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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you! I spent a lot of time towards getting the look of the studio just right so I appreciate the compliment!!

Also yeah, I did have a feeling this scenario could happen to someone while playing unfortunately (getting soft-locked), that is one of the few bugs I wanted to fix up but literally ran out of time so I had to submit it the way it was without being able to address it.

I did have a Space Bar graphic that was supposed to show above the mash bar, but for some reason the web browser version of the game seems to have omitted that visual. Which I find so strange because that was the only missing graphic for the game.

The movement in this game is very fun, I really enjoyed being able to run/climb up walls and have a lot of time in the air with the whole kick the banana to replenish the jump!

This game has incredible menu and sound design!

omg, I also got myself stuck like that too

I really am amazed at the amount of variety that came about from a lot of these submissions. I learned quite a lot about what can be possible to pull off with 72 hours after playing a bunch of these games.

81 Deaths! I don't know if you've played Super Mario Galaxy, but playing this really reminded me of the pull stars from Galaxy that have similar physics except in space and less spinning. Very fun!

lol I died. Jokes aside, the sound effects and trampolines are nice. I wish the camera could shift over to the left-hand side for any left-side platforming for better visibility

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Hey, how do you get the Gorilla to go over to the left side of the Banana statue? I see some of them attacking from that side but I can't figure out how to get over there.

The art style and movement reminds me a bit of Baba Is You! The vision for this is really unique too. 

Putting the controls in brackets inside the words such as "d[r]op item" and "inv[e]ntory" is very clever!

Great to see the admins were able to get your game into the Jam! From the many games I've played so far, a lot of work really went into them, yours included!

Thank you! I'm glad the dialog landed!

Oh sick, this game is more akin to DK: King of Swing!

Ooooo, it hurts to fall down from so far, but this is a very fun game!

Thanks! Glad that line made you laugh! :D

Love the choice of obstacles in this game! Deers and orange xD

Like the concept and the aspect ratio being tailored to phones! A few times the item didn't seem to pop out of the box for me and was a tiny looking pixel in the box.

Monke should also eat the angry bananas. Flying fists are cool!

This game definitely fired my neurons, all four of 'em.

MONKEY! (Iron Ape is so good!!!)

I also love the rhythmic nature I wasn't expecting in a tower defense game.

MONKEY! (Iron Ape is so good!!!)

This game is frustratingly fun! Your game has convinced me I should probably go play the game that this is based from. Love the pixel artwork for this and your level design and discoverability aspect of hidden areas!

This has a lot of potential! I do think the raised platforms would benefit greatly from outlines to prevent the terrain colour from blending into itself. The rope mechanic is pretty fun!

Wow, you nailed the Hotline Miami style excellently with this! It's very neat you've got a command system in play too for the additional apes.

Being a big fan of the game this is inspired from, I love this!

I do wish there would be music that played during the game to make playing the minigames as fun and intense as they should be for a game like this!!

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RPG Maker MV (and most likely it’s successor RPG Maker MZ) supports web browser play! I used MV for my submission if you want to go check it out! You might have to go full screen on my game though because for some reason didn't format the frame size properly to RPG Maker's default game window size.

My game is called "I Cannot Remove This Monkey Suit!"

Thanks! Yeah for sure given more time I was intending to have each attack along the way to have different variations towards it

I was actually playing this one like an hour or so ago as I was going through the games! I’m very tired right now but I definitely want to come back and keep playing this one because I find the arc trajectory physics in this game to be very fun to get the right angle! I know I should be able to beat this!!

Wow! Thanks for commenting and playing! This is my first ever Jam of any kind so I definitely learned a lot these last three days. :) The art was definitely where most of my time went into. 

I wish! I used RPG Maker for this! I did do this solo though

I also just submitted mine over! Had so many ideas but had to sacrifice a lot of them due to the time constraints and me having work on Friday. But I'm glad to have been able to submit it in!