogue.

This game is incredible! The music is chill! The art is beautiful! I had issues getting this game to load at first. Chrome can't seem to load it. I would select new game and then the loading bar just freaks out and goes nowhere. The game worked beautifully for me on Edge though. Now, I just need more time to play. Well done!

The random sound effects are so unnerving... its great! The lighting effects plus the sounds perfectly set the scene: a  dark, dank dungeon. I also loved the slime spread effect. Well done!

I chose the top hat because I like being a fancy duck while I kill the weeds! I got on the scoreboard however I was a big dummy and ignored the box of upgrades until like 400, oops. Great work on this fun, quirky game!

This was fun! I loved that you could run into spinning cat girls that were shot previously. Great reversed worked!

Fun clicker game! I wasn't sure the events were doing anything but then all of a sudden my IPS shot up by 1000 so I assume I made a good choice on one of the events. Nice work!

This game took me a little bit to figure out how it worked. In particular it seems that initial goo castle placement is pretty important. However, in the end, my goo minions were victorious! I had fun and the goo sprites are cute. Nice work!